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Potters angel with swollen eye

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Specialized Discussion
Forum Name: Fish
Forum Description: This is the place to ask questions about fish.
Printed Date: March 06 2025 at 2:56pm
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Topic: Potters angel with swollen eye
Posted By: Kromlech
Subject: Potters angel with swollen eye
Date Posted: March 11 2018 at 11:49am
Hi all,

Just trying to get the best advise here. I just bought a potters angel yesterday. He was a beautiful at the time of purchase. Now I know it's not really best practice to not QT fish, however I just don't have the money for a separate hospital tank. The fish was acclimated to temp and I dumped in a quarter cup of water every 10 min about 4 times to acclimate him to salinity and PH. I dump all of my fish from the bag into a net as to get rid of the lfs water. He looked fine when he was introduced to the tank, however as of last night he appeared to have a swollen eye. The eye is swollen, but only the one eye and not cloudy. I dosed the tank with 1 tsp per 10 gal of Epsom salt as I have read in many places that helps with healing and relief of fish injury. My worry is he is not eating. I have introduced frozen brine and frozen mysis to the tank and still nothing that I can see. He doesn't seem to be breathing heavy or fast at all. Tank parameters all look good. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, > .02 ppm nitrates, 8.4 PH, and 1.024 sg. Calcium, mag, and alk are slightly low but not by an awful lot and I will dose more today. Anything I could be doing more for this guy other than giving him time?

Posted By: WildBill
Date Posted: March 11 2018 at 2:10pm
Do you think it is pop eye?

Posted By: Kromlech
Date Posted: March 11 2018 at 3:18pm
It has all the potential symptoms of popeye minis the cloudy eye. I've also read that popeye will most of the time affect both eyes and it's only the one.

Posted By: Kromlech
Date Posted: March 11 2018 at 3:19pm
Could be that the net scratched his eye as I dumped him into the net.

Posted By: WildBill
Date Posted: March 11 2018 at 3:58pm
I would watch it for a day or so. If it doesn’t start getting better, start an antibiotic.

Posted By: Kromlech
Date Posted: March 12 2018 at 1:41pm
Started using the "Imagitarium bacterial infection remedy" in the tank today. Says its reef safe. I also bought some Kent Garlic Extreme. Soaked some shrimp in the garlic stuff and still couldn't entice him to eat. He is just hanging out in a little cave in the rock swimming around next to where my fire shrimp hangs out as well. Eye stills seems swollen, but still not cloudy. Praying for this guy to make it.

50.3 AIO Waterbox

Posted By: WildBill
Date Posted: March 12 2018 at 3:18pm
Try some Spirulina.

Posted By: Kromlech
Date Posted: March 12 2018 at 3:20pm
I'll give that a shot!

50.3 AIO Waterbox

Posted By: Kromlech
Date Posted: March 13 2018 at 11:27am
Still not eating after feeding Spirulina w/ Garlic additive. Will keep trying. 

He seems to be more willing to move around the tank today after hiding out in his cave for the past 3 days. Still hoping for the best.

50.3 AIO Waterbox

Posted By: WildBill
Date Posted: March 13 2018 at 11:33am
That’s a good sign. Keep trying the Spirulina like you said. Maybe try it without the garlic, see what happens.

Posted By: sabeypets
Date Posted: March 13 2018 at 8:28pm
if its eye is not looking any worse i would guess it it an eye injury, keep a close eye on it make sure it doesn't get worse. I feed everything LRS!! I would try LRS Reef Frenzy (if you have tangs) or Fish Frenzy if you don't. If it doesn't starting in the next couple of days I would start getting concerned. Potters are my favorite Dwarf Angel, good luck!!!

American Fork
"Would you leave a dead cat in your kitchen till tommorow?" Builderofdreams

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