Not sure where to post this so I will try here as well...
Cannot get a picture they are to small for the camera to pick-up.....
I was looking at my Live Rock earlier and noticed something funny / strange. Crawling along it (or out of it in another case) was what looks like a worm of some sort...
It looks like angel hair pasta - Thin and white / clear - It has one end tucked into a crevace in the rock and is streatching with it's other end (assuming the mouth end) - It seems to be eating (or at least streatching - FORGIVE MY SPELLING - thinking not typing... towards my green hair algae) maybe even eating it...
There are a few of them, they are various sizes - a couple are even sliding across the rock, not tucked in .....
With this poor description anyone have any idea ? I'd rather not have to kill them as they are part of the eco-system - But if they are bad I need to know so I can possibly try and control them..
Any help would be great.... Thanks in advance