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Topic: My Fish have Ich and Garlic isnt helping Posted: October 01 2004 at 8:40am |
Now what?
I have a Yellow Tang and an Ocellaris clown that both have ich. none of my other fish appear to have it. I've been feeding brine shrimp and flake food that have been soaking in some garlic extreame. Both fish are eating well and very active so I'm not really worried about them dying soon, I'd just like to get rid of it.
Any suggestions??
Highland, UT
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Posted: October 01 2004 at 9:46am |
Do you have a UV steralizer on the tank , if not I would look into getting one, it will help to reduce the future risk.
Also cleaner shrimp help to control pests.
"So this is what gives meaning to your life." -Unknown
Daniel in Santaquin
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Posted: October 01 2004 at 9:48am |
Now, I am not an expert in this field by any means, what I am about to
share with you worked for me, some of the things might be "wrong" to do
but I did them anyway with successful results. Take it or leave
it, but it worked for me. Now I must mention, that when I did
this, I did not have any type of corals in there.
Here it goes:
First I slowly raised the temperature of the water to about 84 degrees,
I did the "garlic remedy" and I did this for 5 days straight, within
two days or so, the ich was gone off the fish, not out of the tank, but
off the fish. I went to Fish 4 U, and I bought "Ick Attack" which
is an organic (no copper) ick medicine, as well as a cleaner
shrimp. I treated with this for 3 days, all while lowering the
temperature back down to normal. Once the temp was at normal, I
waited a day then I did a huge water change, like 17 gallons out of a
46 gallon bowfront. My fish are doing well now and once a week I
put a drop of garlic into their food just for good measure, that has
since gone to once every two weeks. As stated above, it might not
work for everyone, but it worked for me. Hope this helps.
"Your worst enemy could be your best friend, and your best friend your worst enemy"
[email protected] Sandy, UT
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Posted: October 01 2004 at 10:57am |
I've been gifing garlic for about a week and I do have a cleaner shrimp. I haven't noticed any real improvement, but I also haven't really noticed it getting worse. I have done 30 gallon water change in the last week. so I'll have to try the temp boost.
Edited by acerob
Highland, UT
12g Nano
90g Reef