October 4th 2018 |
Paid speaker event: Larry DuPont (LRS Foods)
We brougth in 3 speakers for our members this yea and Larry DuPont held the standard high! He presented indepth information on the importance of nutrition diversity for our aquarium fish and why it is so important. A few myths were also dispelled about food additives and some earlier believed cure-alls! |
September 7th 2018 |
MACNA In Las Vegas
With MACNA being so close this year (and the same week as our normal club meetings), we opted to forgo our club meeting and encourage our members to make the trip to go to MACNA. It's a great show and with the amount of support that the club receives from MASNA we thought it important to show our support. We had great attendance at MACNA and had the most registered attendees of any club in teh US! Well done club! |
August 4th 2018 |
Annual Paid Member BBQ
Our annual paid member bbq was a hit again. Games, prizes, candy cannon, soda bottle rockets, bounce house, snow cones, and more! Rumor has it that this is still one of our most popular events of the year! |
July 14th 2018 |
Urchin Shell Tillandsia Jelly Fish (Saturday Excursion
Our first Saturday Excusion of the year consisted of a road trip to Thistle Utah for some rock hounding for the base rock to make Urchin shell Tillandsia Jelly Fish decorations. It was a great outing (possibly even vehicle modifying outing) and the assembly afterwords was a great time to visit and talk tank! |
June 7th 2018 |
Corals Selection for the Long Haul!
Mark Callahan (AKA Mr. Saltwater Tank) returns to Utah. He presented a great topic on coral selction, placement and how to plan out your tank for the long term success and not just the immediate enjoyment! |
May 3rd 2018 |
Spring Fragstock!
After an amazing return of FragStock in November we have two planned for the 2018 year. Spring Fragstock brought in vendors from Utah, Idaho and California to sell to our members. Paid member discounts were offered and we had some amazing drawing prizes donated by hobby leaders and our show vendors! |
April 5th 2018 |
Just inCredabel Grafting!
A new speaker to the WMAS club Justin Credabel Grabel was here to speak on coral grafting and propogating. He's one of the leaders in the industry and has been been researching and producing grafted coral species for many years. His information and experience provided new ares of discussion for our members new and old. |
March 1st 2018 |
12th Annual Winter Banquet and Social!
This year our Winter Banquet returned to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium. We had a sold out event and thanks to Driftwood Aquarium Furniture we had some awesome desert choices as well. New friends Reef Resoration Foundation spoke on efforts being made to produce reef safe products to reduce boat and ancor impacts on reefs and the shark tank viewing window was a huge hit as always. |
February 1st 2018 |
Tank Setups New and Old!
Club presidency and club members team up to discuss their tank setups new and old. From large systesm to small nano's we discussed setup, plumbing, equipment, cycling, stocking and even challenges encountered. Great information on ways to provide the best setup you can for your tank inhabitants! |
January 4th 2018 |
Fish Closet Garage Sale and Swap Meet!
Have you ever wanted a place to take all of that extra fish closet stuff and sell it to make room for newer better stuff? Well this is the event for just that. People from all over brought their goods to sell and barter with. A great way to clear some room and upgrade some equipment! |
December 7th 2017 |
Holiday Social and Potluck!
Great turnout this year! Amazing dishes from all. Next year maybe awards for the best dish, best themed dish and most kids friendly dish. |
November 2nd 2017 |
Fragstock 2017!
After a 3 year hiatus we brought back the WMAS Fragstock event. 12 local vendors of fish, coral, dry goods and even some cool wall art were here to provide our members with a 1-stop tank shopping experience! |
October 5th 2017 |
Reef Pests w/ Marc Levenson!
WMAS Partnered with MASNA Speaks to bring in hobby specialist and speaker Marc Levenson to discuss Reef pests and how to determine when tey are a pest and when they are just an unexpected addition to be monitored! |
September 7th 2017 |
Tank Disasters!
After a Summer break from meetings we are back! WMAS Presidency members discuss tank disasters and how to prepare for them, deal with them once they happen and possibly prevent them! |
August 12th 2017 |
Paid Memeber BBQ!
Great turn out for this years Paid Memember BBQ. Bounce houses, Snow Cones, Games, Raffles, Bottle Rockets and Food, Tons and tons of food! Thanks to everyone that came! |
June 1st 2017 |
Frag Fest!
The years second FragFest! This years NEW format is continuing with frags in frag tanks so you can see them before you buy them! Good turn out and TONS of frags! Huge assortment and Hot Dogs! |
May 4th 2017 |
Cool Fish You Haven't Tried.... Yet
Amazing turn out for a May meeting! Adam Blundell was on fire and once again a hit! LFS tour raffle, Q2 Frag Grow out started with a Honey Digi and paid ticket raffle! Go buy some weird fish! |
April 6th 2017 |
Marine and Freshwater Macro Algae: Benefits and balance
Amazing turn out and some cool information! Scott Fellman was once again a hit! Frag Grow out raffle and paid tickets raffle! So much going on even the kids were entertained! |
March 3rd-4th 2017 |
Spring 2017 LFS Tour
13 Stores, 2 Days Tons of sales, specials, and deals. 102 tour pass holders, 60 that hit all 13 stores! Great prizes that will be awarded at the April meeting. |
March 2nd 2017 |
Lighting and Photosynthetic Process
WMAS Presidency member Paul Rickettes covers lighting types, spectrum, and how our tanks use that light. Great turnout for this meeting. Incredible interaction with the speaker and the hands on demos were awesome! |
February 2nd 2017 |
Annual WMAS Banquet and Social
Our first event up North and at a brand new location! Seaquest interactive Aquarium and Holy Smokes BBQ were a great combination for this event. Good turnout this year and lots of positive feedback! |
January 5th 2017 |
10th Annual Winter FragFest
Great turnout this year! First Fragfest with the new setup. No more cups on tables. Frag tanks with lights and actual healed corals to look at and purchase. Lots of great feedback on this new format and looking forward to improving it even more at the next one.. |
December 6th 2016 |
Holiday Social and Potluck
Great turnout this year! Amazing dishes from all. Next year maybe awards for the best dish, best themed dish and most kids friendly dish. |
November 3rd 2016 |
Water parameters and testing
WMAS Presidency member Dennis Wimett talks about Water parameters and testing. What we need to know, why we do it and why it is important to out systems. |
October 7th 2016 |
Quality Marine, Aquaculture and captive breeding
Chelsie and Ashley (from Reef On) Discuss Quality Marine and how they are working hard to ensure that quality, healthy specimens are being sent to their customers. Why Aquaculture and Captive breeding are important and some of the recent breakthroughs that have been made with captive breeding species! |
September 16th and 17th 2016 |
Mountain West Reef Fest
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society is very pleased to once again be partnering the biggest reef event in the region. The Mountain West Reef Fest, sponsored by Driftwood aquarium furniture will be in Salt Lake City on Saturday September 17th. This event features expert speakers, dozens of manufactures and vendors, and thousands of amazing coral frags. You certainly don't want to miss out on this mega event that we're fortunate enough to have right here in Utah! Check out their website and get ready for the biggest reef event in the state
www.MountainWestReefFest.com |
September 1st 2016 |
Presented by Jeff Ballif gave an overview of the aquarium, awesome new attractions and exhibits and Mike Stimak, Director of Husbandry discussed all of the cool animals, their care and upkeep and all kinds of other interesting "inner" secrets to running an aquarium.
August 4th 2016 |
Inexpensive Reef Keeping
Presented by Mark Peterson: It doesn't have to be all about the expensive gadgets! Learn about creative tips and tricks, DIY, and how to keep and maintain a nice reef tank on a budget.
June 2nd 2016 |
Fish Food Making (Demo and BBQ)
We discuss making your own fish food, master chef Bacot Dinchak will show you how to make your own fresh, wholesome and affordable fish food for your reef. We will have some samples to take home for your reef. We will also have hot dogs for all attendees
June 2nd 2016 |
Frag Fest
One of our most popular events of the year. Bring frags to donate and get early access to the other frags available. Frags, raffle, Clean up crews, even some fish. Remember the paid members get 1/2 off all frag prices!
May 7th 2016 |
Reef Tour
SATURDAY EXCURSION Our Annual Reef Tour of members homes and aquariums. Everyone with any interest in marine aquariums or the hobby is invited to participate. Invite your friends, neighbors, acquaintances, etc and show them what a great hobby this is and how to make it a success for them.
May 5th 2016 |
Fragging Demo with Josh Newsom of Dynasty Corals
Everything you ever wanted to know about fragging different coral types and best practices for successful fragging. Josh was not able to make it but our club members stepped up and filled in and the meeting was a great success. Lots of hands on for everyone.
