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Paly/Zoo ID

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Specialized Discussion
Forum Name: Softies
Forum Description: This is the place to ask questions soft corals.
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Topic: Paly/Zoo ID
Posted By: aquablue
Subject: Paly/Zoo ID
Date Posted: July 24 2012 at 10:01am

Don't usually do this but I honestly have no idea what these are LOL I've turned up blanks trying to figure it out, they seem to be missing from every ID list I come across.

It could very well be a Zoo or a Paly for all I can tell, it can't seem to make up it's mind whether it wants to stand up tall like a typical paly or hug the rock like a zoo and will occasionally accept feedings.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Posted By: CrimsRayne
Date Posted: July 24 2012 at 10:58am
Looks like an armor of god morph. Some are fully colored while some have just a ring of that bright color. Very nice.

"What we know from this hobby is too hard to share with the people who just want to look and not get wet." -Rioreefer

"The Puffer Girl"

Zoo freak :)

West Jordan

Posted By: aquablue
Date Posted: July 24 2012 at 11:38am
Thanks CrimsRayne, that color in the ring reminded me of the AOG's too but the thought of it being a morph didn't cross my mind for some reason lol.

29G Rimless BioCube | DIY LED
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Posted By: tfmreefs
Date Posted: July 24 2012 at 3:24pm
They are very gorgeous!

"The early bird might get the worm, but only the second mouse gets the cheese."

Posted By: aquablue
Date Posted: July 24 2012 at 4:13pm
I got them as two tiny sickly looking polyps that recooped into that, I love how they look but just couldn't put my finger on what they were lol

29G Rimless BioCube | DIY LED
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