Where exactly are you getting this idea that I'm pushing the old vs the new??? All I said was that I *personally* preferred the older ones b/c I liked to remove the nozzles. I said in my posts that I had the old AND the new Koralias...and wished I had purchased the MP40's a long time ago. That's it....stating my personal preference as a personal preference is not "pushing" anything last I checked.
I clarified my original post...and then clarified in my last post that all I was trying to say is that if you're looking to turn your pumps on and off, it's not worth buying the specific controller for the Koralias since it is close to the price of MP40s with pretty much no features. I don't consider that a true controller, but if you do, whatever.
I don't understand why you're pushing this debate (and last I checked, this wasn't a debate...not sure what you're even arguing.) Chances are, the person asking won't be able to buy the older ones even if he/she wanted (unless they were used.) So, who cares?! Almost everyone in this thread thinks he should buy Koralias if on a budget (and he can't buy the old ones b/c they're discontinued) or the MP40's if money grew on trees.
I'm not responding to this thread again as we are BOTH not helping the original poster.