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Gobies in General

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Kevin View Drop Down
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    Posted: September 16 2002 at 11:51am

I am looking into a saltwater reef tank and one of my favorite fish in saltwater are gobies in general.  While I was on the reef tour I mentioned this to one of the people I visited and he advised me against getting any gobies because they eat all of the nifty creatures in the sand that help clean the sand and tank thus helping to destroy balance in your tank.  I was just wondering if anyone else had anymore info on this, or if there is a way to have the best of both worlds?  Thanks


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Adam Blundell View Drop Down

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Gobies are great fishes.  It is true that they can eat tons of little stuff in your tank.  The key is balance.  Lets say you have a well running 100 gal reef, with a refugia sump..... in that case you could have 6 or 7 gobies in there.  Lets say you have a 5 gallon mini reef.... maybe just one goby.  Many people keep them, and they are excellent fish. 

Someone was probably looking at for you (I'm glad they did) and just trying to warn you.  You don't want to overstock them, or keep them if you tank is ready for them..... the advice is true, they eat lots of microverts. 



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Ryan Willden View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ryan Willden Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 17 2002 at 7:40am

I love gobies. I have several types in my tank. (Green clown goby, Mandarin Goby, Fire Goby, and a pair of Diamond Head Sleeper Gobies.) I also have a thriving refugium however, that keeps things balanced.  One thing to take into consideration, is not to keep Sleeper Gobies (Sand sifters) with Sand Sifting Stars as they compete for food. (Most people argue against sand sifting stars anyway.) If you'd like to see a "goby-rich reef environment," you're welcome to come by anytime, and see how my tank is set up. E-mail me anytime. [email protected]

By the way, another thing to remember if setting up a tank with Gobies or jawfish (etc.) is to take into consideration that they are "world class jumpers." You'll want to set up your tank with that in mind. (A good hood/enclosure over the top of your tank.)

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Kevin View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Kevin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 19 2002 at 7:38am
I was just wondering about gobies.  How big of a tank do they need to be in?  Which ones are everyones favoreites and why?  I haven't seen very many but I like them a lot just because they seem to have a lot of personality.  They aren't this swim back and forth fish, but a 'Ill do what the heak I please' fish.  Do gobies do well togeather?  Has anyone ever had any problems with corals and gobies?  Just wondering thanks.
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Adam Blundell View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Adam Blundell Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 19 2002 at 9:45am

Gobies won't bother your corals.  At least I've never heard of a single instance of it.  They all do well together, and you can get pairs (rarely) or mix different species.  They are fantastic aquarium fishes!  Gobies are the largest family of fishes in the world, so when you ask if people have favorties, well there are a bazillion of them.  I would say that Mandarin gobies are the gobies to avoid.  They are great looking, one of the best, but they are the most finicky eaters that I'm aware of.  Just about any other goby will be easier to keep.  My favorite goby is Lophogobius cyprinoides the crested goby.  Also, many blennies behave and look similar to gobies.  You may want to look into them.  Not sure what else to say.  You may want to look in some fishes books in our library, or just check pet stores and see what they have.


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Firefish View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Firefish Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2002 at 7:29pm

I think the gobies are generally the best fish to have in a reef tank, but I think with them your tank should be set up for quite a while before putting any in so that they can have enough of a food source.  The microverts come from live rock and live sand, so when you set the tank up put in some live rock and some good crushed coral or fine sand.  Let the tank cycle for at least 1 month if not longer.  The microverts will show up, and in my tank I feel that I have too many of the little critters.  I've had no problem with any gobies in my tank.  Not even Mandarin Gobies.  They are my favorite, but I know that some folks have a hard time keeping them alive because they tend to starve to death.  But I think that this is attributed to the fact that there is not enough for them to eat, for they don't accept foods that you feed them usually.  (unless the food is alive)  But always slowly add fish.  One ever two to three weeks after the tank has cycled.  You might be able to do it faster but you must keep an eye on your water quality.

I think you should get a Jawfish.  They are goby like.  There are several kinds.  Firefish are always good.

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