Agreeing with Adam, cut the flesh away from the end, find a small hole or drill a small hole in the rock and squirt a small dab of GEL superglue in the hole.
The inner woody stem can range in size down to just half the diameter of the gorgonia itself so choose an appropriate sized bit. Masonry bits are best but if you have an old dull ordinary steel bit it will work on most live rock. Can't hurt to try!
Gorgonia is very hardy. I cut it with my dedicated fragging scissors. The Photosynthetic Gorgonia below is ready to frag again if anyone wants some, CALL ME.
The food that Adam showed us and made at the meeting, when finely pulverized, makes good gorgonia food.
Speaking of gorgonians, I can't resist showing the absolutely gorgeous gorgonian collected by seti007 in Florida. It's the centerpiece of his 120(150?) He is asking, in another thread, if anyone wants to go with on his next trip, I think he said it's in February.

Edited by Mark Peterson