Hello everyone,
My wife and I are moving to Oregon, and wont have the space for our tank, so unfortunately we have to get rid of it. It is a 160 Gallon tank (48"X32"X24") and a Stand (48"X30"X24") We have Loop light and 1 loop wave pump, and then 1 generic wave pump. The heater is being used with a heater plug as well, that allows a temp range. We have a Fluval G6 filter system. In the tank we have sand and Live rock. For the critters we have 1 clown, 3 Pajama Cardinals, 1 Urchin, 1 Sand Sifting (Gobi I think), 1 Large RabbitFish, and 1 other striped fish(sorry, not sure). About 10 Snails, and 10 crabs.
Be great to get something out of it, but worse case, if you can come get it, and everything in it, we could give it away.