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Reef On's new dosing system...

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Specialized Discussion
Forum Name: Reef Chemistry
Forum Description: A place to discuss reef chemistry.
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Topic: Reef On's new dosing system...
Posted By: Nikolai
Subject: Reef On's new dosing system...
Date Posted: February 10 2012 at 8:13pm
So I stopped by Reef-On a couple weeks back and Jerry was telling me about a new "revolutionary" dosing product line (Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, and coral nutrient).  I definitely noticed that the show tank down there was looking better, and when I went in yesterday, it seemed like some significant growth was going on.  I kinda doubt that the significant improvement was related to these new products, but looking to see if anyone has any experience with this new stuff.   Would love to know for sure that this is the next big thing in reefing, but almost seems to good to be true.  

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 10 2012 at 8:17pm
He was telling me about yesterday as well but was kind of tight lipped about what it was. If I can't see the ingredients and know what it does for my tank, it is just snake oil as far as I am concerned.

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 10 2012 at 8:22pm
He mentioned that it was just pure calcium, magnesium, etc.... but they are broken down into smaller "nano" particles or something like that.  Hopefully someone will know more about it........

Posted By: ReefOn
Date Posted: February 11 2012 at 11:13pm

Originally posted by Ryan
Thompson Ryan Thompson wrote:

He was telling me about yesterday as well but was kind of tight lipped about what it was. If I can't see the ingredients and know what it does for my tank, it is just snake oil as far as I am concerned.

I love that people are questioning it, and Ryan, we still have not come up with a name for it yet so Snake Oil will definitely be on the list, lol.

Nano Particulate Dosing Products

For all of those reading this, there is a base knowledge that must be learned before I can explain the way these new products work. For those advanced aquarists skip to the **** section for the explanation. For those looking to increase their knowledge please read this first.

We are all trying to grow corals as fast as we can, the faster they grow the more frags we can cut and the more we cut the more we sell and the more we sell the more we can buy. This is an endless cycle, at least, for me.

Base Knowledge of Growing Corals:

We must first understand the makeup of corals. There is Zooxanthellae which is the symbiotic algae that live within the tissue of the coral. The skeletal structure of the coral which is made of Calcium Carbonate. This helps us understand that in order for the coral to grow they need Light to grow the algae as well as Calcium and Carbonate to grow their skeleton. The 'catalyst' for maintaining good levels of Calcium and good levels of Carbonate is Magnesium.

This is where we get the term the 'Big Three' in Reefkeeping and coral growing. Calcium, Alkalinity(Carbonate Hardness/Level) and Magnesium. In order for a coral to grow there needs to be good levels of each of these in the water column. We as Aquarists have come to understand that these 'good' levels are often tested out at 400-500 ppm for Calcium, 8-12dkh for Alkalinity, and 1200-1500 for Magnesium.

There are also a handful of trace elements that we have learned help the corals grow and color up better in captivity. Some of these are Iodide, Vitamin C, and other Vitamins, as well as Carbohydrates, Amino Acids and others.

****This is the exciting part. These new products we have just released are to be used in addition to what you are currently using to replenish used Cal/Alk/Mg whether that be a standard 2 part dosing system or a calcium reactor.

In the past we have dosed Calcium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate (Sodium Carbonate) and Magnesium Sulfate/Chloride to increase the levels of these needed elements in the water column. When dosing these there is a Chemical Reaction that must take place in order for the Calcium to release from the Chloride, the Carbonate to release from the Sodium and the Magnesium to release from the Sulfate/Chloride. Any chemical reaction that takes place uses Energy. Usually this Chemical reaction also causes Unwanted changes in the tank like a pH change, or a warming of the water.

With our New Products there is no Chloride, Sodium or Sulfate to release and no chemical reaction that needs to take place in order for it to be accessible by the coral for coral growth. So no Energy is expended by the coral in order to grow....This is possible due to the fact that the Cal/Alk/Mg is broken down to a nano particulate size which can be absorbed by the coral passively. With no 'carrier' like chloride, sulfate or sodium, the mixtures we have are the clean calcium, carbonate (alkalinity) and magnesium in a pure h2o/water.

We recommend dosing these in conjunction with your current dosing regimen and in doing so you will see an EXPLOSION in growth. We recommend dosing 15 ml of each product per 100gallons per day to see the same results as our show tank. These can be dosed into the system within seconds of each other with NONE of the Unwanted changes to pH or water.

Currently we have 4 products that have hit the market in Utah for a test run at the discounted price of $9.99 per 16 ounce bottle, or 4 bottles for $32. These were designed to last a 100 gallon system 1 month at the above mentioned dosing regimen. The available bottles are:

Pure Calcium, Pure Alkalinity, Pure Magnesium and Coral Accelerator(our trace elements blend).

