I agree. It's like buying a fish just to watch it die a very early death. It would be nice to hear from someone that has had a Powder Brown or Powder Blue for longer than a year. Anyone?
Having plenty of live growing Macroalgae helps immensely to making Tangs feel comfortable and happy.
Oh and I should add another thought regarding these tangs, and in this I also include the Convict Tang. They are extremely social fish. In the wild they live in large shoals(schools). When we bring that one lone fish into our tank, it gets Ich and/or suddenly just passes away. It's my belief that it may actually be dieing of loneliness for it's kind. One of the reasons I believe this is that when I added a Convict Tang to my system, it immediately swam with the Mollies.

Yes, I have salt water Mollies in my system. I noticed the Convict had a definite affinity toward other passive grazing fish. This Convict Tang seems to be doing well. It has been in the system for almost a year but I cannot explain why it has grown little, even though it grazes all day on a field of Macroalgae.

Edited by Mark Peterson - March 28 2014 at 10:21am