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Clean up Crew options..

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ttabbal View Drop Down

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    Posted: September 11 2015 at 11:08am
I seem to have had some snails die recently, and was always a little light on them anyway. Before I buy more, I thought I'd see what types the locals like. Perhaps with suggested vendors. The LFS around here seem to be pretty limited in selection. I'm considering reefcleaners.com if I can't find what I want locally. Here's what I've had..

Hermits - I only had about 4 of these, one went carpet surfing. The others look to be fine and doing their thing. I believe they are all the scarlet type.

Emerald Crabs - I have 2, still see them doing their thing, they ignore Valonia though, which is irritating as I have a bunch now. I added them before I had any, so I suspect they just got used to other stuff. I just thought they were kinda cool looking at the time. If I add a couple more, any shot they would go for the bubble algae? I have a bunch they are welcome to. I'm about ready to start taking rocks out and using a propane torch on the bubbles....

Trochus Snails - I like these, they seem to move around a lot getting lots of microalgae. They also don't wind up upside down like the others.

Astrea Snails - They seem to do well, unless they tip over and die on me. sigh.. I check a few times a day and flip over any I see.

Margerita Snails - Seem to do alright, don't last long though. I read some articles saying they are not well suited to the warmer tank temps, so I'm leaning against getting more. These do eat the GHA, sometimes, but I don't have a lot.

Cerith Snails - I bought 2, they are nocturnal I guess, I think they are still snailing around in there somewhere....

Red Collar Snail - looks like a red turbo... Mostly hangs out on the glass. Also seems to potentially not be very tolerant of the higher temps.
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Marcoss View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Marcoss Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 11 2015 at 11:56am
I had the same issue with my emerald. He are bubble algae like crazy and stopped one day.

A). I think he prefers the taste of meat now.
B). He can no longer reach the algae since its on a couple of rocks far off the ground.
C). I added a second emerald. He seems to be attacking the algae. I think the bigger the emerald gets, the more it prefers other foods. But I'm not 100% sure. It seems like any creature in the tank will evolve to its surroundings.

I personally use a tiger conch for cleaning my tank floor. It cannot climb so it'll just clean things it can reach with his elephant-like trunk.

I use a few crabs and that's about it. I think there are a few snails cruising around my I mostly clean the glass myself anyway.

Edited by Marcoss - September 11 2015 at 11:58am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Marcoss Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 11 2015 at 12:00pm
Also, have you check Aquatic Evolution on Orem? They always seem to have a ton of cleaning crews and even have bundles, at least back when I started my crew.
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I've gone thru a variety of cleaners.... all of the following is from my own experience.

Hermits - PROS excellent scavengers of leftover food (and dead livestock sadly) and some will eat certain types of algae, I have personally witnessed my dwarf blue legs eat hair algae, very low risk to fish. CONS - will kill snails and other crabs for their shells even if you have tons of empty shells for them.

Emerald Crabs - PROS many will eat hair and bubble algae, very low risk to fish. CONS have been seen picking on some corals and clams

Trochus Snails- PROS very low risk to livestock, can right themselves, consumes lots of film algae, cyano, and diatoms. CONS doesn't do much for nuisance algae.

Astrea Snails- PROS loves nuisance algae, low risk to livestock. CONS cant right itself if fallen over, not a good climber

Margerita Snail - PROS seems to eat just about any algae, very low risk to livestock. CONS short lives at most reef aquarium temps

Cerith Snail- PROS smaller snail able to get into small spaces, eats just about anything, comes in a few different sizes (dwarf or florida). CONS apparently delicious to hermits, small pointy shells are perfect size for clogging intakes/surface skimmers.

Nassarius Snail - PROS hide under the sandbed for safety during day, cleans detritus, uneaten food/fish waste. CONS doesn't eat any algae, always hides so its hard to tell how many you have.

Stometella Snail- PROS reef safe, eats microalgae/film algae. CONS only active at night, easy prey for wrasse, not usually sold in LFS

I know you were really asking about snails/crabs but you may also want to look at adding shrimp and maybe some sort of sea cuc or sand bed cleaning critters.... anything to reduce nutrients will help with algae control.

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ttabbal View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ttabbal Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 11 2015 at 3:20pm
Thanks for the info. I did have nitrate up a fair bit, but have gotten that down and stabilized. I don't check phosphate, I just figure it's there is algae is growing. :) I might pick up a test for it. Nitrate got up to about 30, over a few weeks I got it down and it hovers around 5 now. The high point is where the GHA came from. Irritating stuff. At least it doesn't seem to spread/grow with the Nitrate down. I'm going to pull the rest I can get to by hand out, but would like some critter help for the rest. Sounds like the Astrea and Margarita are the way to go for that. Regardless of their tendency to fall over and not get up.

I think Aquatic Evolution is where I picked up the emeralds. I'll have to check in with them again and see what they have. And I like seeing all the stuff they have.

I do have a cleaner shrimp in there as well, I forgot to mention it. :)

I keep the glass pretty clean. I like the snails and such more for the rocks and substrate, as I don't have them fully covered with coral like some of you do. :) Not a ton of algae grows on them, but I like the idea of keeping it picked up. And I keep hearing it's the "thing" to do.... Keep a lot of cleaners in there..
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