We have come to recognize Two growth rates which we are calling:

Standard Growth Rate, or the rate at which your coral grows through the chemical reactions of actively removing the Calcium, Carbonate and Magnesium from the water column.

Explosive Growth Rate, or the rate at which your coral grows through passively absorbing the needed Calcium, Carbonate and Magnesium from the water column. We have seen that this rate is an Explosion of growth lasting as long as our products are present in the system.

We also mention a term called BASE-LINE, which is the levels that the tank is at before dosing our products.

These products are unlike ANYTHING on the market now, and will cause this Explosive Growth Rate each time you dose. If you would like to test as you dose(which we recommend):

1- Test the tank before add the product. This gives you the BASE-LINE of what the tank is at.

2- Add the Products and wait 10-15 minutes.

3- Test the water.

4- Wait 1-4 hours(depending on coral load).

5- Test again, waiting less and less time every day until you can determine how fast your tank is using the products.

When we started our dosing we were only dosing twice a day, and thus missing out on keeping the corals maintained in the Explosive Growth Rate.

You will find that there is Explosive Growth Rate happening until all the the products you dosed are completely used up. After the products are used up the corals will return to their Standard Growth rate. As you test, you will be able to determine how fast your corals are using up the easily accessible elements, and adjust your dosing to match these time lines in order to MAXIMIZE your growth. Keep in mind that as your corals grow this fast, you will have to increase the amount of your regular dosing regimen in order to keep up the BASE-LINE

We have and continue to document the growth of our corals and will share our results including pictures as we have them available.

Please if you have any questions, feel free to ask and we will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

-------------" rel="nofollow">


7563 S Main St (700W)

Midvale, Uta

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 11 2012 at 11:15pm
I figured since nobody else knew much about it.... I may as well give it a go.... I bought the kit today and I will let you know how it turns out.  Thanks Jerry.

Posted By: ReefOn
Date Posted: February 11 2012 at 11:22pm
No prob, I am glad we were able to explain it. Post growth pictures here, as well as your dosing regimen, water volume and coral load.

-------------" rel="nofollow">


7563 S Main St (700W)

Midvale, Uta

Posted By: BillyC
Date Posted: February 11 2012 at 11:30pm
This is a very exciting product and I'm glad you're posting details Jerry because I can get my thoughts together and ask you the right questions. What do you mean when you say that there normally has to be a chemical reaction for the calcium to release from the chloride? It is my understanding that when calcium chloride is introduced into an H2O solution that the calcium chloride automatically and completely dissociates into 2 separate ions, Ca(2+) and Cl(-) without any assistance at all and that those ions are already completely free to react with anything regardless of any chloride ions in the solution. I understand the same follows for sodium/carbonate ions and magnesium/chloride or sulfate ions?

My other question is, if not by addition of calcium chloride (or any other calcium salt) how is the maker of this product able to get pure calcium ions into a solution and keep it stable without having it react or precipitate with anything else?

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 11 2012 at 11:56pm
Originally posted by ReefOn ReefOn wrote:

Originally posted by Ryan
Thompson Ryan Thompson wrote:

He was telling me about yesterday as well but was kind of tight lipped about what it was. If I can't see the ingredients and know what it does for my tank, it is just snake oil as far as I am concerned.

I love that people are questioning it, and Ryan, we still have not come up with a name for it yet so Snake Oil will definitely be on the list, lol.

Glad I could be an inspiration for the name.

I said I would call it snake oil until I could see the ingredients and know what is going in to my tank. Your explanation answered a lot of my questions and I appreciate the detailed reply.

As consumers in this hobby we are taken by A LOT of different companies that claim things and have no science to back them up (Brightwell Aquatics, Kent, PurpleUp and Marc Weiss come to mind). But don't you dare call any of them out on it and stir the pot.

I see a plethora of additives and supplements that all claim great things but fall short of their claimed mark.

I am not saying this new product won't work or can't work. I simply said I want more details before I start throwing it in my tank.

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 12:20am
So this is available now? If anyone from Provo area is headed that way please let me know I would like to get the four to try as I saw the reaction last week and am curious to try it.

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: ptronsp
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 1:37am
I agree Jackie.. after hearing Jerry explain the day we were in there together made me want to try it as well. Sounds interested and definitly worth a try.


The only clowns I like are in my tank!

Posted By: TSUNAMI
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 8:34am
Picked up a kit yesterday, myself. I'll let you all know if the snake oil crashed my tank :)

135 Reef Vortech mp40w & mp60
40 SPS w Maxspect-Ps & MP10w" rel="nofollow - 220 Build in progress :)

Posted By: ReefOn
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 9:24am
Originally posted by BillyC BillyC wrote:

It is my understanding that when calcium chloride is introduced into an H2O solution that the calcium chloride automatically and completely dissociates into 2 separate ions. I understand the same follows for sodium/carbonate ions and magnesium/chloride or sulfate ions?

