The images of his tank have been posted elsewhere in a previous post, but I emailed them to you.
Rinse the Oolitic sand and place 1" -1.5" on the bottom the tank. (I broke the bottom of a 10 gal tank by dropping wet sand out of a bucket. It landed like a brick!)
Add saltwater to 3/4 full. Pour slowly onto a dinner plate to keep from stirring the sand.
Check temperature.
Run pumps for a day if more than 50% of the saltwater is freshly mixed.
Add live sand. The tank water will get cloudy at this point.
Add rock and press bottom pieces down into the sand for stability. Try to place bottom pieces of rock on edge so that they don't cover any more sand than necessary.
Add saltwater to 95% full.
Add 1-3 pieces live rock. Turn and shake live rock to release air bubbles.
Add some soft coral frags.
This completes the work for the first day. Enjoy.
Let it run for a week and if the coral polyps are coming out add a couple Green Chromis Damsels, or more coral or both.
After a week with the Green Chromis you can add some more fish and more coral. Investigate fish needs and eating habits to be sure there will be no future problems.
Read the WMAS newsletter, SeaStar online for more info.
Have fun,