April 23rd 2016 |
Saturday Excursion Dart Frogs
SATURDAY EXCURSION A Fun and rewarding hobby that crosses into the salt water world more then you think. Many reefers have found a love of Dart Frogs and are successfully keeping their own. For this Saturday Excursion learn from one of our own Brett Muir who as built an amazing frog setup at his house. Brett will be hosing us for the afternoon and will be showing his amazing frog collection as well as discussing the following topics: Frog Care and Maintenance. Building a VIV. Food Requirements. Variations of Species. Guidelines to Follow.
April 7th 2016 |
Everything Zoa's with Brandon Hill
Everything you wanted to know about Zoanthids and more.Ever wonder how to frag them? What makes a zoanthid grow? Ever wonder what lights zoanthids look and grow best under? How about how to feed them and what to feed them? What is a zoanthid? You have seen Brandon's booth at MACNA, MWRF, Fragstock etc. Now is your chance to come and listen to why his zoanthid grow and its your chance to ask questions. So come one and come all for a great night on ZOANTHIDS!
March 3rd 2016 |
Fish Breeding Presentation
On Thursday March 3rd we are putting on another fabulous Meeting, Come listen to A Reef Oasis owner Shaun Sabey talk about fish breeding techniques and the successes he has had in breeding multiple species!
February 27th 2016 |
February Fishmas!!!!
On Saturday February 27th we are putting on another fabulous event, and this even helps give back to our local stores. Get you tax returns in now for your "Aquarium Stimulus." Here's how it works.
On Saturday February 27th visit any and all of the Brick and Mortar Pet Stores along the Wasatch Front. Get your tank stocked up now. Then bring your receipts to the March meeting 5 days later. We know everyone is coming for the presentation on Breeding Marine Fishes which is going to be awesome. At that meeting you can turn in your receipts dated on Feb 27th and get raffle tickets for some food, pumps, gift certificates. At any one store you can get a maximum of 3 tickets per family. You get 1 ticket for every $25 you spend at that store. Examples- go to a store and spend $300, get 3 tickets. Spend $40 get 1 ticket. Your family can only get up to 3 tickets per store. Visit 5 stores and spend at least $75 at each store and you'll get 15 tickets! This is a great way to spend money, stock your tank, and an excuse to go out and visit several stores (maybe some you haven't been to before).
February 5 2015 |
Winter Banquet
Held at the Loveland Living Planet aquarium.
Come at 5pm wander the aquarium eat amazing food. The education team with do a Q&A after dinner and then you are free to wander about. Its after the aquarium closes so this is a great private event! You wont want to miss this!
January 7 2015 (Tuesday) |
Come out to our annual fragfest. This first one of the year is always a big hit. So come and grab some new corals for your new or old tanks!
December 2014 |
Holiday Social
Our annual get together. Here we will eat, socialize and talk fish!
November 2014 |
Mountain West Reef Fest
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society is very blessed to once again be sponsoring the biggest reef event in the region. The Mountain West Reef Fest will be in Salt Lake City on Saturday November 22d. This event features expert speakers, dozens of manufactures and vendors, and thousands of amazing coral frags. You certainly don't want to miss out on this mega event that we're fortunate enough to have right here in Utah! Check out their website and get ready for the biggest reef event in the state
www.MountainWestReefFest.com |
Oct 2014 |
Q & A Night
Jake, Adam and Mark take us through a Q&A wonderland
September 2014 |
Come check out hundreds of quality choice frags!
August 16th 2014 |
Annual Members BBQ

August 7th 2014 |
Annual WMAS Iron Chef Showdown
Iron chef WMAS style! It's Adam vs. Bob in this showdown of who the best fish food chef in Utah is! Come to be entertained and learn how to make your own food!
June 5th 2014 |
t's time to get excited about FRAGSTOCK and bust out that old headband and peace sign T-shirt! Join us for INSANE corals, corals, and more corals as well as kick off for the REEF TOUR! Vendors both local and out of state will be on site with their tanks FULL of awesome stuff! This is our third year of Fragstock and we're kicking it up all the way to 11 for this one! Don't miss it!
May 1st 2014 |
Wyatt Patry
Jelly Fish Care, Husbandry and Home Care
Wyatt Party is a Jelly Expert and Senior Aquarist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Located in California. Wyatt has bee with Monterey Bay since 2007 and before that was at The Aquarium of the Pacific. He has been working in Husbandry related jobs since the age of 17. His first job was at the SEA lab in Redondo Beach. He has done maintenance on both home and business aquariums. He receibed a B.S. in marine Biology from UC Santa Cruz. He Runs www.jeyfishaquarist.com as well as www.pbnjellies.com

April 12th 2014 |
April 3rd 2014 |
Loveland Living Planet Aquarium
Richard Prince
WE have an amazing opportunity to have the man, the myth, the legend!
Thats right Richard Prince
He is the one who designed/Fabricated the new exhibits at the all new Loveland Living Planet Aquarium. So come this night to see what goes into designing sharks tanks, ray pools and more.
Open to the Public on March 25th, so head over there, and think of questions and come listen and be amazed by what goes into creating one of the nations largest public aquariums.
March 6th 2014 |
Everything you wanted to know about Zoanthids and more!
Ever wonder how to frag the What makes a zoanthid grow? Ever wonder what lights zoanthids look and grow best under?
How about how and what to feed them?
What is a Zoanthid.
February 6th,2014 |
Winter Banquet
Quality Marine-Tropical Islands, Beautiful People, Cultural Enhancement, and the Marine Aquarium Trade.
Learn how cultural awareness and sustainable development of island nations is working in partnership with the aquarium trade. The behind the scene view of the aquarium trade, collection process, and the global benefits of marine ornamentals.
January 2nd, 2014 |
MEGA FRAG FEST! First and always largest fest of the year! Come get an early start on your corals for the new year!
Tuesday, December 3rd 2013 |
Game Night/Holiday Pot Luck
Garme night! Get ready for an exciting night of awesome trivia, tidbits, and some great prizes! This is a perfect chance to learn something new about marine life for both the old and the new in the hobby. Great prizes will be given out! We will also have our annual holiday pot luck this night. So dont forget to bring some food. Check on the board for more info. We will also have coral vendors out selling corals! So come and have fun and buy some corals! We will also be collecting coats/blankets/boots new and used for the road home shelter. You will get one raffle ticket for used items and 3 raffle tickets for new. We have $150 to give away!
Saturday, November 2nd, 2013 |
Mountain West Reef Fest
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society is very blessed to once again be sponsoring the biggest reef event in the region. The Mountain West Reef Fest will be in Salt Lake City on Saturday November 22d. This event features expert speakers, dozens of manufactures and vendors, and thousands of amazing coral frags. You certainly don't want to miss out on this mega event that we're fortunate enough to have right here in Utah! Check out their website and get ready for the biggest reef event in the state
www.MountainWestReefFest.com |
Thursday, Sept 5th 2013
Come check out hundreds of quality choice frags. There will be the super cool and hard to find exotic frags for you collectors, as well as great beginner corals. And we're not talking about little frags, these will be great sized frags for killer prices.
Once again members get HALF OFF ALL FRAGS!
Donate and get in EARLY even if you are not a paid member!
Saturday, August 17th 2013
Member Appreciation Barbecue
Every year the WMAS puts on a family barbecue for our club members. It is a fun day for the kids and a great time spent with fellow fish friends. Always hit with our great burgers, the face painting, the games, and the potluck. Visit the forum for more information. |
August 1st
Iron Chef WMAS!
Iron chef WMAS style! It's Bacot vs. Bob in this showdown of who the best fish food chef in Utah is! Come to be entertained and learn how to make your own food! |
Saturday, July 20th
Scheel's Behind The Scenes |
Come and get a look at the awesome tank at Scheels! See what went into making this great tank and how been kept up! We will watch a dive then do a behind the scenes tour of this amazing tank!
Look forward to seeing you all out to i! Free to all!
Thursday, June 6th
Frags and Dogs! |
This is the event you've been waiting for. Our Frags and Food Frag Fest! Come check out hundreds of quality choice frags. There will be the super cool and hard to find exotic frags for you collectors, as well as great beginner corals. And we're not talking about little frags, these will be great sized frags for killer prices.
Once again members get HALF OFF ALL FRAGS!
Now not only are we doing a Fragfest we are also doing free hot dogs! Come out and get some cool frags as well as hot dogs as we kick off the summer in style! Who doesn't want coral frags and free food?
Saturday, May 4th |
Reef tour time! This is a Parade of Homes style tour. You can drive around all day and visit a dozen houses with awesome reef tanks. It's free, and you just go anytime you want during the day and visit as many of the houses as you'd like. |
Thursday, May 2nd
Mr. Saltwater Tank comes to Utah! You know him from youtube and www.mrsaltwatertank.com. He'll be talking to us about how to upgrade or move your reef tank!