For the most part you are correct, in that the chemical reaction to release the chloride starts the second it hits the RO water. This is why it is always recommended to mix your 2 part before adding it to the tank. The next time you add your two part to the tank watch it as it hits the water, you will see that there is still reaction taking place as it mixes into the saltwater.  Often when you mix your products you will see sediment on the bottom of the container. This is known as fall-out, or the elements that were not able to bond.

Definition:   BASE-LINE = the level of Calcium/Alkalinity/Magnesium in your tank before adding any of our products. 

I need to stress that the New Products do not replace your current system of dosing to maintain the BASE-LINE of Cal/Alk/Mg, unless setup and tested continually on a dosing system. Our New Products, when being introduced to the tank are SOOO small that the corals can absorb them Passively, and instantly. This is why when we have tested the show tank 2 hours after dosing, it is back to the BASE-LINE.  The biggest difference is that we are now dealing with Nano Particulates. 

To give you an idea on the size difference, in 5 ml of solution there are MORE nano particulates than there are CELLS in the human body.

This means that we have just released the SMALLEST Calcium/Alkalinity/Magnesium products on the planet, LOLLOL .

Originally posted by BillyC BillyC wrote:

 My other question is, if not by addition of calcium chloride (or any other calcium salt) how is the maker of this product able to get pure calcium ions into a solution and keep it stable without having it react or precipitate with anything else?

This is the Million Dollar/Proprietary question.  What I can say is that the 'Process' of doing it must be done in a lab after passing through a few steps of security clearance. This process has been used and is being used for Food/Human Consumption products, but I don't have authorization to say who or what. We were just EXTREMELY lucky to bring it to the Ornamental Fish and Coral world.

-------------" rel="nofollow">


7563 S Main St (700W)

Midvale, Uta

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 9:44am

This is getting good! You can all hate and flame me all you want. The "science" behind this product isn't there. If this formula is truly some breakthrough in science, it would cost a hell of a lot more than $10 a bottle.

This sounds like Chris Brightwell stuff to me. Has anyone researched what Pure Calcium does when added to H2O? I suggest you look it up on Google and even YouTube for a good video.

Let's see what Randy Holmes-Farley has to say.

"I really don't understand what the product is claiming to be. It might just be nanaoparticle calcium carbonate, and even then I'd be surprised if they are using that term correctly. Might just be fine calcium carbonate. And that is a well known product (such as Aragamight or Kent Liquid Reactor) which really doesn't dissolve nor is it available to corals. I don't believe the passive uptake of any nanoparticles is going to be significant.

As others mention, it is certainly not pure magnesium, calcium and what for alkalinity?

It might also be fine particle calcium and magnesium oxide or hydroxide,which would be like adding lime solids. That might work, but isn't anything new and it dissolves in tank water, not staying as

Who is Randy Homes-Farley? Only the biggest and most well respected chemist in the hobby. Don't take my word for it though. Check out this link." rel="nofollow -  

Sorry guys. I hope you all have great success and you have more frags then you know what to do with. I will come buy them from you but this product can NOT be what is claimed. It would defy the very laws of science.

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 11:28am
Oh man.... Ryan you seem to be assuming a lot.  I didn't read in Randy's response anywhere that he said that it was impossible, just that he may not fully understand it.  It is also possible that there is other chemists outside of REEF CENTRAL that are much more knowledgeable and capable of new things.  Charles H. Duell, the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899, said that "everything that can be invented has been invented."   I personally think that some pretty cool thing have happened in the last 100+ years, even though someone in 1899 someone with respect in his position said  "everything that can be invented has been invented."   Don't know about you Ryan, but I am kind of curious what will happen in the next hundred years.  

I didn't see any hate or flame before.... but there you go dude.  I'm not fully sold on this stuff yet, but figure I will give it a go and see what happens.  Can't discredit something unless you can prove it doesn't work, and you don't know enough about it to prove one way or another.  Wouldn't surprise me to see you down there in the next couple days picking some up for yourself.

Originally posted by Ryan Thompson Ryan Thompson wrote:

This is getting good! You can all hate and flame me all you want. The "science" behind this product isn't there. If this formula is truly some breakthrough in science, it would cost a hell of a lot more than $10 a bottle.

This sounds like Chris Brightwell stuff to me. Has anyone researched what Pure Calcium does when added to H2O? I suggest you look it up on Google and even YouTube for a good video.

Let's see what Randy Holmes-Farley has to say.

