I am using them for feed! I want them to be small so I will have food for the baby seahorses I hope to one day have.
I read somewhere that shrimp are cannibals, and they eat their young. So, they must be separated. But, who has room for a labor and delivery tank, a nursery tank, and a grow out tank?
Mine are living in a filthy brackish 10 gallon aquarium. They actually seem to thrive on neglect! I have divided the tank into 2 parts. One side has a piece of eggcrate over the bottom, with a layer of bridal veil over that. I put all the ghost shrimp I buy into that side. After I gut load them all, I put the ones without eggs into the freezer for future dinner for my adult seahorses. I leave the ones with eggs in 'till they drop their eggs. The eggs fall through the netting. As they hatch, they crawl through the eggcrate wall seperating the 2 sides. There, they get lots of cheap flake food (I'm using spirulina 'cause it's got hufas!). They grow pretty fast, too slow to supply 5 full sized seahorses, though.
I am going to try this one day with pepermints!