To see what Mark is all about you can head over to his website or to his youtube channel and watch the hundreds of hours of educational (and highly entertaining) videos that he's put together over the years.
Thursday, April 4th |
It's time to get excited about FRAGSTOCK and bust out that old headband and peace sign T-shirt! Join us for INSANE corals, corals, and more corals as well as kick off for the REEF TOUR! Vendors both local and out of state will be on site with their tanks FULL of awesome stuff! This is our third year of Fragstock and we're kicking it up all the way to 11 for this one! Don't miss it! |
Thursday, March 7th |
Valentines/Winter Banquet! With the only professional Mermaid in the world! www.hannahmermaid.com
Thursday, Feburary 7th |
Dr. Paul Whitby of High Def Corals presents a hands on workshop on fragging corals. Give it a shot yourself at this meeting and possibly come home with new frags!
Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 |
MEGA FRAG FEST! First and always largest fest of the year! Come get an early start on your corals for 2013! |
Tuesday, December 4th 2012 |
Holiday Social, Celebration, Pot Luck and Avid Ben-Zekry as special guest speaker
Thursday, November 1st 2012 |
The biggest aquariums of the world. Inside the Georgia Aquarium and more with Bruce Carlson! |
Thursday, October 13th 2012 |
Linn Griffith will be hosting a Brine Shrimp Collecting Excursion at the Great Salt Lake Marina! |
Thursday, October 4th 2012 |
October will be all about the scary and disturbing world of mini life that can wreck havoc on your tank.
Scary Frights and Aquatics Ghouls with expert coral keeper and husbandry guru Nikki Bridges (Reef'd Up)
Join us as we welcome Nikki Bridges to our fantastic line up of aquatic enthusiasts. Nikki is well versed in coral care and treating the odd little scary buggers of disease, parasites, and predators. Looking for a great halloween costume idea? This meeting will certainly feature the scare and fright that keep all sps keepers up at night.
Join us on Thursday October 4th at 7pm in Sugarhouse.......... if you dare.
Thursday, September 6th 2012 |
Frag Fest
Come check out hundreds of quality choice frags. There will be the super cool and hard to find exotic frags for you collectors, as well as great beginner corals. And we're not talking about little frags, these will be great sized frags for killer prices.
Once again members get HALF OFF ALL FRAGS!
Donate and get in EARLY even if you are not a paid member!
Thursday, August 2nd 2012 |
Fish Pests and Parasites with Treatments
Steven Pro (President of the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America) will be making a special visit to Salt Lake City. Steven has been regarded as a leading expert in reef aquarium health and vitality. He'll be presenting information on the scientific studies as well as anecdotal evidence for leading treatments, preventitive measures, and cures for common marine aquarium diseases, infections, ailments, and maladies. If you've ever battled Ich then you'll want to see this presentation.
Saturday, July 7th 2012 |
Living Planet Aquarium Tour
Behind the Scenes Tour of the Living Planet Aquarium with personal attention and insight into the inner workings of a public aquarium. This is a great family fun day activity.
Thursday, July 5th 2012 |
Living Planet Aquarium
The Living Planet Aquarium is Utah's hottest public aquarium. Local wildwilfe and exoctic marine life are on display. But how are those tanks built and maintained? Come listed to The Living Planet's very own top biologist Evan Jamison with a lecture on the behind the scenes inner workings of this aquarium. Evan has grown from a young hobbyist, to a moderate reef keeper, and now to a public aquarist. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to work in a public aquarium, then don't miss this presentation.
Thursday, June 7th 2012 |
Frags and Dogs!
This is the event you've been waiting for. Our Frags and Food Frag Fest! Come check out hundreds of quality choice frags. There will be the super cool and hard to find exotic frags for you collectors, as well as great beginner corals. And we're not talking about little frags, these will be great sized frags for killer prices.
Once again members get HALF OFF ALL FRAGS!
Now not only are we doing a Fragfest we are also doing free hot dogs! Come out and get some cool frags as well as hot dogs as we kick off the summer in style! Who doesn't want coral frags and free food?
Thursday, May 3rd 2012 |
Guest Speaker Adam Jackson!
Thursday May 3rd come watch special guest speaker Adam Jackson talk to us about Selecting Appropriate Fish for the Home Reef Aquarium!
Saturday, April 21st 2012 |
The Reef Tour is back! This is a Parade of Homes style tour. You can drive around all day and visit a dozen houses with awesome reef tanks. It's free, and you just go anytime you want during the day and visit as many of the houses as you'd like.
Thursday, April 5th 2012 |
Fragstock Returns! Last year was our inaugural year of Fragstock and it turned out so well we decided to bring it back! The place last year WAS PACKED.
It's time to get excited about FRAGSTOCK and bust out that old headband and peace sign T-shirt! Join us April 5th for INSANE corals, corals, and more corals as well as kick off for the REEF TOUR! Vendors both local and out of state will be on site with their tanks FULL of awesome stuff! As a bonus WMASmembers get EARLY ACCESS starting at 6:30pm, for everyone else doors will open at 7pm! at the Rose Garden House!
Thursday, March 1st 2012 |
Coral Toxin, Precaution and Safety Night
Join us for a special two part evening. Leading off the meeting is local hobbyist and toxin specialist Paul Locke (builderofdreams) who will be sharing with us the types of toxins, potential problems, and considerations needed when keeping a marine aquarium. After Paul, we're pleased to have the owner of CoralPlanet.com (Jake Pehrson) joining us for a special presentation on the appropriate protective equipment needed for proper coral propagation. Jake will be fragging several different corals using different methods to show the best practices and proper safety protocols.
Recap: http://utahreefs.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=54760&title=march-meeting-recap
Thursday February 2nd, 2012 |
Winter Social and Annual Banquet
With all the problems facing sharks worldwide it is nice to know there is a team of extreme fisherman out to help. These guys are the real deal adventurers helping researchers to learn more about sharks, while working hard to protect them for future generations.
We're pleased to bring a few of the Shark Men crew members to Salt Lake City, including founder Chris Fischer.
Thursday January 5th, 2012 |
Frag Fest!
Super choice coral frags at unbelievable prices. Most frags just $5 to $10 for top of the line acans, chalices, acros, ricordea and more! Always a crowd favorite. Special shout out to all the local stores who come through with sweet donations every year for this fund raiser. Amazing colors, large sized frags, healthy thriving and ready for you to take home!
Tuesday December 5th, 2011 |
Childrens' Book Drive and Raffle!
Did you get enough of raffle items at the MWRF? Yes?
Oh well then this isn't for you.
If you still love awesome prizes and aren't sick of cool stuff being given away for free then you should probably come down to the Dec meeting. We'll be doing a raffle with several awesome prizes!
There is a catch though - you can't buy a raffle ticket. We will not be selling ANY raffle tickets.
How do I get tickets you say? Donate a NEW Children's book. Anyone that donates a book gets one raffle ticket. Donate three new books and get two raffle tickets. Donate six books and get three . . . you get they idea.
80 Books Donated at this event!!!
Saturday November 5th, 2011 |
Mountain West Reef Fest
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society is very blessed to once again be sponsoring the biggest reef event in the region. The Mountain West Reef Fest will be in Salt Lake City on Saturday November 5th. This event features expert speakers, dozens of manufactures and vendors, and thousands of amazing coral frags. You certainly don't want to miss out on this mega event that we're fortunate enough to have right here in Utah! Check out their website and get ready for the biggest reef event in the state
www.MountainWestReefFest.com |
Thursday October 6th, 2011 |
Photography Night with Mike Savage!
Mike is an accomplished aquarium photographer who's photos have appeared in numerous presentations and awards. Ultimate tank of the month entries have featured Mike's photos and his tips and tricks for you will have you turning out the best pictures you've ever taken. Bring your camera and get ready for an all out blast with our very own Mike Savage!
Thursday September 1st, 2011 |
Frag Fest
This is the event you've been waiting for. Our mega Frag Fest!!! Come check out hundreds of quality choice frags. There will be the super cool and hard to findexoticfrags for you collectors, as well as great beginner corals. And we're not talking about little frags, these will be great sized frags for killer prices. Visit the forums for more information and join us at 7pm on Sept 1st. |
Saturday August 6th, 2011 |
Member Appreciation Barbecue
Saturday, August 6th
Every year the WMAS puts on a family barbecue for our club members. It is a fun day for the kids and a great time spent with fellow fish friends. Always hit with our great burgers, the face painting, the games, and the potluck. Visit the forum for more information. |
Thursday August 4th, 2011 |
Reef Insiders Information
Thursday, August 4th
Local super reefers will be giving you the inside scoop on natural reef settings, passion for the hobby, and new products about to his the market. Join us as we welcome some local store owners and experts for this insiders opportunity. |
Thursday July 7th, 2011 |
Hands On Acrylic Night
This will be a great workshop evening where attendees can practice making things out of acrylic, work with acrylic, and even build custom projects. Tyler (tcfab) the owner of Elite Aquatics will be sharing with us his great skills in all things acrylic. If you'd like to make an acclimation box, a sump, a protein skimmer, or anything else, Now Is The Time! Tyler will be offering awesome deals on kits or projects and he'll help you build them during the meeting!
