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Tank issues help please!!

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Topic: Tank issues help please!!
Posted By: jsol12
Subject: Tank issues help please!!
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 3:24pm
My tank has been having issues for several months and I cannot for the life of me figure out the deal. I would love to know if there is something I haven't thought of because I am so frustrated I want to scream! 

First, my a lot of my zoas have been doing poorly.  The colonies have drastically shrunk over time.  Each time I use the turkey baster to stir up detritus, a few heads come loose and float around the tank. The heads are intact and if a big enough chunk comes off I can glue it to a frag plug, so they are coming detached from the rock. I haven't noticed any sort of of pests, at least that I can see.

Second, I have been dealing with cyano that I just can't shake. I just got some chemiclean to try; online both BRS and Tidal Gardens recommended that or a similar product and both said it produces great results. I just wanted to save it for a last option.

Third, my invertebrates have been suffering. I lost my urchin, and my BTA has looked close to death for a while. I have had a massive snail die off.  I just did a large water change and put some more snails in, and they started looking like they were dying within a few hours, especially the turbos. So my theory of any fluctuations in my alk, which is an ongoing struggle, is out. There is some THING of death in my water.

Fourth, all my macro died off. It may be my light was getting old, which I have since replaced, but haven't got new macro in yet to see.

Overall my fish seem to be doing fine.

3 year old 150 gal tank with 25 gal sump
Temp: between 77-78 with chiller
SG: 1.026
Mg 1200..working on bringing this up..usually it has been fine, my doser ran out for a few days
Ca 450
Alk 8.4
pH 8
No ammonia or nitrite; nitrate ~10
Phosphate 0.05
I haven't used any meds or anything new but I tested for copper which was zero.
I dose weekly with coral vite and amino acids.
No changes in feeding regimen. Add garlic and selcon.
I have plenty of flow.

Just did a 50gal (30%) water change, I use Instant Ocean reef crystals salt; usually I do 30gal every 2-4 weeks
Replaced all filters on my RODI system, TDS is good
Gradually replaced all my T5 bulbs (8)
Running activated carbon in a reactor, skimmer, and UV sterilizer (newish bulb)
Nitrate reducer media pad in sump
Added filter sock
I did have a phosphate spike when the cyano started, for which I added phosguard til it came down. I have done this several times without issues.

Any other ideas?? Anything I've missed? Any input would be appreciated!!

150gal/25gal sump Red Sea Max S650, started 3/28/15

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 3:30pm
Share some photos.

Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: WildBill
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 5:36pm
Are you running GFO? I’m still a newb to salt, but i’m Trying to learn. Been doing a lot of reading on algae’s and meds lately.

Posted By: Zack801
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 5:39pm
Do you have anything that could have rusted in your tank? I’d check all your equipment ASAP

Posted By: badfinger
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 6:11pm
I think you have a piece of equipment going bad. Magnet rusting? Stray voltage?.

With inverts dying tells me copper.

I could be wrong. As Adam says. Pics help

Posted By: jsol12
Date Posted: April 02 2018 at 9:11pm

150gal/25gal sump Red Sea Max S650, started 3/28/15

Posted By: jsol12
Date Posted: April 02 2018 at 9:12pm

150gal/25gal sump Red Sea Max S650, started 3/28/15

Posted By: jsol12
Date Posted: April 02 2018 at 9:14pm
My equipment all seems fine. I haven’t checked for stray voltage, I’ll have to pick something up for that.

150gal/25gal sump Red Sea Max S650, started 3/28/15

Posted By: knowen87
Date Posted: April 03 2018 at 10:09am
What has your water change schedule been like over the life of the tank? I had similar problems when I had slacked off on maintenance for over a year. It took a while to fix. I changed a lot of water over a period of several months. Each time I would suck out the cyano. 
One more suggestion would be to get an ICP test done. They are not too expensive (Not more than a bucket of salt) and it could tell you if you have something rusting or strange in your tank. I don't used the triton method but I could see where a lab test could be helpful in at least eliminating some of the possible culprits. 

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: April 04 2018 at 2:12pm
The tank looks good in those photos. Better than expected.
My advice, 90% water change.


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: jwoo
Date Posted: April 05 2018 at 11:27am
What UV sterilizer are you using? Open it up and look for rust. There is a known problem with some brands especially coralife where the casing over the bulb doesn't seal and it can rust. Just a thought.

None at the moment
Soon: 72 Gallon Bowfront

Posted By: BobC63
Date Posted: April 06 2018 at 8:33am
My advice?

1) Immediate 50% water change.

2) Bring Mg up to 1400 immediately afterwards.

3) Do you run carbon? If not, then start. And IF you are running now / or just starting to run - change it weekly for 1 month. Then monthly afterwards. And make sure you are running enough of it. I would suggest a carbon reactor if you don't have one already

4) Do you run GFO? If not, follow same advice as for carbon EXCEPT start with a small amount (1 tsp / 20 gal) and change every 2 weeks.

4) Looking at your coral mix (heavier on softies and LPS) I wouldn't even run a UV. 

5) Stop the amino and vite dosing immediately and stay stopped for 1 month. Probably helping to 'feed' that cyano... and possibly contributing to your zoanthid problems... 

6) Ditch the nitrate pad. 

Once things get noticeably better, look at what you have been dosing supplement-wise and drop down to 1/4 of that dosage. My experience with a lot of these supplements is not every element gets 'used' by the corals... and sometimes what doesn't get used can accumulate to unhealthy levels over time.

Lastly, please describe IN SPECIFICS what you have for flow (pump names, gph if you know it, etc)

"I have plenty of flow" doesn't tell me if you have SUFFICIENT flow...

Good Luck Thumbs Up

P.S. - Assuming you run a skimmer..? Brand and size info please (unless you posted it and I just missed it)

- My Current Tank: 65g Starfire (sitting empty for 2+ years) -

* Marine & Reef tanks since 1977 *

Posted By: jsol12
Date Posted: April 08 2018 at 11:34am
I have checked for stray voltage but reading was zero. I used the chemiclean and now the cyano is all gone.  As for water changes, I try to do them every 2 weeks which doesn't always happen, but at minimum I would say once a month for the life of the tank. I do 30gal per change (about 20%). As for a 50-90% water change....that's going to take hiring someone because there's no way I am lugging 75-135 gal of water around, so if any of you can recommend good tank maintenance people that would be fantastic.

Equipment wise: 
I do run carbon via a reactor, which I try to change with water changes. I will start to add some GFO to that. I've been watching for for someone to sell another reactor.
I do have a coral life UV sterilizer, it looks fine, no rust.
Skimmer is a reef octopus, not sure of size. I think it is a little small but the previous owner said they ran it on their 150gal with no problems, and it was the only skimmer I could find at the time my old one broke so I went with it. 
4 Circulation pumps are the red sea ones that came with system, each 570gph. I replaced the sump return with a Simplicity 2100gph pump.

150gal/25gal sump Red Sea Max S650, started 3/28/15

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