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Posted: October 10 2015 at 4:52pm |
19 for us. I think that will be all. Heard Bob had the big rush to close! That is great.
180G Mixed Reef Tank
170G Dart Frog Tank
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 4:59pm |
1 for us, oh well. Better than none!
54 gallon rimless mixed EA sump 1 year running
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:00pm |
Well, no reefers came by, that's to bad.
I didn't mention I have a couple of frags to give out, I was going to surprise you.
I used the reef tour as an excuse to buy a couple of pieces I really wanted, and I am very happy.
If any of you ever feel like coming down let me know, I'ld be happy to host an evening of fun and games, maybe even fire up the grill and do some carne asada tacos or something.
I am very happy to a part of this society, I count you all as reefer friends, and look forward to eventually meeting some of you in person.
Edited by redleader - October 10 2015 at 5:01pm
Everything in life is possible. You just have to dream big, and act bigger.
150 G Reef
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:01pm |
Well pretty slow at my house had 5 "visits" with 9 adults total, think I will need to do a RSVP thread next year, haha. Thanks to those that came by. Had a last min visitor!so updated my post. I had Isaac & Erika Painter, Chuck & Dalia Cole, Shaun Sabey & Son, Theresa & David White, and Mike & Becky Jeide and crew!!
Edited by Bryce - October 10 2015 at 7:01pm
65g Reef
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:02pm |
pilotx44 wrote:
1 for us, oh well. Better than none! | Bummer. Maybe too nice of a day today. It did seem a bit lighter out there. We will celebrate later with food and drink st Dions!
180G Mixed Reef Tank
170G Dart Frog Tank
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:03pm |
redleader wrote:
Well, no reefers came by, that's to bad.
I didn't mention I have a couple of frags to give out, I was going to surprise you.
I used the reef tour as an excuse to buy a couple of pieces I really wanted, and I am very happy.
If any of you ever feel like coming down let me know, I'ld be happy to host an evening of fun and games, maybe even fire up the grill and do some carne asada tacos or something.
I am very happy to a part of this society, I count you all as reefer friends, and look forward to eventually meeting some of you in person.
| Really appreciate you being a host.
180G Mixed Reef Tank
170G Dart Frog Tank
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:10pm |
I got a couple of neighbors to come in and see the tank, they wanted to borrow my truck, so I had them come in and see the tank before I would give them the keys.
I'll be posting a lot more pictures over the coming weeks. I'll host again next year, and like I stated I am more than happy to participate.
My kids are looking forward tot he aquarium social this coming year, and I think I have them hooked for life.
Everything in life is possible. You just have to dream big, and act bigger.
150 G Reef
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:12pm |
I ended up with 2 groups, 5 people. I had a lot of fun showing them. My doors are always open, any of you that want to see the frog room are always more than welcome. Just shoot me a PM. Now... GO UTES!!
Red Sea Reefer 625 XXL
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:15pm |
Brett I will cruise by on my way to Dions if you are still available. May be 6 or 630
180G Mixed Reef Tank
170G Dart Frog Tank
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:18pm |
No problem! I'll be here. Anyone else is welcome to stop by later, the lights stay on until about 8:30.
Red Sea Reefer 625 XXL
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 5:45pm |
Our first hosting of a reef tour tank and what a lot of fun it was. We had 8 groups (18 people) stop by. It was really a lot of fun to meet all the interested reefers. Thank you to all the good people who took the time to drop by. We enjoyed sharing with you.
Creating ocean puddles in an alkaline state.
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 7:05pm |
Thanks to everyone who did this! I wish there was more time to do this, maybe across a couple of days.
My wife and I only saw 4 tanks, and with drive time, had spent 6 hours out doing this. We were actually at Bob's until 6ish.
I wish I had taken images but I was so sucked into everyones tanks. All the tanks we saw were very beautiful. Its amazing to see how each is run so differently, but yet are all super nice in their own way.
Brad Syphus: I can see why this tank is used so often in images. It was so big. I had no idea it was this big in person! Thanks again for allowing us into your home.
Jon & Bacot Dinchak: Thanks for sharing all your creatures with us! Not only did they have a couple of sweet tanks, they had all kinds of cool frogs, an iguana creature thing, and a cute little dog. Thanks again for sharing your home.
Stan & Kathy Mitchell: Very nice tank and super nice set up. Its done very nicely and well planned out. Very nice sump room area and Kathy had a really nice pond. We actually spent time looking at the pond too and learned a lot. Thanks for sharing!
Bob Carlson: Very nice tank with lots of SPS! Learned a ton about SPS, saw some cool fish, and was not mugged. ;). Thanks Bob!
