It's almost a new year. We have a new President, a new first ever female Vice President and most important we have NEW members! It is time to hear your voices!
Let me spell out what I mean. You hear from your Presidency quite a lot and if that's what works for the club then we can continue doing that. What I want to know is what do our members want to hear?
Do you like the topics that we have been covering?
Do you have topics we haven't covered that you want to know more about?
Do any of you, our members, have expertise in a topic that you would like to present at a meeting? I do. but I hear myself talk all the time.

I'll be reaching out to some of you that I know have some expertise. I know that I do not know all of our members well enough to know who I am missing. I will be leaning on my council to try and widen my search as well. I want to hear from you. I want to hear what you know, I want to hear what the members need from this club.
I can't do what you have voted me in to do without knowing what you need. I will cover topics, I will have others cover topics, I will pay to have experts come cover topics, but I want US to cover topics as a club as well.
Can you help me make this happen? Can you contribute to helping take this club back to the club? It's your turn and your time. Thank you for being members, thank you for wanting to be part of what we have and please help me make this even better. This club is here because our members want to be involved and we want you to be involved because, well I'm tired of hearing the voices in my head tell me the same things I already know.

Thank you again for all you do! I can't wait to hear from EACH of you.
Jeff Stephenson
WMAS 2018 President
Edited by Krazie4Acans - December 21 2017 at 9:23am