My tank has been having issues for several months and I cannot for the life of me figure out the deal. I would love to know if there is something I haven't thought of because I am so frustrated I want to scream!
First, my a lot of my zoas have been doing poorly. The colonies have drastically shrunk over time. Each time I use the turkey baster to stir up detritus, a few heads come loose and float around the tank. The heads are intact and if a big enough chunk comes off I can glue it to a frag plug, so they are coming detached from the rock. I haven't noticed any sort of of pests, at least that I can see.
Second, I have been dealing with cyano that I just can't shake. I just got some chemiclean to try; online both BRS and Tidal Gardens recommended that or a similar product and both said it produces great results. I just wanted to save it for a last option.
Third, my invertebrates have been suffering. I lost my urchin, and my BTA has looked close to death for a while. I have had a massive snail die off. I just did a large water change and put some more snails in, and they started looking like they were dying within a few hours, especially the turbos. So my theory of any fluctuations in my alk, which is an ongoing struggle, is out. There is some THING of death in my water.
Fourth, all my macro died off. It may be my light was getting old, which I have since replaced, but haven't got new macro in yet to see.
Overall my fish seem to be doing fine.
3 year old 150 gal tank with 25 gal sump
Temp: between 77-78 with chiller
SG: 1.026
Mg 1200..working on bringing this up..usually it has been fine, my doser ran out for a few days
Ca 450
Alk 8.4
pH 8
No ammonia or nitrite; nitrate ~10
Phosphate 0.05
I haven't used any meds or anything new but I tested for copper which was zero.
I dose weekly with coral vite and amino acids.
No changes in feeding regimen. Add garlic and selcon.
I have plenty of flow.
Just did a 50gal (30%) water change, I use Instant Ocean reef crystals salt; usually I do 30gal every 2-4 weeks
Replaced all filters on my RODI system, TDS is good
Gradually replaced all my T5 bulbs (8)
Running activated carbon in a reactor, skimmer, and UV sterilizer (newish bulb)
Nitrate reducer media pad in sump
Added filter sock
I did have a phosphate spike when the cyano started, for which I added phosguard til it came down. I have done this several times without issues.
Any other ideas?? Anything I've missed? Any input would be appreciated!!