Read About It Here http://www.utahreefs.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=50009
Thursday June 2nd, 2011 |
The World's Best Aquariums!!!
See some amazing photographs and learn detailed information on how the best aquariums around the world were created. Expert aquarist and renowned author Tony Vargas will be joining us for a special one night event. Tony will be showcasing a lot of what is in his new groundbreaking book as well as incorporating local aquariums with flare.
Please join us for this special evening.
Read about it here
Thursday May 5th, 2011 |
Aquarium Setup- Pros and Cons
This is always a crowd pleaser! This meeting will feature dueling tank setups with demonstrators discussing the pros and cons on a wide range of aquarium designs, products, methods, and of course madness! Do you need a uv sterilizer? How about a skimmer? When do you really need a refugium? What is the ideal sand for denitrification? And what is the ideal sand for microcrustaceans?
Read about it here
Saturday April 9th, 2011 |
Reef Tour 2011
The Annual Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society Reef Tour is basically a group "Open House" where reef aquarium hobbyists invite the public to see their aquariums. This fun event is a source of information and viewing pleasure for those who may not currently be involved in the hobby, or those who just want to learn more about saltwater aquariums.
Visit as many of the Reef Tour homes as you want, for free!
Booklet here http://utahreefs.com/forum/uploads/4/ReefTourBooklet2011.pdf
Thursday April 7th, 2011 |
Fragstock 2011
Fragstock is sure to become another of our favorites. After all, who doesn't want some COOL corals for their COOL aquariums. This event is open to the public, so bring your money and be ready for some great deals!...
This event starts at 7:00pm...BUT... WMAS members can get in early (6:30pm) and PIZZA will be provided till 7:00pm What? You haven't bought your 2011 membership yet? It's not too late, just click on the WMAS Store link. FYI: Don't forget to bring your 2011 keychain for (easy) early entry! If you forgot/lost your keychain or haven't recieved it yet, no worries, we can take care of that at the door.
Read about it here http://www.utahreefs.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=48066
Thursday, March 3rd, 7:00 |
Game Night
Game Night! Get ready for an exciting night of awesome trivia, tidbits, and some great prizes. This is a perfect chance to learn something new about marine life for both old and new in the hobby. Great prizes will be given out to many, and a grand prize nano tank for the ultimate winner.
Thursday, February 2rd, 7:00 |
Annual WMAS Winter Banquet
Tickets will be available SOON. This always sells out FAST. Please make sure that you purchase ASAP or you will not get a spot as space is limited!
Ticket prices have been reduced to $20 each, a savings of over 30%.
This year We're very lucky to have Ken Nedimyer joining us from Coral Restoration!!!!
If you aren't familiar with them check out their site http://coralrestoration.org/CRF/index.php
And here is a video you may want to watch http://vimeo.com/9031714
Thursday, January 6th, 7:00 |
Come support the WMAS and go home with some awesome frags. We will have hundreds of frags to chose from including Acropora, Zoanthids, Acans, Softies and more. Most frags will sell for $10 each!!! (Half price to members.) Come visit the biggest frag sale in the state.
Donations are welcome, (we can always use more coral,) and those who donate will be allowed first shot at the frags.
Purchase your 2011 membership online or at the meeting to get your frags for half price.
Thursday December 2nd |
December Club Social and Pot Luck Dinner
Join the WMAS for a wonderful evening of food, family and fun at the December Club Social and Pot Luck Dinner. This year the WMAS will be putting together a Baked Potato Bar.
Please bring your favorite holiday dish to share with your fishy friends. The more dishes we have the better dinner will be. If you would like to make us drool in anticipation of the dish you be bringing please post in the “December Pot Luck Dinner” thread under the “Meetings and Events” forum. (Remember we can always use some great desserts. I know you all have sweet tooth’s…teeth? Whatever.
After dinner we will be hearing from our resident Christmas present expert Mr. Shane Heil. He will be ready to tell your significant others exactly what kind of presents make a Reef Geek Happy at Christmas time so make sure they are there to listen in. If there is a gift you just have to have this Christmas, make sure to PM Shane at least a few days before the meeting so he can make sure to tell us what a wonderful gift it would make and he may even put in a personal pitch just for you.
If by the end of the meeting you still don’t know what you want for Christmas we will have 2011 Club memberships and February Banquet tickets available at the meeting. Just say, “Honey, that’s what I want for Christmas” and you’ll be sure to get your wish.
This meeting is also your chance to vote for next years presidency. All of our voting will be online this year, but we will have internet access available at the meeting for those of you who don’t use the internet at home or work. (Of course if you don’t use the internet you probably aren’t reading this now.)
In the sprit of the Holidays we will also be collecting food as a donation to the Utah Food Bank at our December meeting. Please bring boxed or canned food that you are willing to donate to the Food Bank. We will gather it all at the meeting and Julie Blundell will deliver it to the Food Bank for us. In appreciation of your donation each family who donates will be given 1 door prize ticket and several prizes will be given away at the end of the meeting. Please remember that this food helps those who are less fortunate than we are so don’t be stingy.
See you there!
Saturday, November 6th |
The WMAS is proud to be a sponsor of the Mountain West Reef Fest.
Don't miss this once a year event.
Check out www.mountainwestreeffest.com for more details. |
Thursday, October 7th at 7:00 |
Frag your reef!. If you are interested in fragging your corals this is the meeting for you. We will have hands on demonstrations of a variety of corals. Learn advanced tips on grafting, removal of coral pests, beginner techniques, anemone propagation and much more.
Come and give it a try and get some FREE FRAGS.
Thursday, September 2nd, 2010 7:00 pm |
Nano Chris
We are pleased to announce that "Nano Chris" will be our guest speaker for September 2nd. Chris will be coming to us from Los Angeles where he owns and operates Nano Tuners and Nano Customs. He has been a real blessing to the hobby as his companies have developed advanced and ingenious products for the nano aquarium market. He is an expert in all things related to nano aquarium including livestock, filtration, and design. However where he really excels is in lighting and he'll be showcasing the latest in led systems, reflector designs, and aesthetics. |
Saturday, August 28th, 2010 11:00 am - 2:00 pm |
WMAS Annual Members Only BBQ
Put this date on your calendar now because you won't want to miss the Annual WMAS Members Only BBQ on August 28th between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm at Sugar House Park.
This years event will be as much fun as the last one. WMAS Burgers and Hot Dogs will be provided. We ask that everyone bring a pot luck dish to share with your fellow members. (See the "BBQ Food sign-up" thread for more details.)
This years games will be as fun and goofy as ever so come prepared to have a good time with friends and family. We will also be raffling off some nice prizes as well, both fish related and otherwise.
So bring the whole family and have some fun at the park with the WMAS.
P.S. If you are not currently a member of WMAS, it's not too late to pay your membership dues so you don't have to miss out on this great event. |
Thursday, August 5th, 2010 7:00 pm |
Drama Night
We are sorry, but Scott Michael will be unable to make it to SLC in August.
Instead, please prepare yourself for DRAMA NIGHT. We’re hoping this meeting does not come to fisticuffs, but it just might. We will be discussing some of the most controversial topics in the hobby. Come and stick up for your side of the Debate. Sorry, but rusty wire cutters and other sharp objects will not be allowed in the building. |
Thursday, July 1st, 2010 7:00 pm |
WMAS Frag Swap and Garage Sale
This event is for members to bring coral frags, fish, equipment, food, additives, books, magazines, etc. to sell and trade. Members who are looking for something, it will likely be at this event. This will be a very casual meeting so bring your stuff and be prepared to go home with something new. |
Saturday, May 8th, 2010 - All day long |
Annual WMAS Poker Tour
Join us for another fun day supporting our wonderful Local Fish Stores and add to your reef collection at the same time. Make a purchase at each of LFS you visit and bring your receipt dated that day to the June 2010 Meeting and you will receive a poker card for each receipt you present. The person with the best poker hand will win a fabulous prize. Many prizes will be available so even if you don't have the best hand you will still have a change to win. Rules will be posted on the Message Board the week before the event and handed out at the May meeting so stay tuned. |
Thursday May 6th, 2010 7:00 pm |
Those Nasty Aquarium Pests. What do I do about them
Join us for an informative discussion of Aquarium Pests and what to do about them. This will be an interactive discussion with audience participation so come ready to discuss your experience with aquarium pests and how you eradicated them or at least learned to live with them. Our four topics of discussion will be Cyano and Hair Algae, Ick, Red Bugs, and Flatworms. Less experienced hobbiests will want to come learn about how to deal with these pest and those who have been through it all should come to share their knowledge of aquariums with the rest of us. During the break and after the meeting we encourage you to ask about any other aquarium pests you have been dealing with and get suggestions from those who have been through the same problems themselves.
