The October
WMAS meeting will take place on Thursday, October 1 at 7:00pm at the Rose
Garden next to Sugar House Park (same place as usual).
For all of
you who participated in the LFS Tour back in February, we will be raffling off
the prizes at this meeting. Sorry it has
taken so long, but our focus has been on the safety of our members.
The meeting
will be held outside the Rose Garden on the back lawn. We will be starting the raffles promptly at
7:00pm. You will need to be present to
win all of the raffles except for the Neptune APEX EL.
For those of
you who already turned in your punch cards and receipts, Thank you! We will have your raffles tickets at the
front desk waiting for you to pick up and drop in the raffle bucket.
For those of
you who have not turned in your punch cards and receipts, you’ll need to arrive
before 7pm with punch card and receipts in hand. That way we can issue you your raffles
tickets in time for the raffles.
You will be
able to purchase additional raffle tickets for $1 each for all raffles except
the Neptune Apex.
safety is our highest concern. To keep
this event as safe as possible, we will be holding it outside and requesting
everyone follow the local mask and social distancing mandate. If you are not feeling well or have been
around someone with COVID, please do not come. While we will do all that we can to reduce
risk, COVID exposure is still possible.
If you do not feel comfortable with that risk, please stay home.
Edited by theresawhite - September 20 2020 at 12:22pm