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Best Meeting o' the Year?

Printed From: Utah Reefs
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Topic: Best Meeting o' the Year?
Posted By: Suzy
Subject: Best Meeting o' the Year?
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 10:21am
OK, so how much stuff can we fit into one meeting? Decembers meeting was so jam packed full o' stuff that I do not know where to start! I'll try to flow as the meeting did: Fast, Fun and Mind boggeling!

Ok, so for me, I found out that I have friends that I have known for years, but I cannot remember your last names! Will wanted me to hand out the voting ballots to only paid members, so he gives me this list ("It's not a perfect list!", he says) of members and I'm supposed to check the boxes and give ballots. Well, it turns out I suck at that. So, if you got a ballot and are not a member and you voted for me, I guess we will just have to live with that! If Will wants accuracy, he better pick some other chick to do that part! Sorry, Will?

So, we ran out of tickets, even though we all thought we would have plenty for the next coral cutting, right? So, I did not get to buy any of the lucky yellow tickets! Dang it! And, Will was worried that the numbers could be the same! Poor guy ended up with a headache...Don't worry, Will. We just had an election so that means you can change jobs! (I'm just saying that, though 'cause no one could do it as well as you so I think you might be stuck? Just remember how cute we all think you are! Get some extra strength Tylenol? )

------------- - - Using Macroalgae for Aquascaping

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 10:27am
Cool part o' the meeting for me! Shawn let me be ToM! But, I was prepared for February, so he gives me like a day to get my tank ready! Anyone who knows me, knows I have to change everything every few months, so I did my major change just before he called. I wanted to get this funky foreground plant in a different spot, so I pulled out everything and rearranged, thinking I had 2 months of growing to do? But, it was cool! I have a really cool plaque in my fish room!

I learned something that night: (Imagine Stans voice?) Really cool pictures lose their color when they are projected on the big screen. I am glad I learned that before my Sundance premiere this spring!

------------- - - Using Macroalgae for Aquascaping

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 11:13am
So, then came the speaker, brought to us by Aquatic & Terrestrial Research Team. Adam is connected somehow to these guys, maybe he will let us know? I think they pay him to go diving and weigh algae or something....But, I do hope they know how much we appreciate them! Thanks, ATRT!

Steven Pro was really great! He even wore the hot Santa suit! I thought his presentation was great, even though I think he had short notice. I really loved the Christmas music, especially the Snoopy song! His stories were very fun!

So, I really think I need one of those wave dodads.......I did nudge my Santa, so maybe he will remember what it was called!

Thanks, Steven! You are too cute!

If you have a second, you can thank him here: - Steven Pro on Marine

And, Mr Pro (if you are out there), can you help me talk Shane into doing a lot of work so I can see MACNA here?

------------- - - Using Macroalgae for Aquascaping

Posted By: Mike Savage
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 12:12pm
(what a great rumour to start)
I enjoyed his presentation too. Very entertaining and informative.
(and just a little opinionated)


Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 3:12pm
Would that be too cool? If we could just get some volunteer to put in 2 or 3 years of tons of work! Or, this really could be better, talk the Idaho guys into doing it!

Wadda say, Scott?

What did you guys think of the PFO lighting system? I thought this was a funky gadget, lots of new timers and didads? Thank you PFO for demonstrating for us!

( I think all fish nerds are opinionated!

------------- - - Using Macroalgae for Aquascaping

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 4:47pm
The coolest part of the night? Some thought it was the raffle:

There was a lot of stuff:

But I really wanted this huge pump! I bought $5 bucks worth of tickets, and put all 10 in the cup:

Ok, so then this guy buys $50 bucks worth of tickets, and put them on top of mine! I know Shane put them in bowl and shook them like crazy, but geez! Did he really have to put his on top of mine!!!!

Let us know how that monster performs, will ya? I am curious if I would save some wattage!

------------- - - Using Macroalgae for Aquascaping

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 4:52pm
Some guys put their moola in other cups. This guy bought a lot of tickets and won the cool submarine. I now have to go buy one for the kid in my house. He wants one for his pond. I am actually thinking about getting some sort of battle ship so when these 2 get together, they can have pond battle!

------------- - - Using Macroalgae for Aquascaping

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 5:20pm
I got some really fun video, but every one I asked "What do you want for Christmas? said;

"The Tank."

This tank has the most gorgeous cabinetry I've ever seen. The tank was donated by Aquatic Dreams. Our special thanks goes out to them!
<Edited by Silcox>

The stand and canopy was donated and built by Dion Richins. Dion owns Richins Cabinetry, a company that is unparalleled in their class! I am in awe when I see their work! Dion is one of our nicest and most gifted members. Thank you so much, Dion! If anyone is considering getting new cabinets, I wholeheartedly recommend Dions company!

So, I thought it was really cool when this new guy won! Jeff is a relatively new member and now is the proud owner of one of the most beautiful tanks on the planet! I think it would be perfect for a herd of orange and yellow seahorses, maybe with some gorgeous algae or seagrass blowing in the current?

Jeff, congradulations! Have fun filling that tank!

------------- - - Using Macroalgae for Aquascaping

Posted By: Shane H
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 7:01pm
Can you believe how much fun that meeting was? It was like non-stop activity for over 2 hours. Way better than a movie!

Thanks to everyone that came out to win some exciting prizes and support the club!

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: December 10 2006 at 9:23pm
I really enjoyed the meeting.  I was pleased Steven was willing to come here, and to oblige our request for the Holiday Product Review. 
Also, so nice to see so many people. 

Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: ewaldsreef
Date Posted: December 11 2006 at 8:16pm
That was a fun meeting. Jake won the pump I wanted but I will get over it.
What an awsome club

Contact me for professional aquarium maintenance and localy grown coral frags. [URL=][/URL]

Posted By: Jake Pehrson
Date Posted: December 11 2006 at 8:41pm
I had a great time (especially because I won the pump and pH monitor).

Jake Pehrson

Murray" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow - :)

Posted By: Firefish
Date Posted: December 11 2006 at 11:51pm
Does anyone have an RO membrane that they would trade for two DI filters?

I don't like my TDS meter. I was hoping that it was going to tell me good things about my RO membrane, but intstead it told me I need to replace it. Darn TDS meter!

5 gal fluval spec v 12 gallon jbj nanocube reef Stansbury Park (Tooele Area)

Posted By: Reese
Date Posted: December 13 2006 at 8:40pm
Originally posted by Jake Pehrson Jake Pehrson wrote:

I had a great time (especially because I won the pump and pH monitor).
Hi Jake,
I really "lusted" after that pump...Can you tell me who donated it to the club? I would like to buy one to replace my Iwaki pump.

Jody L. Reese
Logan, Utah
75 gal. Reef Tank

Bora da (Good Morning)
Proudly Welsh

Posted By: ssilcox
Date Posted: December 13 2006 at 8:46pm
Reese -
Reeflo (the manufacturer) donated the pump. There are a number of local shops that carry them, or contact me and I can get you more info.

Posted By: Firefish
Date Posted: December 13 2006 at 10:20pm
Shane, I think Aqua Engineering and Design is another company you should keep in your list of contacts. They have very reasonable prices too. They do RO systems and such. I just bought some stuff from them.

5 gal fluval spec v 12 gallon jbj nanocube reef Stansbury Park (Tooele Area)

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