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Crazy Tarzan
Joined: September 12 2003
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Topic: little crawly things Posted: December 11 2003 at 6:45am |
I am always wondering what I have crawling around my tank, so the other day I asked Mark what a certain little thing was, and he told me it was a gammarus shrimp. I then had to go find pictures, and sure enough it was. Here are a few of the pics I found, just so you can all see what is crawling around in your tank.
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Posted: December 11 2003 at 6:59am |
Yeh, I have seen them in my tank too! Pretty ugly little critters are they not? Even my yellow tang likes to get rid of as many as he/she can find! Not necessarily eat, just bite a few times and swim off.
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Posted: December 11 2003 at 7:36am |
FYI, if you use a filter with carbon pack covered in the filter stuff (wow, I cannot think this morning) you will generally find them there. Especially on an eclipse style setup.
In Syracuse
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Posted: December 11 2003 at 7:55am |
They are Copepods. They are a good thing to have. These are the diet of a lot of fish including Manderin Dragonettes.
Sean Spargur
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Posted: December 11 2003 at 8:00am |
I have a six-line wrasse who's belly is always full (even if I don't feed for a few days). I've never, even at night, witnessed any largish copepods in my tank. They're in the sump so obviously they're in the tank too, but that wrasse makes short work of them.
Crazy Tarzan
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Posted: December 11 2003 at 8:09am |
I love having all this stuff in my tank, I just like to know what it is. Don't know why for sure, but I do. I will try and bring bits and pieces of things to the jan meeting--since I have more stuff I want to identify, and seeing it in person usually helps. My fish eat a few, but there are only two, and the tank had almost 5 months with no predators in it... does wonders for your bug population.
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Posted: December 11 2003 at 10:06am |
Has anyone ever seen very very small white flea looking things on
the inside of the glass? When i got up the other morning they were
all over the glass. Very strange loking things, you can actually watch
them "running" around.
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Mark Peterson
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Posted: December 11 2003 at 11:31am |
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Posted: December 11 2003 at 1:36pm |
Mark, I saw one of those in my tank  until he tried to plug his guitar into his amp. Didn't work out so well with the salt water and all.