"I really don't understand what the product is claiming to be. It might just be nanaoparticle calcium carbonate, and even then I'd be surprised if they are using that term correctly. Might just be fine calcium carbonate. And that is a well known product (such as Aragamight or Kent Liquid Reactor) which really doesn't dissolve nor is it available to corals. I don't believe the passive uptake of any nanoparticles is going to be significant.

As others mention, it is certainly not pure magnesium, calcium and what for alkalinity?

It might also be fine particle calcium and magnesium oxide or hydroxide,which would be like adding lime solids. That might work, but isn't anything new and it dissolves in tank water, not staying as

Who is Randy Homes-Farley? Only the biggest and most well respected chemist in the hobby. Don't take my word for it though. Check out this link." rel="nofollow -  

Sorry guys. I hope you all have great success and you have more frags then you know what to do with. I will come buy them from you but this product can NOT be what is claimed. It would defy the very laws of science.

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 12:12pm
Apparently Charles Duell didn't actually make that quote.... thanks to Ryan for performing the google search to prove it was a myth.  Either way..... 

Posted By: BillyC
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 12:58pm
Originally posted by ReefOn ReefOn wrote:

This means that we have just released the SMALLEST Calcium/Alkalinity/Magnesium products on the planet, LOLLOL .

Originally posted by BillyC BillyC wrote:

 My other question is, if not by addition of calcium chloride (or any other calcium salt) how is the maker of this product able to get pure calcium ions into a solution and keep it stable without having it react or precipitate with anything else?

This is the Million Dollar/Proprietary question.  What I can say is that the 'Process' of doing it must be done in a lab after passing through a few steps of security clearance. This process has been used and is being used for Food/Human Consumption products, but I don't have authorization to say who or what. We were just EXTREMELY lucky to bring it to the Ornamental Fish and Coral world.

It sounds like you are saying that this company discovered a "nano-particle" that's smaller than a calcium/carbonate/magnesium ion? I'm sure that's not what you are claiming because that's impossible so I'm probably just misunderstanding. Last time someone tried to split an ion into something smaller they created the Atomic bomb!

I would be interested in testing the solutions that this company is sending you. If these solutions all test negative for chloride and sodium or any other ionic metal (like the company is claiming they bypassed) then that would support this product. Would you be ok with me testing it?

If this company really discovered this new Nobel-prize worthy technology, I think it's so awesome that they are giving you exclusive rights to it and can afford to have you sell it for $10/bottle!!!

Disclaimer: Jerry, you're awesome and i trust you man. I'm just trying to understand the claims that this company is making when they are sending you this top secret solution. If you'd like me to stop poking, prodding and trying to figure this out please PM me and I'll leave this topic alone. ;)

Posted By: ReefOn
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 5:48pm
I need to clear a few things up. I am no chemist, nor have I tried to mislead anyone in any way. These products work and that is the truth about it. I have just tried to explain it in a way that others can understand. When the phrase, "Pure Calcium, Pure Alkalinity, Pure Magnesium and Coral Accelerant(our trace elements blend)." was used, this is just a description of what we are labeling the bottles with. This is the Product Name we are currently calling it at this point. This does not mean, nor was it ment to be interperated as literal.
My above description of the products was intended to explain the products, as best I can, after many, many meetings with the chemists and then 'translating' it, while at the same time not breaking our non-disclosure agreement.  After speaking with the chemist I was informed that there will still be small traces of Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate in the solutions due to the source of Calcium/Carbonate/Magnesium.  I would love for people to test them, and encourage the feedback.  I do however ask the question to the expert Chemists out there, If this were just the standard two part, or something like it, how are the levels able to spike, then return to the BASE-LINE so quickly without effecting pH?  Buy some and test it, Tell us what you think.  The more input we have, the better.
As for those claiming that this product is too cheap to be what it claims, I assure you that there have been Millions invested in the research and development of this technology.  However I was approached by a friend to 'try this'.  It has been almost a year since we first talked about this, and as soon as we tried it in the store, we scrambled to lock in the Exclusivity Agreement.  We have made this first run as a trial in the market, we did however keep the prices down just to cover the costs of production, not development, hence the $9.99 price per bottle, and no lables.  We want this to be something Great for the hobby, so the final retail price for the 16oz bottles will land somewhere between $13-$20 MSRP. This is still not much compared to what you get out of it, but we had a price in mind, and did everything we could to keep it near that price. 
If you doubt it, or if you don't believe it is possible, try it or don't try it. The reality is, IT WORKS. I have seen it, and you will see it.
Ryan posted that he tried all four but thinks it is just the Accelerant that made the difference, try it for a few weeks without using the Accelerant. Post growth pics as well as test results. The stony corals will still grow, and you will still see an increase in color. If you are not growing Stony corals, try just the Accelerant.  If you are going to test it, try to test 10-15 mins after adding it, also try to pinpoint when it is completely used from the system. Post the results.  If it doesn't work, post the results.
I am willing and able to ship this to ANYONE who wants to try it. Feel free to contact me via Email at" rel="nofollow - [email protected] , so we can workout the payment option and shipping details. We have orders shiping out on Mondays and Thursdays.

