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Joined: May 28 2013
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Topic: What is happening? Posted: November 19 2013 at 5:18pm |
This hammer all of the sudden looks like it had been getting eaten or something. I haven't been into reefing for very long so I have no clue as to what it is. Could be perfectly normal haha.
I have not failed....I have just found 1000 ways that don't work.
210 Gallon Dual Overflow Life Reef LF1-200S Sump 40 Gal Refugium
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Posted: November 19 2013 at 6:40pm |
Google brown slime disease or brown jelly disease. Does it look anything like that?
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Posted: November 19 2013 at 6:49pm |
That doesn't appear to be BJD. It looks like something is literally eating/bothering it. Do you have clownfish trying to host in it? A tang or other fish starting to nip? How long has it looked like that?
| Diving since 2009, reefkeeping since 2007, & fishkeeping since 1987 200g, 75g, & 15g Systems PADI Advanced Open Water
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Posted: November 19 2013 at 7:14pm |
If it looks like some of the polyp has been damaged (missing, squished, cut, etc) then something may be picking at it. If it just looks deflated, then that could just be a sign of heavy irritation from too much flow or some other coral too near it. Also, look for corals near it that could be sending out sweepers at night and stinging it.
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Posted: November 19 2013 at 7:58pm |
I recently added 2 tomatoe clowns and a blue damsel. The clowns are hosting my RBTA and don't move more than 5 inches from the RBTA ever. I haven't seen the blue damsel come anywhere near it.
I also have a green spotted puffer (hasn't touched any coral for the 6 months that I have had him).
Fu Manchu Lionfish but he minds his own business.
Strawberry Sudochromis she is a bi#$@ but doesn't hurt any corals
Leopard gruper no problems.
The closest coral to it is a ricordia mushroom and it is on the opposite side than the damaged area. It really seems weird to me because all the other stems on the heads that are damaged don't seem to be bothered at all.
I have not failed....I have just found 1000 ways that don't work.
210 Gallon Dual Overflow Life Reef LF1-200S Sump 40 Gal Refugium
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Posted: November 19 2013 at 8:02pm |
I have not failed....I have just found 1000 ways that don't work.
210 Gallon Dual Overflow Life Reef LF1-200S Sump 40 Gal Refugium
Mark Peterson
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Posted: November 20 2013 at 7:23am |
Watch it at night with a dim flashlight. I would not be surprised if there is a rock crab, so called because they come in as tiny hitchhikers on LR. They usually do their foraging at night. It's easy to catch and remove rock crabs. Bait a glass pint jar or drinking glass with a piece of raw shrimp. Lean the jar at an angle against a rock near the rock crabs home. The crab goes in for the bait but cannot climb back up the slick glass. Aloha, Mark  BTW, I love your choice of semi aggressive fishes. Tomato Anemonefish are more aggressive than they at first appear.
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