The sun shines about 11 -13 hours in the tropics through the different seasons of the year, with noonday sun being very, very bright. It also depends on the type of coral and it's depth in its home water. Maybe this perspective will help you figure things out.
Yet after all that is said, coral are fairly adaptable and resilient. Coral acclimate/grow differently according to the light they are receiving. So do whatever you want. They will be fine.
Oh, and I've seen nice reef tanks where the blue/actinics were left on for like 16 hours with the brighter fuller spectrum lights on for only like 4-8 hours or even broken up into times when viewing was desired like before work and after work. This was where tank temperature was a concern because of hot MH lighting.
Hope this helps.
Courtesy of Jacques Cousteau
Edited by Mark Peterson - April 02 2014 at 10:55am