March 2006 - Tank of the Month
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better results) 1) Your name, location and occupation. Include how long you have been an aquarist, how long you have been a WMAS member and how you heard of our club. Location: West, Jordan Occupation: Student / Lab Tech. How long have you been in the hobby? About 4 years How long have you been a member of the club? About 2 years How did you hear about the WMAS? Through a friend 2) Describe your tank. Acrylic or glass? Size in dimensions and gallons. How long has it been set up? Size in gallons: 46 Gallon Bowfront, 30 gallon sump/refugium Dimensions: 36x12x20 Age: (how long has the system been running) My current tank was setup in May of 2004, previously it had been a 20 gallon tank that I had running since about 2001. 3) Describe your lighting system, including your photo-period. Add what you would change if you could. I really wish I had some actinic supplements. When I first got my spacelight, it came with a 20K XM bulb. The color was awesome, but I wasn�t getting very much growth with them. When that bulb burnt out, I switched to a 10K bulb. The colors seem to be washed out a little, but the growth on my corals has increased dramatically. So I tried some fluorescent bulbs for actinics, but that didn�t do much. My next bulb for the spacelight is going to be the Phoniex 14K. Hopefully get a good blend of growth and color. I run a 30 gallon sump/refugium. Half of the tank is a refugium, and the other is my sump. The refugium has its lights on 24/7 and has a lot of extra liverock pieces. I primarily have one type of macro-algae, C. Mexicana. I have some spaghetti Caulerpa growing, but its being out competed by the C. Mexicana. My return pump is a Mag 7, and I run a maxijet powerhead in the tank for added circulation. I really don�t do very many water changes. Maybe once a month. As long as everything is looking good and growing well, I don�t really change it. I clean the glass daily and usually will do a deep cleaning about once a week. But other than that, I don�t do much. I dose with Iodine about once a week. And use kalkwasser about every three days. I feed my fish a combination of 3 foods. I feed daily with spectrum pellet food, and every couple of days I feed them frozen mysis shrimp. I also feed about every couple of days cyclopleez. For the corals, I�ll give them some phyto about once and week and then they also eat the cyclopleez that I feed to the fish. I bought the tank, stand and canopy from another member on the board. The tank was a standard 46 bowfront, which the previous owner drilled. When I bought the tank I ended up sanding both the stand and canopy down, and repainting it to a different color. Color: Black with a rustic look to it.
Favorite Fish: Both my
clowns, they�ve been in the tank the longest. *You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the presentation. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat you can download it free from For best results save the documents to your local computer by right clicking on the file you want to download a select "save target as...". |