Saturday, May 1st, 2010 4:00 am - 2:00 am |
Boise Reef Tour
Haven't had enough Reef Tour? Join the WMAS elite on a trip to Boise for their annual Reef Tour. We'll leave super early in the morning so we can see all the homes on the tour. Plan for breakfast on the way, a quick lunch while touring and a nice dinner in Boise after the tour closes. We plan to have everyone home no later than 2:00 am Sunday so you can still make it to church.
P.S. the WMAS elite is anyone into the hobby so much that they are willing to make this trip.;) |
Saturday, April 24th 2010 |
WMAS 15th Annual Reef Tour
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society is pleased to present the 15th Annual Reef Tour! Please join us in visiting our member’s houses, where you will see amazing and beautiful REEF AQUARIUMS! This event is a "Parade of Homes" style tour, where you can go at your leisure and visit many houses along the Wasatch Front. We have over 20 places to visit with setups from beginner to expert. You will have a unique opportunity to see what types of exotic animals people are keeping, and how they set up their aquariums.
Thursday, April 1st 2010 @ 7:00 PM |
Robert Di Marco - "Clownfish Breeding in the Home"
A Canadian living in the “Great White North” on the island of Montreal, Canada, has been a saltwater aquarist for over 35 years and raised his first Clownfish in the late 80’s. He was certified as the first anemone fish breeder in Canada in 1990 by the Société d'Aquariophilie de Montréal, for his first large quantity rearing of the Amphiprion ocellaris. He has since raised nine different varieties of Anemone fish and one species of peppermint shrimp.
Robert has authored numerous articles for aquarium club newsletters, the Breeders’ Registry, Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine and a recent article in Aquarium Systems’ Sea Scope. He has acted as a consultant to Rolf C. Hagen Inc.’s H.A.R.S. facility (Hagen Aquatic Research Station) and has assisted their web site in responding to Internet questions sent by hobbyists.
Robert has been involved in television and video interviews, as well as numerous speaking engagements and workshops on the saltwater hobby to aquarium societies in Canada i.e. Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, and Brampton and in the USA in Burlington Vermont, Churchville Pennsylvania, Brooklyn New York, Houston Texas and San Padre Island, Texas. He has also been active in conferences as a speaker at the Aquarium Convention in Quebec City, the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs Convention in London Ontario, the Canadian East Coast Annual Conference entitled Fish Talk Symposium 2009 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Robert has been a speaker twice at the Annual Conference of the Aquarium Societies of New England (NEC) and twice at the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA XV & MACNA XVIII).
Thursday, February 4th 2010 @ 7:00 |
Paul Alan Cox, Seacology Chairman
Seacology was founded by world-renowned ethnobotanist Dr. Paul Alan Cox. Dr. Cox is a botanist whose scientific research focuses on the ecology of island plants and the ethnobotany of island peoples. Receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard University, he served for many years as professor and dean at Brigham Young University and later became King Carl XVI Gustaf Professor of Environmental Science at the Swedish Agricultural University and the University of Uppsala. For seven years he was Director of the Congressionally-Chartered National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG) in Hawaii and Florida, and is currently Executive Director of the Institute for Ethnomedicine, which is affiliated with the NTBG. He is the author of over 150 scientific papers and reviews, and was chosen by TIME Magazine as one of eleven "Heroes of Medicine" for his search for new medicines from plants. In 1997 he received the Goldman Environmental Prize for the conservation efforts described in his book Nafanua: Saving the Samoan Rainforest ( New York: W.H. Freeman), which has been translated into German, Japanese and Samoan. He speaks a variety of island languages and is internationally renowned for his advocacy of indigenous peoples. |
Thursday, January 7th 2010 @ 7:00 |
Hundreds of awesome frags. Several local stores are helping out the hobbyists once again. Hundreds of frags, Acropora, Stylophora, Zoanthids, Acans, and more. Frags selling for $10 each!!! Come visit the biggest frag sell in the state.
Donations are certainly welcome because we can always use more coral.
Saturday, December 5th @ 10:00 am |
We're rallying the troops to get out and to support the Festival of Trees. http://www.festivaloftreesutah.org/
This is a great way to not only support Primary Children's Hospital; but it is a great chance to support the club. We're putting together a large tree for donation with all the aquatic bells and whistles. The club is doing its part to give back to the community and we'd love for all of you to share in this project. Plan to meet at the South Towne Expo Center at 10:00am. (and maybe a little lunch after we enjoy the show) |
Tuesday, December 1st |
Holiday Social Night
Stressed out with the end of the year and all the holidays? Here is a great chance to relax and enjoy the holidays with your fish friends.
Bring your family and a side dish. |
Saturday, November 7th |
The Mountain West Reef Fest
Several speakers and vendors on hand. The greatest reef trade show, educational seminars, and a grand ol' time. Visit www.MountainWestReefFest.com for more information.
Saturday, October 10th |
REEF TOUR 2009!!!
Put it on your calendar and stay tuned for all the details. Dozens of homes to see from 10am to 4pm. |
Thursday, October 1st @ 7:00 PM |
Hundreds of awesome frags. Donations are certainly welcome because we can always use more coral. Don't miss this super event as we'll have a wide variety of corals from beginner to expert level. |
September Saturday Seminar |
September Saturday Seminar
Behind the Scenes Tour of BRINE SHRIMP DIRECT. Learn all about how they process and make their feeds. Learn about upcoming new products, and best of all get some great DISCOUNT PRICES for club members at the event. Visit http://www.utahreefs.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=34866 for more information.
Thursday, September 3rd @ 7:00 PM |
Thursday, September 3rd @ 7:00 PM
Tips, Tricks. Do you think you have the coolest tips and tricks for successful reefkeeping? Then sign up to show us! This meeting will feature several club members each sharing a couple minutes of their own tips and tricks. We'll vote on who has the coolest tips and that presenter will win a prize.
Saturday, August 8th Members Only - Saturday Seminar |
Monster Garage: Acrylic Style
Learn about working with acrylic!!! How to cut it, how to glue it, how to remove scratches and more! We'll be building all sorts of items and encouraging you to build your own creative reef projects.
Thursday, August 6th @ 7:00 PM |
Coral Feeding Methods by Jake Pehrson
Join us as Coral guru Jake Pehrson discusses prey size, texture, capture, ingestion, and response of coral feeding. Jake will cover items like direct feeding, indirect feeding, and the usage of many foods for your corals. Following the presentation Shane Heil will be whipping up some coral foods. Shane has experience blending away the goodies and we'll have some super foods available to win.
Saturday, July 11th Members Only - Saturday Seminar |
Tips, Tricks and Rules for Fragging Corals
This will be a hands-on day where you can learn all sorts of ways to frag all sorts of corals. Get ready to learn all about fragging.
Saturday, June 20th Members Only - Saturday Seminar |
James Fatheree - Reef Aquarium Lighting
Aquarium guru and author James Fatherree comes to the WMAS again. After his trip last year the club members asked to get James back, and that's what they're getting. One of the most published authors joins our club to share some of those surprising revelations that most hobbyists wouldn't think of. James has a real knack for finding the oddities in reef aquaria.
Thursday, July 9th @ 7:00 PM |
Members Appreciation BBQ and Food Drive
This is an event for all the club members and their families. Food, games, fun, prizes and an overall wonderful day with fish friends. We'll be holding a food drive for the Utah Food Bank. For every pound of food you donate you'll get a raffle ticket for some cool prizes. Paid Member Event, check the message board for details.
Saturday, June 6th @ 7:00 PM |
Super Swap Meet - SATURDAY Night
Come one and come all for an exciting night of Frag Trading. We're encouraging everyone to come out and buy/sell/trade their coral frags. A great chance to increase the diversity of your tank with some killer deals!
This super-swap is not limited to corals - bring your un-used aquarium equipment and haggle away!
Saturday, May 16th |
All About Aquascaping
Learn about aquascaping techniques for new aquariums, as well as established reef systems. If you've ever wanted to create that super sexy design now is your chance. Paid Member Event, check the message board for details.
Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 PM
Forest Gahn - Coral Reefs OVer Time
Please join us as BYUI Professor and club member Forest Gahn shares with us the tales of coral reefs over time. Forest is an Invertebrate Paleontologist who specialize in reef systems of years past.
We'll also conclude our LFS Poker Run this night, so be sure to bring those receipts from the Saturday event on April 25th.
