Write the name on a small sticky note or piece of paper and stick/tape it on the glass in front of the coral. This will help you put it to memory.
Here is another thing. Where practical, before buying an animal, do a little research to find out what where it lives on the earth. Learn what life is like there, both in the water and above in the countries closest to that location.
As an example, I had the blessing of being able to spend a couple years living in Hawaii. One day I was at the beach walking out a long rocky water breaker. I spied some green stuff in the shallow water. I wondered what algae it was? It was strange because every so often as the waves moved back and forth I could see a bit of purple color. As I stooped down to get a closer look, it hit me.
This was no algae! This was Green Star Polyps. I took this pic.
GSP is a coral I had grown and sold for years but I had never seen it in the wild. How cool was that?