I have a Custom 150 G. 3/4 Iron Glass Peninsula aquarium complete with everything.
$3000.00 Photos available upon request.
Custom Metal Stand and Hood. ( Paint it whatever color you want.) The Sump will fit into the stand if needed. I know because that is how I had it originally before my move.
The lights mount inside the hood so no hanging required.
The setup is 2 years old. I still have the boxes for most of the equipment.
Low profile Modular Marine 1600gph overflow
GEOS CR612 Calcium Reactor
Innovative Marine HydroFill Pump
Reef Octopus Classic 200 INT Skimmer
2 - Recently purchase PH probes
Hanna PH, Alk, and CA Checkers
Spectra Pure ATO and Lift pump
4 - NEO-Therm 150 W. Heaters
Many more Reef related items too numerous to list.
Edited by Gahlenfr - December 09 2020 at 9:42am