-------------" rel="nofollow">


7563 S Main St (700W)

Midvale, Uta

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 5:55pm
Originally posted by ReefOn ReefOn wrote:

Ryan posted that he tried all four but thinks it is just the Accelerant that made the difference,

I want to clarify this. I have no idea why I had a feeding response out of my corals after using the product. I don't know if it was just one of them or all of them or something else. If I notice a feeding response everyday after dosing, I will conclude that there is something in the supplements that causes this. For now, I don't which one encouraged anything.

Randy suggested that the Coral Accelerant might be vitamins and other elements. I get a feeding response when I dose my tank with Fuel as well. So right now it is coincidental until I have more time.

Jerry, would you please post detailed instructions on how to use this product. Do we dose them all together or wait 10 minutes between each? I think it is 15mL per 100 gallon right? Stuff like that.

Posted By: ReefOn
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 6:23pm
What we were doing when we started, and for the first week was 15 ml of each product per 100 gallons per day(we did not use the ACC at that time this was later added and seen to improve coral coloration). We were breaking the 15ml into 2 doses, and dosing all of the products within a 5 minute window. As you saw, the liquids are clear as they go into the tank, they will cause a spike in the cal/alk/mg levels until they are used up by the corals, without effecting pH. 
As we watched the levels come back down, and after using a hundred Salifert tests(which we will probably switch to RedSea), we determined that the corals we have in the show tank were using up the amounts we were dosing within a 2 hour period.  Clearly the amount to use is changed based on the Mass of the corals in your tank, not necessarily by the amount of water.

-------------" rel="nofollow">


7563 S Main St (700W)

Midvale, Uta

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 12 2012 at 6:30pm
Originally posted by ReefOn ReefOn wrote:

What we were doing when we started, and for the first week was 15 ml of each product per 100 gallons per day(we did not use the ACC at that time this was later added and seen to improve coral coloration). We were breaking the 15ml into 2 doses, and dosing all of the products within a 5 minute window. As you saw, the liquids are clear as they go into the tank, they will cause a spike in the cal/alk/mg levels until they are used up by the corals, without effecting pH. 
As we watched the levels come back down, and after using a hundred Salifert tests(which we will probably switch to RedSea), we determined that the corals we have in the show tank were using up the amounts we were dosing within a 2 hour period.  Clearly the amount to use is changed based on the Mass of the corals in your tank, not necessarily by the amount of water.

Thanks Jerry

Posted By: rufessor
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 2:19pm

With respect to the calcium/alk supplementation.... 

To state that by simply monitoring calcium levels over a time series after adding a product, seeing it go down, and then attributing that to coral growth is beyond sketchy.

Wont even go into the chemistry but if your starting at 400-500 calcium you have VERY little head room to maintain any additional calcium in solution... so its gotta go somewhere... my first guess is most of it is on your heaters... or similar places.  My last guess would be that the corals used it in 1-2 hours.  And I would not even venture to state this last guess without a LOT of data that would require instrumentation well past the reach of anyone who is not in a serious research lab.

I have no doubt your delivering calcium into solution... starting with a clear product is meaningless with respect to the fate of that calcium when it hits sea water. 

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler -A.E.
57 Gallon RImless build in progress check the thread before if becomes boring and just full of nice pictures of colorful coral!

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 2:57pm
Originally posted by rufessor rufessor wrote:

With respect to the calcium/alk supplementation.... 

To state that by simply monitoring calcium levels over a time series after adding a product, seeing it go down, and then attributing that to coral growth is beyond sketchy.

Wont even go into the chemistry but if your starting at 400-500 calcium you have VERY little head room to maintain any additional calcium in solution... so its gotta go somewhere... my first guess is most of it is on your heaters... or similar places.  My last guess would be that the corals used it in 1-2 hours.  And I would not even venture to state this last guess without a LOT of data that would require instrumentation well past the reach of anyone who is not in a serious research lab.

I have no doubt your delivering calcium into solution... starting with a clear product is meaningless with respect to the fate of that calcium when it hits sea water. 

Don't bring science into this....Wink

The "science" behind this product was already debunked by the hobby's top chemists. It was more than just Randy who said this product can NOT be as advertised. Randy and Habib said that something else may be in the solutions that helps with growth but the product is NOT what it is claiming.

I am on my 4th day of dosing and only got the feeding response the first time. For now, I will conclude that the feeding response was something else and NOT this product. As far as growth is concerned, I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. Actually, my corals have been less puffy the last couple days.

