They could be doing better.
Think about this: What is causing those bubbles on the base and even that bubble further up the side?
Yes it's Cyano, just a slightly different form than you are accustomed to seeing.
Besides more flow, you need to be sure you have extra snails and hermits in the tank.
What size tank and how many snails and hermits currently.
Please post a full tank pic.
Oh and another thought.
A toothbrush is a wonderful tool. An old soft bristle toothbrush can be used to brush the base to exfoliate the Cyano off. Cyano is growing within the surface tissue so don't be too gentle. Give it a good brushing.
This works well for GSP too. For some reason they like a good brushing when they are clogged with algae and usually open up fully expanded and looking great within a day.
Edited by Mark Peterson - October 08 2008 at 5:29pm