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Clowns not hosting RBTA

Printed From: Utah Reefs
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Topic: Clowns not hosting RBTA
Posted By: Josh
Subject: Clowns not hosting RBTA
Date Posted: November 07 2011 at 12:44pm
Hey so i just got a RBTA and my mochas arent even going close to it. How can i get them to start hosting it? Any suggestions would be great.

A winner never quits, but gets poor in this hobby!

Innovative Marine 30L

Posted By: Sculpin
Date Posted: November 07 2011 at 12:56pm
I had the same problem, give them time, they should go in to it.
That said if you want to speed the process along you can try taking a piece of kirll and get the clowns to nip at it. Then move the krill into the BTA. They will follow it in and if you're lucky they will stay there. Also I've noticed that clowns generally prefer the anemone to be close to the ground then high up in the tank. 
I have a huge RBTA but it was up near the top of the tank. My clowns wouldn't touch it. After a month or two of them ignoring the RBTA I got a smaller GBTA and put it near the bottom and they hosted in it immediately. This was about 2 years ago then about 3 months ago the clowns moved to the huge RBTA near the top... go figure.

Good luck


225 Reef (not really mine but i act like it is)

29 Biocube" rel="nofollow - My Whole House System Build

Posted By: Tanuki
Date Posted: November 07 2011 at 1:01pm
I used to want mine to host the anemone, but then the anemone moved to the opening back behind the rocks and has been there a month or so.  I just pray that they stay away from it now or I will never see them haha. 

Defending Reefscape Champion (I Think)

Posted By: ptronsp
Date Posted: November 07 2011 at 1:05pm
Just let nature take it's course in my opinion. I just put two RBTA's into my neighbors tank and then acclimated his  4 Mochas. It took about 20 min and they were all nice and cozy in the nem. It's kind of a wait and see game. I have heard techniques that people have used, but I just wait.


The only clowns I like are in my tank!

Posted By: Josh
Date Posted: November 07 2011 at 2:24pm
Thanks for the great advice. I think I'll just wait for a while then try some of the methods mentioned!

A winner never quits, but gets poor in this hobby!

Innovative Marine 30L

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