A friend of mine needed to get out of the hobby and needed a place to get rid of a tank... he didn't want to go through the hassle of selling it to a person nor did he want me to sell it for him, so I picked it up for a good deal.
Got it home and mostly set up this sunday but I've been slowly making water from my RO for it since. Dang thing takes forever when you cant constantly be mixing it. But it's close!
I'll be moving my 20g inhabitants over into this new tank as well as the light as it didn't come with one. Reason? Four tanks is too much so I'm consolidating.
It's a 30x30x24 acrylic cube with an all black canopy and stand. It has something like a 30 or 40 gallon multi chambered sump and a reef octopus 3.5 skimmer. It runs a 24 watt inline UV sterilizer and a mag 9.5 for the return. Right now it only has two koralia power heads at some number of gph. Probably will add some more rock as it only has maybe 50 pounds worth. I'll have to get a new heater for it as all I have for it is a severely underpowered 100 watt heater.
Since my house has only a 32 inch wide door way and the stand was 32.1 inches, I had to take a power hand planer to the back side and trim off 0.2 inches to get it through the door. After some cleanup, I threw it in the corner (slid it), leveled it and set up the equipment. Didn't take very long, maybe about 12 hours with a few multi-hour breaks to take it down, move it, and then set it up. Just used a cooler for the live stock and most of the rock and then a bucket for the equipment. Probably the second easiest move next to the 20 gallon.
Pictures when I'm finished filling it and throwing the light over it!
Edited by phys - April 04 2017 at 1:40am