When I started in the hobby, I read a bunch of books. The WMAS didn't yet exist and neither did the www. Six of us started this club, the WMAS, in 1995 to learn from each other and as soon as we could, in 2002 we (I mean Jake) created this forum.
It worked. 
Books can become outdated quickly. Now, with help from online groups like this, even beginners can do it [mostly] right the first time and prevent big errors
IF they will accept help from experienced hobbyists. It shows maturity when any person, no matter their age, listens to the opinions and uses the knowledge of others. Sometimes it is the zeal of newcomers that causes an old timer to re-evaluate and improve.
Recently a comment from a good friend caused me to re-evaluate and accept that my knowledge of the hobby is falling behind the times in some areas.
Growing old is a

in more ways than one.

Please forgive my ramblings.