I've been in industry/hobby for over 20 years. I've worked with importers and wholesalers in the past, before garage reefing was cool. I started collecting anemones about 10 years ago and quickly started a large propagation business. this was back when you had a choice of red or green!
Also around the same time I got into woodworking and acrylic fabrication. I do both on the side currently, which keeps me busy considering I have a full time job as well. I actually have a business license (and I pay taxes!). I'm not sure if I can sell here, but you can find me on r2r and nano-reef.
Over the past 20 years I've learned a lot, made a lot of mistakes and I still learn new things all the time. The advice I give here is based on previous experience in the industry as well as science. let's not forget that science will help prove/disprove a lot. bad information spreads quickly unfortunately, so if I can do anything to keep that from happening, then I'm not afraid to speak up.
I live in the Phoenix area and by day I work for the feds! There's a possibility I'll be moving to the slc area within a year.
Edited by cromag08 - June 06 2017 at 8:07am