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Feather Dusters

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Specialized Discussion
Forum Name: Invertebrates
Forum Description: This is the place to ask questions about invertebrates.
Printed Date: March 02 2025 at 11:49pm
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Topic: Feather Dusters
Posted By: GonZo
Subject: Feather Dusters
Date Posted: October 08 2002 at 9:19am

How does one take care of a feather duster? What do they eat? Are they on the beginner's list to avoid or are they pretty hardy? What are the secrets to success? Any tidbit welcome!


Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: October 08 2002 at 11:01am

Easy to keep.  Filter feeders.  You don't really have to do anything for them, but they do eat rotifers.  Or, they will simply eat little bits of food floating in the tank.  Typically very easy to keep.


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: Kahuna
Date Posted: October 09 2002 at 8:20pm

I've got a spare if you would like one.


Cell 801 860-7333

Posted By: DutchDude
Date Posted: October 09 2002 at 9:33pm

If he doesn't want it - then I would

Posted By: Kahuna
Date Posted: October 10 2002 at 9:03am

I've got plenty. So I'll put your name on one.  Anyone else want a one?

Interesting history:  I bought one a year ago. Within 45 days it passed on. But within 30 days after that, 20 or so new ones started up. Maybe it self propagated or died during "duster" birth.   How do they multiple?  Anyone have any experiece with this.

Cell 801 860-7333

Posted By: Marcus
Date Posted: October 10 2002 at 1:37pm
Krik, I have heard that when corals "die" its not uncommon for a bunch of "babies" to appear. Jake has a frogspawn that has "died" a couple times, but now there's about 30 heads on it. It might be a question for Jake to give his opinion. Don't take my work as gospel. I'll trade you for a couple feather dusters. Let me know!

Posted By: Firefish
Date Posted: October 10 2002 at 4:38pm
One thing you do have to keep in mind about feather dusters have lots of natural predators.  Some people say that arrow crabs eat them.  I've never bought any large ones but I have lots of them growing on my live rock.  They are just mini ones right now.  Some feather dusters don't like a lot of light.  They tend to sometimes hang out where it dark.  Thats all I know about them.

Posted By: peiji
Date Posted: October 14 2002 at 7:41am
I'd definately like one if you've got extras. Are they large or small?

Posted By: Firefish
Date Posted: October 17 2002 at 8:49pm
They are too small now to even bother.  A few more years from now I might part with some.

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