No idea- totally sucks.
I had a Millieopra that I adopted that came to me almost white, little to no flesh and ZERO polyp. It was in my tank for about 3-4 months and starting to actually grow and maybe just maybe color up when I did a water change and all the sudden it starts to shed JUST like your describing, and the next morning all that was left was a super BRIGHT white skeleton. NOTHING else even blinked, and I have other Millie/Acro/Monti/etc etc etc. Totally random, its been 2 weeks now and tank is 100% perfect but for that coral, which is still bright withe so I am kinda hoping it left a tiny bit of flesh and maybe will come back.
Random, aggravating, unpredictable. Take solace in the likely hood that the rest of your tank didn't notice and will probably be fine. Sorry, I lost a tiny frag that I was rescuing, yours is much harder to take. Hope the rest truly didn't notice and all is well. Unsure but with Acro's my impression is a dead skeleton is a dead skeleton and there is no value to it other than as base rock, i.e. not going to reproduce from it like a plate coral might... is this correct???? Acro reproduce by spawning so I think this is correct....