My latest tests showed my alk at 9dkh and my calcium at 430ppm. I didn't test Mg because I know it is around the 1400ppm mark.

That brings up another really good point. Do people understand the variances in test kits? Did you know that the average hobbyist test kit of Calcium is off by about 50ppm, alkalinity is off by 1dkh and Magnesium kits are off by about 100ppm?

There is SO MUCH room for error with our test kits. A reading of 420ppm could be 440ppm if tested again right after. Which one is correct? If you do a third test and it comes back 420ppm again, is 420ppm the right number or is it somewhere in between?

Hobby grade test kits are NOT a viable way to test a system's uptake of certain elements. People must understand we are just shooting to be within a range with our tanks. There is little difference between 420ppm and 440ppm. Both tests that were used to determine those numbers could have had serious human error at play.

So, for me, the science is fake. Whether or not I will see real results is yet to be determined.

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 7:06pm
Man Ryan.... you are like the smartest person ever when it comes to this reefing stuff.  You must have an AMAZING tank with that huge information database you have in that head of yours.  Post some pics of your tank!!!!  If you are any where near as good at flipping burgers as you are at this reefing stuff, I wanna come into your work and have you make me a burger!!!  

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 7:26pm
Originally posted by Nikolai Nikolai wrote:

Man Ryan.... you are like the smartest person ever when it comes to this reefing stuff.  You must have an AMAZING tank with that huge information database you have in that head of yours.  Post some pics of your tank!!!!  If you are any where near as good at flipping burgers as you are at this reefing stuff, I wanna come into your work and have you make me a burger!!!  

Really? You want to go there? Go research the stuff I say. Draw your own conclusions and respond accordingly.

Listening to someone who has financial ties to something is always risky, it is called marketing. When someone has no financial ties and supports a product, that is a much better resource.

You dont have to believe a word I say. That is your choice. Do your own research though and stop drinking the kool aid.

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 7:39pm
I don't care if you like Jerry's new product or not.  I bought it when it became available to give it a go and draw my own conclusion.   I just find it comical when I have read stuff on Reef Central over the last couple years and then I see you quoting the stuff word for word.  Research to me isn't just reading other knowledgable people's posts and then acting like you are the one with real world experience in the matter.  As for drinking your Kool Aid.... no thanks bro, I am a jack and coke guy.

Posted By: dmanshep
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 7:46pm
I would love to see some before / after photo's.. come on guys you must have some photo skillz lets see the pics.. maybe even of the products.. less words.. more proof in the pudding..

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 7:46pm
Originally posted by Nikolai Nikolai wrote:

I don't care if you like Jerry's new product or not.  I bought it when it became available to give it a go and draw my own conclusion.   I just find it comical when I have read stuff on Reef Central over the last couple years and then I see you quoting the stuff word for word.  Research to me isn't just reading other knowledgable people's posts and then acting like you are the one with real world experience in the matter.  As for drinking your Kool Aid.... no thanks bro, I am a jack and coke guy.

I'm 4 days into using the product for myself. 4 days isn't long enough to draw any conclusions IMO. However, I can observe and make observations. The first time I used it, my corals went into feeding mode. I said I wasn't casting any judgment. The last three days I have not seen the same effect. My corals actually look a little less happy but again 4 days is too short of a time to draw any conclusions.

If this product works, it is something other then what is claimed. What is claimed is NOT possible. I may not be a scientist but I'm smart enough to learn from ACTUAL chemists, not a marketer.

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 7:57pm
There you go quote the professionals again... thanks for the info!!!!  Also thank you for the plethora of detailed information you have offered about using this new product.... very informative information!!!  Day 1-Feeding response.  Day 4-no more feeding response.  

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 8:05pm
Originally posted by Nikolai Nikolai wrote:

There you go quote the professionals again... thanks for the info!!!!  Also thank you for the plethora of detailed information you have offered about using this new product.... very informative information!!!  Day 1-Feeding response.  Day 4-no more feeding response.  

Please, your almighty one, share with us your detailed observations and how much growth you've witnessed. Then prove to us that this exact product was the cause.

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 8:17pm
Haha..... Dude, I have only been using it for a couple days...... from what I hear that's too early to draw any conclusions.  I am currently using it as I was told and testing morning and night. When I feel I actually know weather this product works for me or not, I will definitely post my testing results and my before and after pictures.  As for now I only know that the show tank down at Reef-On is looking better, but I have no idea if it is due to this product or not.  That's why I bought it and am trying it, even if the marketing claims of this product are "impossible."  Ohhh.. and I know that all the products produced a feeding response on day 1, but not on day 4 in the 7.5 gallon tank of THE Ryan Thompson.

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 9:03pm
Originally posted by Nikolai Nikolai wrote:

7.5 gallon tank of THE Ryan Thompson.

