[QUOTE=Adam Blundell]One of my good friends and club member (and a totally awesome reef gal) had one of her anemones spawn tonight. It's possible, but not something I really believe in, that if her anemone is spawning here in SLC then others in the valley may have as well tonight.
That is awesome! Curious, what would be the cue for multiple anemones to spawn tonight in separate systems? Separate systems and lighting schedules rule out lighting as a factor. Research I have read suggests that anemones, at least
E. quadricolor, spawns once per year with no specific cue, but could be based photo-period, salinity change, temperature change, or some other chemical cue.
As a side note, I have always found it odd that my green star polyps, in 3 different systems, in 2 separate houses seem to often release gametes on the same night.