I like the rock for the most part, but you have to be aware that nasty crabs and such sometimes come along with it. Some people have had great luck with removing the nasty crabs from the rocks, but I have struggled to remove all of them and gave up for the most part. Right now there are only a few remaining. Also most of the life on the rocks is no longer. All of the barnacles are dead and the same for the turnicates and most if not all of the sponges. I suspect that they were eaten more than just lack of nutrients.
The red and the orange tree sponges died on me. A red cluster died too. The yellow branching one is a fighter and has lasted, but has not faired real well. Also the orange fan is all the way back in a corner of the tank that is nearly impossible to reach, but they are surviving too. Along with that the yellow ball sponge seems to be keeping its own.
Also all of the halimeda died too, but that is likely due to poor lighting in the refugium.
Aside from that I have been really pleased with the stuff. Right now the piece I have in the refugium is starting to grow macro algae on it since the lighting was changed to a higher watt twist florescent bulb and that the mythrix crab died that was eating it like a pig. Also I have loved the diversity of life that came in with it all and would definitely use TBS stuff again.
Oh, and I am really temped to get another order of stuff from him, so if you or anyone is interested let me know as it might just push me that direction.