Since you like quotes so much:

"It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt."

Name that author? Oh, did you say Abraham Lincoln? Try again.

If you would gladly read my signature, you will comprehend what I am saying.

Posted By: Nikolai
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 9:11pm
What???? You took down the 7.5 gallon tank of the year???  Lets see some pictures of this bad boy!!!  I bet it's sick with your unbelievable knowledge!!!

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 9:14pm
Originally posted by Nikolai Nikolai wrote:

What???? You took down the 7.5 gallon tank of the year???  Lets see some pictures of this bad boy!!!  I bet it's sick with your unbelievable knowledge!!!

I like using lots of punctuation too!!!!   It shows how smart I really am!!!!   Can't you see how smart I am????     Yay for punctuation.,::::;;;::!!?!?!?!?!?!!!

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: February 15 2012 at 9:27pm
Wow, I think you've all exhibited a great level of intelligence and maturity... I'm all for and love a good debate and fun banter.

However, the above is anything of that. You can sufficiently argue a topic without having to get personal.

Let's keep it professional aye!

Posted By: DLindquist
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 6:53am
.... And I just threw in a bag of pop corn.

With all due respect to Jerry, his display tank and Reef On in general- I hear all this talk about how much better his tank is looking these days. I've only been in once since the new ownership and the tank didn't look like a remembered it during the previous ownership. Now, I wasn't one of Eric's (if a remeber correctly) greatest fans and I have no clue what went down when they sold out. I would have to assume he took a good amount of coral out of the display upon leaving. That or a major tank crash. This left Jerry some room to rescape and reestablish the display. Over the course of time, most tanks should look better. Once corals settle in, parameters are meet and stabilized and trace elements are maintained- a tank can explode with life, growth and color. It's been almost eight months since our upgrade and I'm finally seeing colors and growth I hadn't achieved in the last set up of almost 7 years. Must be the lighting. Other than increasing the water volume by 4X, this is really the only change between the two set ups. This "snake oil" wasn't around at the time. I still doubt Jerry's success can be attributed directly, and solely, to this magical 4 Part solution. I eagerly await other real world results. Thanks guys.

A government strong enough to give you everything you want, is powerful enough to take everything you have.

Posted By: Aquarium Creations
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 9:24am
Hey Dave, to answer your responce when I sold the store the show tank had 75% of the corals left in it from high end chalices to a rizzo and acros and still looked amazing.

Aquarium Maintenance,Consulting,Custom Built Glass Aquariums
Rimless/Euro,24Hr Emergency Service 8015485201
[email protected]

Posted By: Connie
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 9:38am
Good thing Mark took a short break.... This could get really nasty LOL
Ok, ding, ding, I am ready for round two..........

I have flying monkeys and I'm not afraid to use them.

180 gallon money pit that I love.....

Posted By: Ryan Thompson
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 11:26am
Originally posted by Connie Connie wrote:

Good thing Mark took a short break.... This could get really nasty LOL

Ok, ding, ding, I am ready for round two..........

Nah, I am done with this thread. If people want to believe a marketer over a professional, all the more power to the marketer. It has worked for Chris Brightwell for years.

Posted By: ReefOn
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 2:09pm
Originally posted by FIRE SHRIMP FIRE SHRIMP wrote:

Hey Dave, to answer your responce when I sold the store the show tank had 75% of the corals left in it from high end chalices to a rizzo and acros and still looked amazing.

There was a three month gap from when Eric Sold the store to when I bought the store.

As for the fight above, I do not want to get involved other than saying that We offered to send some to the experts, they denied our offer.  Very soon however, there are other experts who will be releasing articles about the use of this technology in the coral reef field of study. 

However I will be creating a new thread for people to post their results, as well as will post some of ours.

-------------" rel="nofollow">


7563 S Main St (700W)

Midvale, Uta

Posted By: Studboyt
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 2:19pm
If it matters, when Jerry bought the store the show tank was a mess and also had some nice pieces stolen out of it soon after.

Posted By: dmanshep
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 2:20pm
wow unsubscribing from this.. what a waste of a thread.. hope all have success lates

Posted By: Aquarium Creations
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 3:12pm
I agree with Jerry, There was a different owner at the helm who i herd crashed the show tank before Jerry had come into the picture.

Aquarium Maintenance,Consulting,Custom Built Glass Aquariums
Rimless/Euro,24Hr Emergency Service 8015485201
[email protected]

Posted By: fishnfresh
Date Posted: February 16 2012 at 4:06pm
isnt this stuff just bulk additives from bulk reef supply? From what i heard is they want lfs to put there own name on there stuff now?