Thanks everyone for doing this! I wish I had seen all of them. Marcos
RedSea Max S400 - 90G Rimless Frag Tanks x2 - 185 Lookdown Bin
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 8:58pm |
A huge "Thank You!" to everyone for opening their homes and spending the day sharing their tanks with us. It was really great meeting everyone and hanging out chatting for a while. The tanks were all amazing and I learned a lot from everyone. Like Marcos I wish there was more time to see all the tanks. I had originally planned to see all of them, but between driving time and spending some time chatting it quickly became apparent we just weren't going to be able to visit everyone. I look forward to meeting more reefers in the area and getting to see and learn more about all of your wonderful tanks.  -Dave
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 11:07pm |
Ended with 15 total that came to visit. Was pretty shocked to see Adam and the Winterbottoms come all the way up! I thought Adam had seen it all but he was like a kid in a candy store when I showed him my sump. You should have seen it. Had a great time showing off my tank and meeting so many new people. It was great to see people that haven't even set up a tank yet and they were out doing homework.
Can't wait to see some of the pics that Adam took off my fish and tank show up on the forum. He got some good ones.thanks again everyone.
My ocean. 90g (yup, won it!), 40g, 28g, & 10g Systems PADI Advanced Open Water Tank Thread:
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Posted: October 10 2015 at 11:32pm |
We made it out to some houses today, but not all we wanted. Hopefully we can see the rest in the future.
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Posted: October 11 2015 at 9:39am |
Well, another Reef Tour is now in the history books...
I ended up with exactly 30 people. But for a while there, I really thought this was going to be a total bust... Had 0 from 10 - 11AM. But that actually was a good thing; gave me additional time to get everything just right and all prepped for company... 4 people (2 couples) from 11 - noon. Most of my visitors came in pairs / couples. Then 0 from noon all the way to almost 3 PM. For awhile I thought maybe 4 was all she wrote for the day..? Spent the time trying to figure out what in the sump was giving me a nice little shock every time I touched the water (!) Interesting because I wasn't getting shocked in the display tank. About 10 minutes to 3, the floodgates opened and I got 26 people the last 2 hours. May not seem like a big crowd, but when you realize that those 26 people equated to about 11 different groups of people... and each group stayed an average of about 20-25 minutes... groups start to overlap; at one point I had 4 groups of people in the front room. LOTS of new faces... only 3 or 4 people had ever been to my home before!
Last folks left at 6 PM. Ran over to HD and bought a multimeter and found out the voltage leak was coming from:
My heater! (better than one of the pumps) Pulled out the old heater (there was even water inside the glass tube) and threw in another one Now, if I could only finally get to setting up: - The controller - The doser - The nO3 reactor Then MAYBE this tank would be finished 
- My Current Tank: 65g Starfire (sitting empty for 2+ years) -
* Marine & Reef tanks since 1977 *
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Posted: October 11 2015 at 10:35am |
It was a very long day for Vickie and I. But I knew it would be when I got up at 5 am. The day started off with me taking my truck in for new ball joints and U joints. Then hurry back home and get the signs out and start turning the lights on the tank. 10 am a few of my neighbors dropped in and were amazed at all the living PLAnts I had in my tank. LOL Then it was just a continuouse feed of small groups throughout the day which was so fun . I ended up with exactly 50 visitors , but 6 were my family/Mom and Dad and sisters. At 5pm I shut down, and headed to pick up my truck. (I'm going to have to sell more coral to pay it off) LOL, and then came home and headed for the Utah game. Walked 3 miles to the stadium, and the game started at 8pm. 11;40 the intense game ended with a victory! walked back 3 miles to our car and finally got home around 12:45 am. We were beat, but in a very good way from a great day. Thanks everyone who stopped by. I live for these days. 
Edited by tileman - October 11 2015 at 10:39am
335G Reef TOTM. ReefKeepers TOTM Feb. 2012
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Posted: October 11 2015 at 10:53am |
We had a lot of fun. We woke up pretty early to get the Frog tanks cleaned and get everything on early and awake if we had someone at 10am. We didn't get our first until after 12pm but had I not done it we would have for sure had someone at 10am.
We had two big rushes and 2 at the very end for a total of 19. I think most visits were for at least 20 minutes. It was great talking to everyone and talking tanks. I loved that there were multiple people who were touring who were setting up tanks and researching. Two people had signed up for Forum accounts the day before. That was great to hear. I blitzed Facebook, invited work and all my local friends and the irony of it was that everyone who came out was someone I didn't know. Was great meeting everyone. I need to find a way to see Brad's and Bob's tank! I missed not checking that out. Was great having the Draper house near by (I had hoped to sneak out and check but ran out of time). I think everyone who visited me came from there or was going their next. Made it worth while to come East! On our way to Dion's for the host party we stopped at Brett's and checked out his Frogs and Chameleons. Wow is all I can say. What an incredible setup, the frogs and tanks were AWESOME. I highly recommend. Dion's tank is amazing and was awesome to see that as well! So had a couple of tank visits. Thanks for everyone who came out and a big thanks to all those who hosted. I know how much work it is and giving up a Saturday with amazing weather. Thanks so much for giving back to our hobby and showing your love and passion!
180G Mixed Reef Tank
170G Dart Frog Tank