Hello all, Last night i won a toadstool leather frag at the led meeting featuring Jake Adams, Which was super informative and i always love meeting at the aquarium. but back to the leather, after i acclimated it and added it to my tank it was doing very well it actually expanded and had all its (fingers, toes, polyps,) i dont know what to call them, they were all out. now today when the light came on it began to shrivel, and its loosing color around the edge.... any ideas? water param are all where they are supposed to be i just checked everything on monday and it was good.
I moved it to a place with less flow and a little less exposure to the light an hour ago but haven't noticed any difference. I thought i might considering how fast it went to the ugly state it is in now.
Tank is a 75 gal reef with t5 lighting.
Thanks in advance, Mike