Posted By: ReefWife
Date Posted: March 03 2012 at 12:10pm

I am writing this response in hopes of trying to save my fellow reefers their hard-earned money and exposing a LFS that is knowingly making extremely false claims about a so-called miracle product and taking advantage of their customers' trust. To tell you a little about myself, my husband and I both teach in science department at two separate universities. My field is Biology and my beloved husband is the chemistry expert. I will attempt to pursuade you that ReefOn's new revolutionary dosing product makes scientific claims that are absolutely false and misleading.

ReefOn's "science" behind this product has been proven wrong on a couple other forums (WMAS and ReefCentral) and his response has been that he is not allowed to reveal additional information because of a "non-disclosure" agreement. Is it a coincidence that he began to explain all the details and complex chemistry behind it without hesitation, but when confronted with the proof of why his claims could never be true he suddenly is unable to explain any further?

One of the most respected chemists in the saltwater aquarium hobby, Randy Holmes-Farley, has said this, "I really don't understand what the product is claiming to be. It might just be nanaoparticle calcium carbonate, and even then I'd be surprised if they are using that term correctly. Might just be fine calcium carbonate. And that is a well known product (such as Aragamight or Kent Liquid Reactor) which really doesn't dissolve nor is it available to corals. I don't believe the passive uptake of any nanoparticles is going to be significant." To those who are unfamiliar with Randy, you can find info on him along with his very impressive credentials. If Randy and other science majors such as myself cannot understand, or disagree with this product, how is a LFS owner to know better?

If you wish to continue reading, I will go on to elaborate on some major points on how this product is making false claims:

ReefOn claims that this product contains no "carrier" molecule and is therefore more efficiently absorbed by corals. I'll start by saying that in liquid form, there is no such thing as a "carrier" molecule. The necessary particles such as calcium, carbonate, and magnesium, naturally separate from the so-called "carrier (sodium, chloride, sulfate)" as soon as it dissolved in water. When ReefOn was challenged by another reefer to approve of testing to determine whether or not the solutions contained the "carriers," as he claimed they didn't, he responded by saying this, "After speaking with the chemist I was informed that there will still be small traces of Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate in the solutions." ReefOn's original claim, "With no 'carrier' like chloride, sulfate or sodium, the mixtures we have are the calcium, carbonate (alkalinity) and magnesium in a pure h2o/water," was never true afterall. I have taken the liberty of testing these products myself. I have purchased them directly from Jerry and heard him preach about this "explosive growth." Testing the solution was simple. It revealed that the proportion of useful molecules to "carrier" molecules were indeed exactly the same as the proportion of any homemade calcium, magnesium or carbonate solution. This disproves this product's claim indefinitely. Almost every scientific claim about this product can easily be proven as a lie but I will not go any further. If there is any specific claim you would like me to elaborate on, please post your questions!

This product claims "explosive growth." This term is subjective so this paragraph will be purely my educated opinion based on my experience in growing sps corals for 10+ years. The growth pictures ReefOn has been posting have been, at best, average good growth. In my personal tank and tanks of others I know, sps corals grow just as fast as ReefOn's. Assuming he is being honest about the dates of the photos, ReefOn chooses to post growth shots of corals, such as the Red Planet, that are notoriously fast growers in any stable system. It is also known that the larger a coral colony becomes, the faster the growth rate will be. It should also be made known that ReefOn did not grow that Red Planet colony by themselves but purchased it from a reefer that was getting out of the hobby last Fall.

ReefOn claims that he (Jerry) has exclusive rights to this product. Does it really make sense that a major scientific research corporation makes a HUGE groundbreaking discovery that changes the laws of chemistry, and then chooses a small fish store in Utah to pioneer its distribution? In my opinion the answer is no. IF (and that's a big big "IF") half of these claims were possible, I believe that this secret corporation ReefOn has supposedly partnered with, would choose to maximize profits to recoup their research costs and approach a much larger well-known organization to advertise and distribute their product internationally.

To those that claim they are using this product and are observing results, I respect you and apologize if I have offend you. However, ask yourselves in all honesty either if the growth you are seeing is directly related to ReefOn's product, or if you are simply trying really hard to notice growth. If you believe in miracles in the form of secret bottled solutions, then please by all means buy this product. But if you are seeking a product with scientific background that says no lies, then this product is a waste of your hard-earned money. Instead, buy yourself that frag, fish, or equipment you have really been wanting (preferably from a LFS that does not lie to your face.)

I want to apologize to ReefOn for possibly jeopardizing their income from this product but I openly welcome any rebuttal that would disprove anything I have said. In other forums, ReefOn has avoided direct questions and has "beaten around the bush," simply said that he is not allowed to disclose information, and used fancy irrelevant words to further confuse fellow reefers. I expect ReefOn will either continue to do this, or completely ignore this.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and post your honest concerns.

Picking up the hobby again!

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