Saturday, April 25th
LFS Poker Run
Get out and visit the stores!!! The WMAS is sending out the troops to support our local fish stores. Here is the plan, on this Saturday all club members will be out driving around visiting the WMAS sponsor stores. Save your receipts and bring them to the May meeting. Visit as many stores as you like and spend some money! For each store you visit and spend at least $10, you will receive a card. The more stores you visit the more cards you get. Take you best cards and get ready for a hand of 5 card stud. Whoever has the best hand gets the top prize, second best hand to the next and so on.
Click here to view the event recap / pictures
Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00 PM
Frank Burr - SPS Made Simple
Are you thinking of taking the plunge into the world of small polyps stony corals? Join us as we welcome coral farmer Frank Burr. Frank is the owner of the Coral Oasis coral farming operation, as well as the owner of the Tropical Reef Oasis business. Frank has been keeping reef tanks since the early 1980's and brings decades worth of experience with him. He believes that modern reef keeping can be super simple and he'll be sharing his methods for easy stony coral reef systems.
Click here to view the event recap / pictures
Thursday, March 5 th at 7:00 PM
Do It Yourself Night
This meeting will feature several of our local club members. We're looking for people to share their tips and tricks. Come learn about phytoplankton, tank covers, moonlights, additives, and a whole lot more. If you'd like to show off your MacGyver skills, or would like to suggest an item please let us know
Thursday, February 5 th at 7:00 PM
Scott Michael - Exotic Places and Friendly Faces
Join us as we take a look at how the aquarium industry impacts collectors and villages around the world. Scott is known in the hobby for his amazing books and photographs. Outside of the hobby, Scott is known for his travels and documentaries on coral reefs. He will be sharing his travels and experiences with local communities found on the tropical islands of the world.
This meeting will be "for charge" and will include a delicious, catered dinner - including hors d'oeuvres and dessert. Tickets have sold out the last two years and 2009 is expected to be no different. Share an evening with a loved one and learn about the world around us from an exciting and informative speaker!
Click here to view the event recap / pictures
Tuesday, January 6 th at 7:00 PM
New Years Frag Fest
The WMAS is kicking off 2009 with a Festival of Frags! Be generous, support the club and take home some amazing corals. In addition to the awesome pre-bagged frags available for purchase, there will be several extra special items up for auction. Remember to bring a cooler to keep you purchases nice and warm on the ride home.
As always, pre-bagged items are half price for Paid Members!
Click here to view the event recap / pictures
Tuesday, December 2 nd at 7:00 PM
WMAS - Christmas Bash !
Join us for an evening filled with fun and prizes! Bring your own Santa Claus and Shane Heil will show them some cool aquarium gifts to put under your tree! We'll discuss great gift ideas and give you the chance to take some home! There will be thousands of dollars of raffle items including a 65 gallon tank, stand and hood donated by Aquatic Dreams and Richins Carpentry!
The WMAS will also be presenting the Tank of the Month plaques and conducting our annual elections for the 2009 Presidency. Come out and cast your ballot and enjoy a great time to finish up another great year!
Thursday, November 6 th at 7:00 PM |
Scott Fellman
Macroalgae and Plants for the Marine Aquarium - The Good, The Bad and The Tasty?
The tropical oceans of the world are teeming with hundereds of species of algae and plants. Some of these have found their way into the aquarium hobby, with new ones arriving all the time. Many are well suited for aquarium purposes, some are not so good, and others are downright nasty! All are fascinating.
In this presentation, we'll look at the use of macroalgae and plants in the marine aquarium, and discuss their identification, care, and placement. This presentation is not just a "This is___________" discussion! Rather, we will look at how to incorporate these fascinating algae and plants into our existing aquarium displays, or perhaps, to devote an aquarium just to them!
Friday, October 3 rd at 7:00 PM |
Special Night for Reef Tour Participants
As a special THANKS for those who opened their homes as part of our Reef Tour, the WMAS presents Marc Levenson - Part Deux - Pests, Problems and Critters - the good, the bad and the ugly. Marc will answer questions like: "Do I want this in my tank? How do I get rid of this? Will that hurt my corals? Get the low down on some of those unknown creepy crawlies from an aquarium guru.
Click here to view the event recap / pictures
Thursday, October 2 nd at 7:00 PM |
Marc Levenson - All About Sumps
Please join us in welcoming one of the most fun and knowledgable hobbyists in the world for an in-depth look at what's hidden below most aquariums. Learn what sumps are and more importantly, how best to use them. If you think your sump is the bomb - wait until you see the tips and tricks of a pro!
Marc is known on-line as Melev and is well known for his extraordinary Do-It-Yourself abilities. He also runs a magazine, produces podcasts and presents aquarium topics to fellow hobbyists nationwide.
Click here to view the event recap / pictures
Saturday, September 13th 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM |
Members Appreciation BBQ
This summer BBQ is a must for all members of the WMAS. The idea is to get together and enjoy some good food, good friends and fun without over doing the fish nerd talk. The club will provide the main course, the prizes and the activities - members will bring an item to share, their appetite and their families! Together we'll put on a great summer BBQ to thank all those who support the club by buying a membership.
Saturday, September 6th 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
14th Annual Coral Reef Aquarium Tour
Our annual Reef Tour is one of the biggest events of the year for the WMAS. This self guided, "parade of homes" style tour is completely free and everyone is invited. Feel free to tour at your leisure as members of the Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society open their homes to share their love of ocean life. Some of the best looking saltwater aquariums in the country are located right here along the Wasatch Front! Come enjoy the beauty of the world's coral reefs with us!
Official Reef Tour Booklet
Reef Tour Flyer
Thursday, September 4th at 7:00 PM |
Adam Blundell - Fish Locomotion
Have you ever wondered why some fish have stripes while others have bars? Or why tangs have such tall, skinny bodies? Why do hawkfish just sit there all day? If you've ever had these thoughts - then we have a special treat for you fish-curious reef junkies. Join us in September as Adam Blundell presents the hows and whys of fish locomotion. Learn how body shape, finage, foraging and scale patterns play a role in how different fish swim in their environment.
Thursday, August 7th @ 7:00 PM
Randy Reed
We are excited to welcome Randy Reed back to SLC. Randy is the CEO of of Reed Mariculture; the world's largest supplier of marine microalge concentrates. They are especially well know for their Reef Nutrition line of reef foods.www.reefnutrition.com
Join us as we learn more about the benefits of adding plankton to feed your reef.
Tuesday (yes - Tuesday) July 1st at 7:00 PM |
Jerry Ohrn presents: DIY - Three Dimensional Backgrounds
Are you bored with the traditional blue or black flat panel backgrounds that most aquariums sport? Would you prefer a 3-D look complete with rock and sand and more? How about natural rock shelves for coral frags? Or, maybe an arch of branch rock across the rear? Any and all of these options are now possible and Jerry Ohrn is going to show us how. Join us for a DIY demonstration that will take the back of your tank from blah - to BLING!
Special thanks to The Aquarium for their generous donation of the demo tank - which will be raffled at the conclusion of the meeting!
Thursday, June 5th @ 7:00 PM
Summer Frag Fest!
You asked for it - and we delivered! Come enjoy a warm weather festival of frags. This meeting will be a WMAS fundraiser. We will have many prize coral colonies in our auction and literally hundreds of frags to choose from. In addition, there will be some surprise items available that you won't want to miss.
Donations are graciously accepted and much appreciated. So, bring some frags to donate and take some new ones home to celebrate the coming of summer.
Thursday, May 1st @ 7:00 PM
Coral Propagation Seminar
Join us for an in-depth look at coral propagation. We will examine methods of fragging several different coral varieties and demonstrate common and not so common techniques to successfully cut and attach coral fragments. The procedures will be projected overhead, so there won't be a bad seat in the house! Feel free to ask questions and share your experiences as we strive to improve the success of local coral propagation.
Frags from each of the demonstrations will be available to purchase.
Thursday, April 3rd @ 7:00 PM
DIY - Calcium Reactor
Are you tired of worrying about your calcium and alkalinity levels? Do you dread having to add two part solutions every day? A calcium reactor may be your answer. Join us as Corey Price assembles a calcium reactor and provides step-by-step instructions so you can too. The WMAS will provide a complete parts list, and give you a special, insider's advantage to get those hard to find components.
Can you guess what our special raffle prize will be?
Thursday, March 6th @ 7:00 PM
WMAS Game Night
Join us for an evening of fun and games. A first for the WMAS, our March meeting has been dubbed the WMAS Game Night. Debbie Morrill and Eva Rushton have planned a meeting full of enterntainment and education. Come out and have a great time while learning about the aquarium hobby. There will be games for everyone, food and some great prizes. You won't want to miss this one!
