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Topic: ich?
Posted By: BnK
Subject: ich?
Date Posted: March 28 2011 at 11:30pm
My powder tang has what looks like couple white spots on it side and one on its fin. Could this be ich? Looks kinda like a pimple I guess is a way to describe it. Im posting a pic best one I could get.
One is right behind the eye behind the white line running from top to bottom and other spot is right in middle of his side above what looks like a vessel.  He also has one on his fin. But he acts fine and eats good.

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:07am
Very  likely!  I'd be greatly concerned and would inspect him closely first thing in the morning.


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:11am
Is here something I should do tonight? what steps should I take?

I actually started feeding them with garlic like 3 days ago. and did tonight.

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:15am
Keep feeding with garlic for sure.

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: dc
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:26am
keep up with the garlic and add a grounding probe if you dont have one. good luck, let us know.

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:34am
what is a grounding probe? 

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: dc
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:45am
you have electrical currents running through your tank from heaters, powerheads, pumps ect. test your tank with a voltage tester just the glass is fine. anyway inverts and fish do not like this especally tangs. it stresses them they get sick.....after i added one i have not lost a tang. even a powder blue.

Posted By: jcoulter17
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:45am
grounding probe eliminated stray voltage in your tank

Posted By: dc
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:48am
they are also for safety, if your heater breaks ect. it will help take the current out of the water so you dont get zapped. they are about $20 easy to put in. just plug into a grounded outlet and stick in sump/tank. everyone should have one!!

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:48am
I will have to look into those tomorrow then. thinkin more that it is ich before my lights went out he had some more spots on his fins. Cry

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: dc
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:51am
aquatic dreams is where i got mine. good luck again

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:59am
well just did my readings my levels are all good but my nitrate is 80 so im doin a water change now

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: jcoulter17
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 1:03am
that protein skimmer not doing its job. 

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 1:09am
Yea im thinkin it is not set up right or something. glad I had water already mixed 

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: jcoulter17
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 1:17am
I bet the fish you are missing is why your level is that high

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 9:18am
How does he look this morning?  That will be a key sign.


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 11:56am
well lights aint on yet. But he dont look worse. he still is acting fine swimming all around chasing anything that he thinks is food lol.

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: Mark Peterson
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:15pm
An even better way to reduce N compounds(Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates) is to have a good clump of Macroalgae in the Refugium and the display tank and turn on at least the Refugium lights 24 hours per day. If you would rather not have the display lights on 24 hours, at least extend the photoperiod by several hours for a week.

Algae can eat a ton of Nitrogen pollution very quickly, where a water change only reduces pollution by the percentage of the water change.

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Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:22pm
First of ALL Mark I have plenty of algae in my tank I live the lights on my sump up to 12 hrs a day sometimes more.

As for buyin and killing fish its my money I will buy fish If I feel. Im SO tired of you tryin to be big brother of the fish world. PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES. My tank has been running fine the readings fine I have a total of 10 fish in a 95 gallon tank. Most are lil fish my powder tang is the biggest one. As for the fish that died they were bought from a LFS that many people on this forum have had fish die from and I believe my eel had some to do with this.

Oh wait maybe I will just buy a fish a yr to satisfy you.

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:33pm
Kind of have to side with Brett on this one.  Sometimes Mark's helpfulness isn't all that helpful, and not so easy to take.

Brett- keep a close eye on that fish, especially in the morning hours.  If it gets worse I'd be prepared to pull it out.

ps- skimmer beats algae in removing those compounds

Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:35pm
thanxs adam I will watch him close and i been lookin online about a quarintine tank any advice on gettin one set up?

I got a skimmer it is tcfabs old one but it isnt working well for some reason. maybe I will post pics to see if anyone can give me ideas on why.

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:49pm
Here's a better article than I could write -

I keep a qt tank running in my basement just in case.  You are welcome to bring the fish over and use it at any time.  


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 12:55pm
I may take you up on that if he gets worse

the lights are on and some of them bumps are not as bad looking they dont have the white lookin heads but you can still see them. I cant get a pic since he dont stop moving and my phone just blurs when i get them while he swims.
He still has some on his fins I will just keep watching him and feeding garlic to him.

And I will read that article

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: bur01014
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 5:21pm
Originally posted by BnK BnK wrote:

First of ALL Mark I have plenty of algae in my tank I live the lights on my sump up to 12 hrs a day sometimes more.

As for buyin and killing fish its my money I will buy fish If I feel. Im SO tired of you tryin to be big brother of the fish world. PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES. My tank has been running fine the readings fine I have a total of 10 fish in a 95 gallon tank. Most are lil fish my powder tang is the biggest one. As for the fish that died they were bought from a LFS that many people on this forum have had fish die from and I believe my eel had some to do with this.

Oh wait maybe I will just buy a fish a yr to satisfy you.

