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Jackies Tank Change Up

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Main
Forum Name: Tank Threads
Forum Description: A place to show off your tank build.
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Topic: Jackies Tank Change Up
Posted By: bstuver
Subject: Jackies Tank Change Up
Date Posted: March 03 2015 at 3:18pm
March 22, 2015
I now have a 54g corner tank and seems this thread wasn't started too long ago I figured I would just update it:)
Not going to do the seahorse thing as they just are a bit more work than I want right now so this will be a mixed tank.
I will update a stocklist later." rel="nofollow">

I picked up a 29g biocube yesterday. I had to scrub down a bunch of the rock with a toothbrush as it had what I think is some green turf algae. I will also be adding a clean up crew to help with anything I missed and to help maintain it.
I had planned to just rinse the existing sand but the smell when I removed it led me to just buy some new sand and change it out, I kept a small cup to reseed the new sand with and trashed the rest.
It also came with a nice sized bangaii cardinal, a purple firefish and a yellow watchman goby. Fish that I am happy with. If possible I want to add a few more bangaii and see if I can get a pair as I have always wanted a pair of them. The tank is pretty bare seems there were no corals so I will be adding a few more pieces of rock and then start adding the softies I am looking to add. I think I will stick with softies as I may end up doing seahorses down the road. I will be looking for the more common softies along with some bright greens and yellows. I will also add a few inexpensive zoas and stay away from the higher end stuff that I love( at least that's what I keep telling myself and my husband) and I will add mushrooms as well as I have an addiction for those little things:)

Full tank shot March 12,2015" rel="nofollow">

For now here is an iphone shot of the sad little start:)" rel="nofollow">

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: Josh
Date Posted: March 04 2015 at 5:20am
looks like a great start cant wait to see your amazing work!

A winner never quits, but gets poor in this hobby!

Innovative Marine 30L

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 04 2015 at 9:16am
Thanks I can't wait to actually get some coral!

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: jbuck13
Date Posted: March 04 2015 at 9:26am
Jackie I have some of those Hawaiin Palys i got from you think I have a clump with about 5-8 heads on a small nugget of LR you can have. They are the Red tinted ones. Let me know,  be heading through Provo in a couple hours

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 04 2015 at 9:45am
Originally posted by jbuck13 jbuck13 wrote:

Jackie I have some of those Hawaiin Palys i got from you think I have a clump with about 5-8 heads on a small nugget of LR you can have. They are the Red tinted ones. Let me know,  be heading through Provo in a couple hours

I would love that! Send me a text 801-404-3215 with when you'll be coming through I have a lunch at noon in Orem but I'm sure I can try and make it work

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: jbuck13
Date Posted: March 04 2015 at 9:48am
Okay I'll give you a buzz,probably be about an hour and half when coming through.

Posted By: Trevor40
Date Posted: March 04 2015 at 11:08am
Welcome back!!! I sure it will look colorful in no time!

Call or Text (801)834-3119

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 04 2015 at 3:38pm
Thanks Trevor!

A big thanks to Josh(jbuck13) and Lance(ctreeftank)for the frags:)

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 05 2015 at 5:26pm
Trying to decide what lighting I want to change to on this puppy. I am not the biggest fan of full LED fixtures as they just look un-natural to me(personal opinion) so the options are:

-some sort of retrofit using T5HO and LED so I can keep the hood
-remove hood and get a metal halide with maybe T5HO or LED supplement
-remove hood and get a T5HO fixture
-look for a full LED that I like the look of

I don't want to spend a ton on it so I'm trying to decide

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: ctreeftank
Date Posted: March 05 2015 at 6:34pm
Your wellcome my live rock looks great in the tank!

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 06 2015 at 2:21pm
Bought a used cheap halide/t5 combo it will be here next week hopefully. This is just until I find what I really want unless I actually end up liking it.

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 15 2015 at 10:49pm
Full tank shot March 12,2015 taken with my phone again. Please excuse the container in the center I'm trying to get a mushroom to attach to rock rubble. I also rearranged a few things the other day so I will have to get a new pic but this will do for now." rel="nofollow">

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 22 2015 at 11:58pm
Well I figured seems I moved right into something bigger I would just update this thread. I have a 54g corner tank that I got full of livestock.
Here are a few pictures from today just off my cell phone. The pictures were taken with a halide/T5 combo light but I actually am going to use the LED light it came with I was just seeing which I liked better at the time I took the pics." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: BobC63
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 10:10am
Saw this tank Saturday, it looks even better in person! ClapClapClap

- My Current Tank: 65g Starfire (sitting empty for 2+ years) -

* Marine & Reef tanks since 1977 *

Posted By: Jeremyw
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 10:13am
Looks great.... when you want to sell that hammer colony... ill be waiting..... 

Next meeting:

Posted By: jdinchak
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 10:37am
Looking good!

180G Mixed Reef Tank

170G Dart Frog Tank

Posted By: Pete Moss
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 10:56am
Looking forward to next week's build thread 

125g 90g 2x33g 34g
What stores do I recommend?
Up North: Bill ( Saltwater Paradise 801-317-8115 )
Down South: Jerry ( Reef On 801-563-0600 )

Member of GCFB

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 6:53pm
Originally posted by Pete Moss Pete Moss wrote:

Looking forward to next week's build thread 

It's all good nobody else around here posts their stuff that they buy/sell/trade, I'm not the only one

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 6:53pm
Originally posted by BobC63 BobC63 wrote:

Saw this tank Saturday, it looks even better in person! ClapClapClap

Thanks Bob and it was good to see you!

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 6:54pm
Originally posted by Jeremyw Jeremyw wrote:

Looks great.... when you want to sell that hammer colony... ill be waiting..... 

I gave up the seahorse idea to keep those hammers, I actually have two nice size colonies:)

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 6:54pm
Originally posted by jdinchak jdinchak wrote:

Looking good!

Thank you

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: ksmart
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 9:19pm
Good stuff Jackie :)


Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 23 2015 at 9:59pm
Originally posted by ksmart ksmart wrote:

Good stuff Jackie :)


Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: May 09 2015 at 8:30pm
Okay so I haven't updated this in like a month and a half because I was hoping to be moved to my 100g tank, I'm still waiting for the stand and canopy to be done so I thought I would throw up a pic of the current state of this one. I have a ton more coral than I had originally and it's all just kind thrown in there wherever it will fit

Cell phone pic, my phone hates the LED's but I tried to get rid of as much blue as I could with an app I have on my phone so it looks pretty decent:)" rel="nofollow">

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: ctreeftank
Date Posted: May 09 2015 at 8:34pm
Jackie I am so jealous of your tank! I wish I had the money and to get my tank at the level yours is!

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: May 09 2015 at 8:41pm
Originally posted by ctreeftank ctreeftank wrote:

Jackie I am so jealous of your tank! I wish I had the money and to get my tank at the level yours is!

Thanks Lance:) It takes a lot of daily testing and adding additives to keep it looking good and happy. I think I could help you with yours if you wanted to remove some of your rockwork it would be a lot better IMO

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: badfinger
Date Posted: May 09 2015 at 8:45pm
What app on your phone removes blue frompics?

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: May 09 2015 at 8:59pm
It looks awesome

Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: May 09 2015 at 9:57pm
Originally posted by badfinger badfinger wrote:

What app on your phone removes blue frompics?

It's called snapseed and I just use the thing that says warmth. It doesn't take out all the blue but definitely improves it.

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: May 09 2015 at 9:58pm
Originally posted by Adam Blundell Adam Blundell wrote:

It looks awesome

Thanks Adam:)

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

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