Thursday, February 7th at 7:00
Valentines Banquet Meeting
Our February meeting will be the perfect opportunity to bring a date to enjoy some great food and a great presentation on the reefs of the world. We are pleased to present Dr. Fred Lipschultz from the U.S. National Science Foundation. Dr. Lipschultz will provide a unique introduction to reef organisms and discuss the delicate balance of mans interactions with the reefs of the world with a focus on the future state of this invaluable resource.
A delicious, catered dinner will also be served at this meeting. So, get a date and bring your appetite!
Ticket price is $20 per person. Seating is limited and ticket sales will be first come, first served. Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible to insure you don't miss out on our 2nd Annual Valentines Banquet.
Thursday, January 3rd at 7:00
Coral Propagation & Frag Fest
Join us for a hands-on demonstration of coral propagation techniques. We will have several coral varieties and experienced "fraggers" avail bale to show you how its done. We will also be holding our Frag Fest Fundraiser. There will be many, awesome pre-bagged frags available for purchase. Remember to bring a cooler to keep your purchases nice and warm on the ride home. As always, pre-bagged items are half price for Paid Members!
Tuesday, December 4th at 7:00 PM |
Holiday Reef Geek Party - Scott Morell
Tuesday, yes TUESDAY December 4th will be our annual Holiday Reef Geek Party. You’re invited to bring a friend or significant other because this will be the time to drop hints on what holiday gifts you’ve been eyeing. We will be visited by the jolly bowl full of jelly himself, Mr. Scott Morell. Scott is a fair and biased reef friend who runs the club to the north (not quite to the North Pole). So bring a fish friend and help us celebrate the holiday season – WMAS style.
Thursday, November 1st 2007 at 7:00 PM |
Scott Fellman
The November 2007 meeting will feature the comedy of Scott Fellman. Scott is a past president of the Marine Aquarium Society of Los Angeles County and a self proclaimed “total fish geek”. This meeting will certainly be an entertaining as Scott delivers a crazy surfer's viewpoint on reef keeping. Scott's presentation "Aquascaping for the Aesthetically Challenged" will livin’ your spirits and have you planning out the designs of another tank.
Please join us for what will surely be a great time, while featuring new concepts on aquarium design.
Saturday, October 6th 2007 |
Reef Tour 2007
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society is pleased to present the 13th Annual Reef Tour! This parade of homes style tour will give you the opportunity to visit the coral reefs of the world without leaving Utah and without even getting wet! Tour at your leisure and visit many locations where you will see amazing and beautiful REEF AQUARIUMS.
Thursday, October 4th 2007 at 7:00 PM |
James Fatherree
Please join us for a special night with Clam Guru James Fatherree. James is the author of a new clam book which is selling like hot cakes! Why? Because James has all the inside information on the world of clams. What kind of lighting is required? Is food important? Do they absorb nutrients from the water? Get all your questions answered during this event.
Saturday, September 22nd 2007 |
Members Appreciation BBQ
Thursday, September 6th 2007 at 7:00 PM |
Shane Silcox
Aquarium Photography
Join us as we learn valuable photography tips and tricks from a local professional. Conrad will be discussing the best methods to capture stunning images of our aquarium inhabitants. Bring your camera for some personalized advice!
Thursday, August 2nd 2007 at 7:00 PM |
Jon Finch / Shane Heil
Water Chemistry & Testing
Join us for an in depth discussion about the "hows" and "whys" of testing your aquarium water. Don't let the topic fool you, this meeting promises to be loads of fun! Following the test demonstrations, kits will be available to test your own water samples.
Thursday, July 12th 2007 at 7:00 PM |
Anthony Calfo
Reef Toxicology (a discussion of things edible and inedible, safe
and unsafe to touch in our aquaria)
The WMAS is thrilled to present an evening with Anthony Calfo! Join us for an entertaining and educational meeting featuring one of the hobby's most dynamic speakers. Anthony is the author of several books and many articles for the aquatic science hobby. He shares his knowledge freely via several on-line forums and travels extensively to present to fellow enthusiasts. This meeting is sure to be the highlight of the summer for the club - don't miss it! Come early and chat with Anthony. He will be available to sign books and answer questions before the meeting.
Thursday, June 7th 2007 at 7:00 PM |
Swap Meet
This night will be a penny pinchers paradise! Members and guests alike are invited to bring their extra livestock and equipment to buy, sell or trade. Whether you’re looking for an algae clip or an algae farm, there’s a good chance you’ll find it here.
Thursday, May 3rd 2007 at 7:00 PM |
Coral Cutting Seminar / WMAS Fund Raiser
Join us for hands-on demonstrations of coral cutting / fragging techniques. We will have several coral species available to cut and attach. Additionally, there will be plenty of home grown coral frags to choose from as well as our traditional pre-bagged offerings! Remember
– bagged items are 50% off for Paid Members! Be generous – all proceeds support the WMAS! |
Thursday, April 5th 2007 at 7:00 PM |
Adam Blundell / Jake Pehrson
Feed Your Reef Back by popular demand … two of our own will entertain and enlighten you - or at least get messy in front of you. Adam and Jake will explain everything you need to know about foods for your aquarium. Cyclopeeze, shrimp, nori, oyster, squid, carrots, peas, potatoes, krill, bloodworms, Big Macs, vitamins, garlic, who knows what will be on the menu? Join us to learn how to become a top notch reef chef!
Food Drive
Learn to feed your reef – help to feed the less fortunate. The WMAS will be raffling all the food prepared during the "Feed Your Reef" demonstration as well as an Iwaki pump to help keep it all suspended! Raffle tickets can be purchased for the regular $1 price OR exchange each nonperishable food item for 1 raffle ticket. Collected food will be donated to the Utah Food Bank.
Thursday, March 1st 2007 at 7:00 PM |
Dana Riddle
Neat Toys for Reef Aquarists (and Researchers)!
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society is pleased to present Dana Riddle.
Dana has been a marine aquarist since childhood, and a reef hobbyist since the mid-1980's. He strives to bring cutting-edge information to reef keepers. He lives in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii and is able to study coral reefs year round. His small laboratory has equipment necessary to examine corals in their natural environment and relate their requirements to artificially-created conditions.
Dana is the author of the book "The Captive Reef" and has over 110 articles published in American and European hobby literature. He has made presentations in at many local, regional and national conferences over the last 8 years.
Thursday, February 1st at 7:00 PM |
John Walch – Reef Ball Foundation
Banquet Dinner
***SOLD OUT***
Are you looking for the perfect date night? Look no further. The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society has put together a wonderful banquet and presentation just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Our February meeting will not be about aquarium lights, calcium reactors or canister filters. Our February meeting will be about reefs – and dinner! We are excited to host John Walch from Reef Ball Foundation http://www.reefball.org/. John will offer a global perspective on the condition of the coral reefs, what is being done to help save the reefs, and how we can be of help. You can expect information “Discovery Channel” style and not fish nerd talk!
A delicious, catered dinner will be also be served. Guests will have their choice of sirloin steak or chicken cordon blue. Dinner will include tossed salad, baked potato, vegetable, cole slaw, rolls, and fresh fruit. There is also a very good chance we will have salmon and shrimp cocktail appetizers!
Ticket price is $15 per person. Seating is limited and ticket sales will be first come, first served. Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible to insure you don’t miss our first-ever WMAS banquet meeting!
Thursday, January 4th at 7:00 PM |
Coral Cutting Seminar
Not only will we be offering frags and hands on demonstrations of coral propagation, there will also be some surprise items to add to your aquarium! This meeting is a club fundraiser and a great chance to share coral propagation techniques. This is sure to be a popular meeting for seasoned hobbyists and beginners alike.
Thursday, December 7th 2006 at 7:00 PM |
Aquatic & Terrestrial Research Team and their generous sponsors present
Steven Pro
We are very excited to announce Steven Pro will be the master of ceremonies at our annual Christmas meeting. This meeting is dedicated to finding the perfect aquarium related gifts to fit any budget. This is the perfect meeting for spouses that may (or may not) know what to get their fish keeping significant others. Expect a large selection of raffle items and some other surprises as well!
Steven Pro is currently the proprietor of Pro Aquatic Services Company, an aquarium sales and maintenance business in Pennsylvania. He has long been active in the retail and hobby sides of the ornamental aquatics industry. He has taken an active and impassioned role in the industry as a member of the Pittsburgh Marine Aquarium Society, Inc. He moderates his own on-line forum hosted by Marine Depot and shares his unbiased experience and practical knowledge freely with everyone.
Friday, November 3rd 2006 from 5:00-7:00 |
Aquatic Dreams is hosting a coral frag swap and book signing on Friday, Nov 3. Eric will be available to discuss coral propagation, coral selection or to sign books from 5-7 PM. |
Thursday, November 2nd 2006 at 7:00 PM |
Aquatic Dreams Presents Eric Borneman
"The REALLY Critical Factors In Successful Reef Tanks"
Eric is a PhD candidate at the University of Houston’s Department of Biology and Biodiversity. He has contributed hundreds of articles to both the scientific and the international reefkeeping communities and has lectured worldwide on the subject of coral husbandry. In addition to his on-line forum advice, Eric’s authoritative and comprehensive guide; Aquarium Corals is an invaluable resource for any serious coral reef aquarist.
