hello everybody
I am new to the hobby. currently i got a 75G glass fish tank in the works. I got the glass fish tank from PETCO about 250$
with 85G Acrylic tank that i am turning into a sump. i got the sump for 100$
i decided to make the acrylic tank the sump because it has been scratched up a bit from previous owner. did a fill test with this own and no leeks
my main objectives right now are getting the equipment i need. the things i have now are
75G fish tank
85G sump with acrylic baffles and bubble trap
Reef Octopus (150 Gallon) In Sump Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer 199.99$
Vacuum Pump <- possibly for overflow box but i would rather drill my tank 15.00$
2X 250 W Heater for 90G tank 37.99$
things i need
1. sump pump
2. LS LR <- i want to get some Oolitic sand and
3. overflow box will probably make it myself with acrylic / pay sombody to drill the tank
4. pluming
5. stand
things i want
1. ReefKeeper Elite Aquarium Controller
2. power heads/ tunze nano wavebox 6206
3. Lights. both the tanks came with 48" Single tube Fluorescent lamps that will work for now bout i want to get a 48" T5 lighting for my main tank
Edited by duotheslayer - July 05 2010 at 12:00pm