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Topic: Blue Tang or Yellow Tang Posted: May 17 2013 at 2:37pm |
I am getting a 75 gallon tank tomorrow, and although-- and I want to make this clear-- absolutely not getting any fish yet-- I am making a fish plan. I wanted to get some feedback from people on personal experience.
What I'm looking for is experience regarding activity, aggression, hardiness and community compatibility. Which have you guys had better experience with?
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 2:47pm |
Which blue tang? Powder blue, blue hippo, ?
150 gal reef with 50 gal sump. Reef Octopus DCS-200 Skimmer. AI Sol Blues.
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 2:52pm |
Sorry, the blue hippo.
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 3:09pm |
I personally don't like the look of yellow tangs. Never had one. My blue hippo is nice to watch, gets along well with my other fish. Make sure you buy a small one as they do grow big.
Powder blues are harder to keep than blue hippo (health and longevity). Yellow tangs would be on the easier side to keep as far as tangs go. Tangs in general are not the easiest fish to keep.
150 gal reef with 50 gal sump. Reef Octopus DCS-200 Skimmer. AI Sol Blues.
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 3:17pm |
Thanks for the feedback-- you're all over my posts! My intention is to add the tang as the last fish, but I wanted to get everything planned out due to my OCD.
I agree that the Hippo is more attractive than the yellow, though.
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 3:22pm |
Neither. In a 75 gallon tank I'd go with a Kole Tang. If it has to be one of the two then a Yellow Tang.
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 3:45pm |
Jimbo, I think my fave tang is the purple tang in your pic.
What is special about the Kole? Is there a reason you don't like the hippo?
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 3:54pm |
Kole tangs stay much smaller and will do better in the long term. A blue hippo will out grow your tank, if it lives that long. Often they don't. There are several bristle tooth tangs that don't get as big. My experience with a yellow eye kole tang I had was with feeding and training it to eat off a clip.
150 gal reef with 50 gal sump. Reef Octopus DCS-200 Skimmer. AI Sol Blues.
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 3:55pm |
I don't have a problem with a small 1-4 inch blue hippo in a well aquascaped 4 ft tank.
150 gal reef with 50 gal sump. Reef Octopus DCS-200 Skimmer. AI Sol Blues.
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 4:20pm |
Yellow will be better because of the size it gets but I do like the hippo better (I have both in a 55 and 90 including a bristle tooth tang) and the yellow is more aggressive and while the hippo is more fun to watch and more peaceful. I will choose a baby hippo (they are so cute) and watch it grow over time. Also if you do decide to do it you will have to upgrade in the future ( 2+ years from now)
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 5:18pm |
Also depends on what corals you plan to keep....those of us who have kept blue hippos long term, 4+ inches, know they have a tendency to eat/nip LPS, especially acans! This happens when they get a little bigger because we often can't feed enough to satisfy them throughout the day.
Just an extra thought.
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Posted: May 17 2013 at 6:17pm |
bur01014 wrote:
Also depends on what corals you plan to keep....those of us who have kept blue hippos long term, 4+ inches, know they have a tendency to eat/nip LPS, especially acans! This happens when they get a little bigger because we often can't feed enough to satisfy them throughout the day.ÂÂ
Just an extra thought.ÂÂ
| Really??? I have a 5in or so hippo and he does t pick at my corals, but yet again I don't own any acans. I thought that they were reef safe.
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Posted: May 18 2013 at 3:26am |
I have had a 2" yellow and a 3" hippo at the same time in a 72g bow. The hippo was always the more aggressive of the 2 , but that could be due the size difference and also the fact that the hippo was the first tang in my tank. The hippo was always more prone to ICH as my yellow never had a spot on him in the 8 months I had him. But in my current set up (70+) I have a yellow eye kole and love the color and he wont out grow my tank. He always seems to hang with my Melanarus or emerald wrasse , Kinda weird but cool at the same time ...... Just my O/2