QuoteReplyTopic: Baby blue tang getting beat up by clowns Posted: July 27 2011 at 1:45pm
I have a baby blue hippo tang about the size of a dime that was getting along nicely with my clowns in my main display tank (120g) who have finally paired up just recently. Anyhow, the clowns now are also finally interested in my RBTA and though the baby hippo tang used to hang around them constantly, now they want the tang gone or not crowding them so much so the tang insists on getting within a couple of inches of the clowns and the clowns slap the tang with their fins or they bang into the tang to bounce it out of the way which is most likely going to stress or weaken the tang and or clowns Question is what to do with the baby tang. I could put it in my refugium (the 20g section of the refugium suited for small fish or whatever) where all there is in that is chyto algae in live sand (lots of it and do I need to clear out some of the chyto to create room for the tang until it grows up to be adult sized) or leave it in the display tank? I have a 2nd tank but that has paired clowns in it also and the minute I put that baby tang in there, those 2 clowns got just as annoyed with this tang that just insists on being in too close of proximity to the clowns. Any ideas?
I'd leave them, the tank in big enough for the tang to figure out a new fav hang out. Maybe use a clip and put some nori on the other side of the tank to coax the tang over?
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