Another Opinion Here!
First of all- That is not ich...doesn't even look close....What is it? Don't recall the name, not really important, I have seen it before in my tanks. The spots tend to be much larger than fine sugar and the number of spots is generally quite minimal in comparison to ich, 4-10 vs 20+.  You may find the spots move on a day to day basis.  Typically you will see them for the next month, then on and off (2-4 spots) for the next couple months.  Flashing will also be apparrent in the evening hours.  Get your parameters in check and feed well, the fish will survive.  However, I fear with your current water quality, your tank is in no position to feed as one should if their fish are currently under the weather.  Feed minimally for now, but take care of that water quality first and foremost.  Feeding plenty will only cause your parameters to downgrade, thus increasing fish stress, thus resulting in the fishes ability to fight disease to be severely decreased.
I tend to fall in the middle of Mark's and Adam's feelings
1.  12 hours a day sump light is not enough....especially with that high of nitrates, your macro should be doubling in size every week with that high of nitrates...keep that light on, or get a better one.
2.  Having Mark tell you to stop buying and killing fish is quite strong:  I think he should have said it more nicely, probably something like "slow down with this tank".....then again I think he may have told you this already....
3.  Yes, your money, you can buy fish when you feel, even if you kill them....although such a mentality is not necessarily good for the the fishes sakes
4.  If the fish gets worse "pull it" careful with need to chase a sick fish just to cause more stress....
5.  10 Fish in a 95 gallon....This tank has been setup long before your membership date correct? 
6.  Skimmers- insurance policy for your tank, the quality of skimmer though, determines your deductible....sounds like you need a better policy for that tank. 
7.  Your tired of Mark?  I can't imagine how tired some of these other members are of him who have been on here for years....LOLWink
Know I could be completely wrong in every way with my above comments, but I'd like to think I am totally right!  Mark comes off strong, but rarely is his advice incorrect. 

Posted By: jcoulter17
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 6:09pm
I would just leave the light on in the sump all day. I hate to pull the skimmer on the bigger tank you have but I think you need it more on the smaller tank for right now until you find out how to work your other skimmer

Posted By: dc
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 8:03pm
i have to say i feel for Brett but at the same time i agree with Mark. did you know Hawaii maybe shut down to the trade? they say we are cruel and do care enough for our fish/corals. this is a sad thing, i have seen only a small percent like this but maybe we should put a little more thought and caring into it.
just a thought of mine, just wanted to share.

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 10:26pm
I know mark is tryin to be helpful in his own way. It is the way he comes off with it. I talk to alot of people about my tank on here and that I go visit. I bought this tank from about a mile away we tore it down and had it set up within 1 hr to 2 hr tops. used some old water from it and some new. It went through a small cycle of just nitrate and nitrite,no ammonia spike at all. All my readings have bee very good since then I got alot of coral in it and fish wise I have two clown,1 firefish, 1 sixline,1 peppermint, 1 fire shrimp, 2 engineer gobys, 1 damsel, 2 chromos(sp), and the powder tang oh and lionfish dwarf. My skimmer has been acting up and tyler called today so I am fixing it so that should help. I have had the tank for two months I didnt put them all in at once. I took down my 110 so I needed to get them in there. the only fish I had die were the ones I bought and died within couple days of purchase. All the ones that ive had are fine. I have done nothing but read about fish and coral and try to learn more and more. It is just hard when you make a mistake and then get jumped on like marks message came off. On top of it, it was a ruff day. And I know Im not the only one that feels this way about mark. But anyway Im over it, and moving on. thanx to everyone on the forums for there help i appreciate it and some day I hope to be half as knowledgeable about the hobby. Just like know my 225 readings have been perfect and I havnt added a thing yet. I will wait another week.or 10 lol.

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: dc
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 10:42pm

Posted By: jaschall
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 10:49pm
I've been wanting to tell ya to slow down but i am not your
Big brother The way I look at it the faster you go the more
money you spend.

Posted By: jaschall
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 10:58pm
A 255 I would like to check that out one day if possible.
Are you on the reef tour.

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 29 2011 at 11:03pm
no 225 if I put 255 i hit wrong button lol

and no im not and it is not set up yet just got water and rock and I bought rock from billybob so got a bunch of majano on it that im killing off before adding livestock. which gives it time to make sure everything is good. But when it is up and running you can come check it out. I got a build thread goin on the forum now with pics

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: dc
Date Posted: March 30 2011 at 7:34pm
hows your powder doing? i hope better

Posted By: BnK
Date Posted: March 30 2011 at 7:42pm
Yea Im thinkin it is something else I have done two water changes to get nitrate down and other readings are good. He still has lil specs on his two fins but eats fine and acts normal. I just watch him close. But he seems happy. thanx

Brett and Kristine | Layton, UT | Brett's e-mail: [email protected] | Kristine's e-mail: [email protected]

Posted By: dc
Date Posted: March 30 2011 at 7:49pm
good to hearSmile

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