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Gobies and Compatability

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Specialized Discussion
Forum Name: Fish
Forum Description: This is the place to ask questions about fish.
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Topic: Gobies and Compatability
Posted By: 80cent
Subject: Gobies and Compatability
Date Posted: May 02 2013 at 4:06pm
I know the Gobies are peaceful fish, but don't get along with other gobies. Does anyone have any experience with Firefish gobies and Neon Blue Gobies? Someone I was speaking with thought that they would fight, but I can't imagine them not getting along. Am I crazy here, or would they get along in most cases?

Posted By: Mark Peterson
Date Posted: May 03 2013 at 7:08am
Aloha Jack,

If you are speaking of the small Cleaner Goby which has that neon blue horizontal stripe, they are gorgeous but typically don't last long in our tanks. This is probably because once they have cleaned all the parasites off their tankmates, they starve. There are exceptions of course.

The Firefish Goby is one of the reasons I decided to get into this hobby. They are beautiful. I love their coloration and fin action with the flicking of the dorsal spine. The Firefish is a midwater fish which can be a picky eater. In the wild, they eat live zooplankton. They are easy to scare and can easily jump out of the tank or simply pass away when frightened of their surroundings and tankmates.

What are the fish currently in your new tank and what other fish are you considering?

Mark Hug

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Posted By: 80cent
Date Posted: May 06 2013 at 4:14pm

Thanks for the response. I am on the brink of starting my tank. Here is what I had planned on getting. Nothing is set in stone, and I've tried to make sure that nothing is going to kill anything else. Tried. The clean up crew isn't included here.

Posted By: 80cent
Date Posted: May 06 2013 at 4:15pm
Sorry, this link should work:

Posted By: DMower
Date Posted: May 06 2013 at 4:20pm
Get tank bred neon cleaner gobies. They will eat anything including parasites. Live just fine in a tank with most other gobies including fire fish. I had a jaw fish like them so much he ate rhem for dinner. Now I don't mix them with my jaw fish. PetCo has them usually for 10.00.

150 gal reef with 50 gal sump. Reef Octopus DCS-200 Skimmer. AI Sol Blues.

Posted By: Jake Pehrson
Date Posted: May 06 2013 at 4:26pm
I agree with the tank raised gobies. They should do fine with the firefish.

I would only recommend one firefish.

Jake Pehrson

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