Phishin801 wrote:
My aquarium temp generally sits around 79 degrees |
I run my tanks at 70-75 degrees, giving some safety margin for an unexpected increase. 70-80 is the range.
As the outside weather warms, aquarium temp will rise slightly, even with AC running because most tanks are next to a wall where the temperature of the wall inhibits cooling in the summer and heating in the winter.
I agree with what has been said regarding pumps and evaporation. The ocean is not closed up. Neither should our aquariums be closed up. It's remarkable how the general health of a reef aquarium increases when the top is raised up to expose the entire water surface to fresh air. Even just lifting the lid one inch can make a significant improvement in healthy pH, not to mention the cooling effect.
Otherwise, add a good fan in the lid blowing onto the water.
I too have been leaving two windows open all night. Cool fresh air - Ahhhhloha