Saturday, Oct. 7, 2006 |
Reef Tour 2006
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society is pleased to present the 12th Annual Reef Tour! This parade of homes style tour will give you the opportunity to visit the coral reefs of the world without leaving Utah and without even getting wet! Tour at your leisure and visit many locations where you will see amazing and beautiful REEF AQUARIUMS ranging from 5 to 500 gallons.
Thursday, Oct. 5 & 6, 2006 at 7:00 PM
The Aquarium presents Scott Michael
We are thrilled to welcome Scott Michael back to the WMAS. Scott is the world’s foremost authority on marine aquarium fish. He has worked with National Geographic, The Discovery Channel and is a regular contributor to Aquarium Fish Magazine. His many books on marine and reef fishes are considered "must haves" by most in the hobby. Scott will be discussing the "Perfect Fish for Nano Aquariums." Additionally, Scott will be available at The Aquarium to sign books and chat about fish on Friday, Oct 6 from 4-6 PM.
Thursday, Sept. 7, 2006 at 7:00 PM |
Scott Morell
We are pleased to welcome Scott Morell, president of the Idaho Marine Aquarium Society, to our September meeting. Scott is a long time volunteer of GARF and he is a proponent of their "bullet proof" aquarium set up methods. His unique perspective and extensive experience ensure his presentation will be entertaining and thought provoking. You won’t want to miss sharing this evening with a "fair and biased reef hobbyist"
Thursday, August 3rd 2006 at 7:00 PM |
Straight from the Message Board
This will be a very special night for the WMAS. Several of our own club members will be offering presentations on topics "ripped" from the message board. This meeting promises to be informative and entertaining. You won't want to miss this!
Thursday, July 6th 2006 at 7:00 PM |
Swap Meet
Calling all bargain hunters! This evening will provide club members and guests the opportunity to get together and buy and sell all their fish (and potentially non-fish related) stuff. Whether you're looking for frags, fish or filters there's a good chance you'll find it here!
Saturday, June 3rd 2006 at 1:00 PM |
WMAS Members Appreciation Barbeque
A special invitation is extended to all Paid Members and their families to attend an afternoon with the WMAS! This annual event is all about fun, food and friends (and is less about fish). So bring your whole family and expect to have a great time. Watch the message board for additional BBQ related announcements!
Thursday, June 1st 2006 at 7:00 PM |
"Fish 4 U presents Julian Sprung"
This will surely be one of our largest meetings of the year. You will not want to miss hearing the world renowned author and explorer. Julian Sprung is widely known for his excellent marine aquarium books and top notch presentations. Additionally, please join Julian at Fish 4 U for a book signing (time and date TBA) and don't miss his lecture as we welcome back one of our favorite visitors!
Thursday, May 4th 2006 at 7:00 PM |
Coral Cutting Seminar
Not only will we be offering frags and hands on demonstrations of coral propagation, there will also be some surprise items to add to your aquarium! This meeting is a club fundraiser and a great chance to share coral propagation techniques. This is sure to be a popular meeting for seasoned hobbyists and beginners alike.
Thursday, April 6 2006 at 7:00 PM |
Randy Reed
We are very pleased to welcome Randy Reed of Reed Mariculture to Utah. Randy is the current CEO of the largest commercial producer of marine micro-algae in the world! We are very excited to hear from an industry expert! This meeting promises to be both informative and fun.
Thursday, March 2nd 2006 at 7:00 PM |
Adam Cesnales
Please join us as we welcome coral identification expert Adam Cesnales. Adam is a very active hobbyist from the Pittsburgh Marine Aquarium Society. He spends his time answering questions for websites like WetWebMedia, as well as publishing marine aquarium articles. If you are a coral fan then this meeting is for you! Below is a link to his Soft Coral Dichotomous Key.
Dichotomous Key for Soft Corals
Thursday, February 2nd 2006 at 7:00 PM |
February’s meeting is all about answers!
Ever wondered what it would take to build your own stand? Want to learn more about auto top-off systems or how to grow green water? Did you get a digital camera for Christmas and just can’t capture those pics like you see on-line? We’ll have the answers to all of these questions and more. Come join us for an interactive night dedicated to the do-it-yourselfer in each of us."
Thursday, January 5th 2006 at 7:00 PM |
WMAS Coral Cutting
Start 2006 off right with some new additions to your aquarium! Our first meeting of the year will be a coral fragging party! The WMAS will also be offering a selection of critters to help clean up your aquarium. So, bundle up and join us for a Festival of Frags! Don't forget to bring a cooler to keep your purchases toasty on the ride home.
Thursday, November 3rd 2005 at 7:00 PM |
Swap Meet!
Please bring your aquarium supplies, baby fish, coral frags and whatever else you want to sell and trade. This is an evening for club members and guests to get together and trade or sell items they have to get more stuff.
Saturday, October 8th |
Reef Tour 2005
The Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society (WMAS) is pleased to present the 10th Annual Reef Tour! Please join us in visiting some houses, where you will see amazing and beautiful REEF AQUARIUMS! This event is a parade of homes style tour, where you can go at your leisure and visit many houses along the Wasatch Front. You will have a unique opportunity to see what types of exotic animals people are keeping, and how they set up their aquariums.
Thursday, October 6th 2005 at 7:00 PM |
Scott Michael
World renowned author and lecturer Scott Michael will be our guest of honor on this night. Scott is a leading author on marine fishes. He has worked with The Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Tropical Fish Hobbyist and many others. When it comes to aquarium fish Scott is the world's expert.
Thursday, September 1st 2005 at 7:00 PM |
Frag Fest and Coral Propagation Seminar.
We will have lots of frags available, as well as hands on demonstrations. This is a club fundraiser and educational event. Please join us for what will surely be a very big meeting.
Thursday, August 4th 2005 at 7:00 PM |
Water Motion
Bruce Ewald with the help of Jon Finch will be presenting a presentation of water motion. Please join us for a presentation on something that every hobbyist should know more about!
Friday, July 15th
2005 at 7:00 PM |
Barry Neigut
Join us for a special lecture night. We are pleased to have Barry Neigut the owner of Clams Direct visiting with us. Barry is popular aquarium club speaker and he travels the country advising people on clam care and culture. We welcome all of you to come learn more about these beautiful and amazing animals.
Thursday, June 2nd 2005 at 7:00 PM |
Walt Smith
This is a very special night for the WMAS. It is with great pleasure that we present WALT SMITH as our guest speaker. As the owner of several facilities through out the South Pacific, Walt is the largest supplier of corals and fish to the aquarium trade. He is a true pioneer in aquaculture and his efforts to protect coral reefs are unparalleled. This meeting will be free to club members, and a $5 donation is asked per family for the general public. Please join us as Walt delivers a truly insiders perspective to the marine aquaria trade.
Thursday, May 5th 2005 at 7:00 PM |
Adam Blundell
Adam Blundell will be giving a presentation on Macro Algae in the reef aquarium. This will be an overview of the algae identification, biology, and uses to the hobbyist.
Jake Pehrson
Jake Pehrson will be providing an in-depth look into reef aquarium filtration. Jake will compare filtration methods and explain the principles behind common filtration techniques.
Saturday, May 7th 2005 |
Membership Appreciation Barbecue
This is a yearly event where all paid members are encouraged to bring their families out for a barbecue and plenty of games. More details to come later, but for now just go write "Fish Friends Barbecue" on your calendar.
Thursday, April 7th 2005 |
Coral Propagation Seminar
Hands on demonstrations and a great opportunity to learn all about coral propagation. Learn how and try it out with our corals so that you can be ready to go back home and grow your own. The presentations will take place following the clubs Frag Fest Fundraiser.
Thursday, March 3rd 2005 |
Special Guest Speaker Anthony Calfo - Aquarium Corals
How do you keep them, grow them, and propagate them?
Learn from the world's leading authority as he visits our club.
Thursday, February 3rd 2005 |
Aquarium Photography
Join us as we welcome a guest presenter for this night. Local professional photographer Conrad Prusse will be visiting our club and talking about how you can take great aquarium photos. If you have specific questions, feel free to bring your own camera. Otherwise sit back and enjoy the wonderful slide show of amazing aquarium photographs.
Click Here to see some pictures of this meeting
June 17, 2004 |
Dr. Tim Hovanec, Chief Science Officer of Marineland and editor of SeaScope magazine |
June 19, 2004 |
Annual Members Only BBQ |
If you have pictures or information about a past meeting or event please send them to Jake Pehrson at [email protected]