I don't do many build threads, and I tend to take a lot of pictures... Bear with me
I found these LED matrix lights on Ebay for around $80 a pop. and while they are dimmable on two channels, only via a knob on top. I wanted something my Apex controller could dim, not just turn on and off. Being new to the hobby I'm out of money, so I wanted to do this on the cheap!
I researched and researched and decided that with the 60 degree spread lenses two of these guys would give my 90 gallon tank a good coverage. EBay order put in and just a couple of days later here they are!
Basic Build is
0 - Assemble tools
1 - Take Apart
2 - Remove Analog Knobs
3 - Cut Square Hole
4 - Drill Screw Holes
5 - Mount Port
6 - Solder Wires & Test
7 - Dress Wires & Test
8 - Reassemble & Test
Step 0
First up is to get things together that I know i'm going to need.
Not pictured is the 3rd hand tool, soldering iron, screw driver, screws and more coffee.
Step 1
Stuff assembled, lets take the mounting screws out and pull the two sides apart!
Look now nice everything is inside! We can fix that for sure.
The drivers are the only things other than the screws connecting the two sides. I just need to cut the zip tie and pull these apart.
Step 2
Removing those analog knobs
Pull it off
Pair of pliers to unscrew the nut holding it on the frame
Looking at the inside
Pulled off just fine
I like how everything is Ziptied together
Makes it nice to cut apart. no lost pieces
I'll save this for another project...
Step 3
Make this round hole square
Using some files I got from Harbor Freight, I first made the hole larger using a round file
Move to a square file
About half way there...
little bit on this side, little bit on that side...
I worked from the front because this is what happens on the back-side. I cleaned it up with a pocket knife after I was all done.
Looking Good
So Close!
Step 4
Now for screw holes to mount this up...
I tried templateing this with a xerox machine, a piece of string. and a few other ideas. But the best I really came up with was just eyeballing it!
1/8 inch was the right size for me
Slow and steady wins the race
Again, needs some cleanup on the back-side
Screw hole was just a little off so i had to file the corner of the port out a little more -- still pretty close
Step 5
Mount the thing!
Fine threaded screws (They didn't come with my Ethernet port, I just happened to have some that worked)
One is in...
Looks Good!
(Did you notice this was the other side?)
Nice Professional looking apperance
Step 6
Connecting it all up
Remember those nice labels on the manual dimmer -- they told us what went where! Good thing I took pictures of it all!
Separate the On/Off wires from the Variable Voltage wires
These can just get connected together. The Apex will turn power on and off so this won't ever need to.
For the rest of the things.... I sourced a LOT of information on the internet and Apex' manual and testing on my own to finally come up with this:
Using that pinout guide I don't need the 15 and 10v rails, just the variable voltage lines.
Match the colors up...
Wire them all together.
isn't it pretty?
I don't have any pictures here, but TEST! Make sure everything is connected correctly here now.
Step 7
Dress the wires, Heat Shrink Wrap (Marine Grade!), and make it pretty.
Heat Shrink the on/off and tuck it out of the way
Should be safe over here
One at a time. I pinched the ends together also to make sure to keep out any moisture
Zip tie it all down...
Hey, that doesn't look too bad after all
Step 8
Reassemble and Test
Put all the screws back together and close it up.
Plug one side into the Apex, the other side to Daisy chain them together
Isn't it pretty?!?
All done! Thanks so much for taking a look!
Edited by Baghtal - November 04 2015 at 1:33pm