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Ackbar's 16 Nuvo Tank

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Main
Forum Name: Tank Threads
Forum Description: A place to show off your tank build.
Printed Date: March 02 2025 at 2:00pm
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Topic: Ackbar's 16 Nuvo Tank
Posted By: Ackbar
Subject: Ackbar's 16 Nuvo Tank
Date Posted: March 19 2012 at 10:20am

Thanks for looking, hopefully this thread will be ongoing!

Here is a Rundown of the tank plans and what will be going into it. 

Equipment:" rel="nofollow - 16 Gallon Aquarium NUVO Aquarium  (plan to remove one section of sponges)" rel="nofollow - 1 Extra 8 Watt SkkyeLight LED Illumination  (2 come in tank)" rel="nofollow - Top Fin 100w Heater
Fiji Live Rock (16 - 20 lbs) (including rubble for the back)" rel="nofollow - Chaetomorpha Algae  for the Refugium" rel="nofollow - JPJ Nano-Glo 4-LED Refugium Light" rel="nofollow - Marineland Maxi-Jet 900 Pro Powerhead 

Cleaning Crew:
Astraea Turbo 6
Margarita Snail 4
Cerith Snail 3
Peppermint Shrimp 1

Sorry for the crappy quality of this first picture, I snapped it really fast this morning before heading into work. I just wanted to show the progress of aquascaping. I dont think its quite there but thats part of the fun!" rel="nofollow - Image Gallery

Cleaning Crew:
Astraea Turbo 6
Margarita Snail 4
Cerith Snail 3
Peppermint Shrimp 1

The tank before I started putting in water / rocks.


Back side, left section now has some LR rubble in the second chamber.

Heater, mechanical filtration, Refugium light and pump.

More to come!

Posted By: Ackbar
Date Posted: March 20 2012 at 9:10am
I was thinking of removing that other filter just seems kinda low quality and finicky. I was playing around with the setup of the rocks while Im waiting for it to be ready for the cleanup crew. Here are some more pictures. 

Previous, I decided it was a little to "Archy"


Trying to shoot some of the rocks, they have purple looking dots all over them. Turns out thats a hard color to bring out with blue lighting. 

Posted By: Ackbar
Date Posted: March 20 2012 at 12:40pm
I went to do some testing today and noticed that I accidentally bought a Freshwater testing kit. (" rel="nofollow - here ) The instructions talk about testing salt water, does anyone know if I can use this kit still or if I need to send it back for a saltwater version?

Posted By: Tanuki
Date Posted: March 20 2012 at 12:56pm
Looks good to me.

Defending Reefscape Champion (I Think)

Posted By: Ackbar
Date Posted: March 20 2012 at 2:13pm
ITS A TRAP! haha thanks Tanuki!

Posted By: Ackbar
Date Posted: March 21 2012 at 1:34pm
Can anyone tell me if the Chaetomorpha Algae is the best type to put in the Refugium? Was going to get that ordered in the next couple days just wanted to ensure I was making a good choice. 

Posted By: Melissa
Date Posted: March 21 2012 at 1:49pm
Looks nice. 

You should get some chaeto from someone local, then you'll get a bunch of pods and snails and such.

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: March 21 2012 at 2:36pm
Admiral- looks great. Don't order chaeto. Plenty of people (like me) always have it available.


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: Ackbar
Date Posted: March 21 2012 at 3:33pm
That sounds awesome, how time sensitive is getting that Alga in at the beginning of the process here? Would I be fine waiting till like the meetup on the 5th? (if someone wants to sell me \ donate a bit of alga ;)

Posted By: bstuver
Date Posted: March 21 2012 at 3:40pm
Just post in the classifieds that you need some, there are always people getting rid of some.

Jackie Stuver

"wait these aren't the happy Hawaiians oompa doompa godly heaven on your face zoas?   I dont want them then. lol!" Ksmart

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: March 21 2012 at 3:43pm
Wait a while. If you don't have nutrients the alga will starve and die... and then you'll have nutrients!


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: Ackbar
Date Posted: May 01 2012 at 8:49pm
Hello! just thought id give an update! Its been a couple months and I have gotten a frag or two and some fishes in there. My tanks params have been fairly stable, yet the last few days I have had a bit of cloudy 
water. Seems I was overfeeding the tank a bit. (the poor fish just seem so hungry!)" rel="nofollow - Here are photos!

Still working on my Gluing skills...

-------------" rel="nofollow - Ackbars 16 Gallon NUVO

Posted By: ReefdUp
Date Posted: May 01 2012 at 9:05pm
Lookin good!  I like your final rockwork better. gluing skills haven't improved yet really...I usually end up covered in goo after fragging. 

Diving since 2009, reefkeeping since 2007, & fishkeeping since 1987
200g, 75g, & 15g Systems
PADI Advanced Open Water

Posted By: Ackbar
Date Posted: May 02 2012 at 8:49am
Woo thank you! Yeah when I was originally doing it I did not realized I actually needed to make something a little more practical than "cool" looking. I would have not had much space for corals with some of those attempts. 

Seriously, I had that gell stuff stuck to my fingers and ruined a shirt. 

-------------" rel="nofollow - Ackbars 16 Gallon NUVO

Posted By: Ackbar
Date Posted: May 03 2012 at 5:49pm
Must be doing something right! Shrimp molted today!

edit ( add picture)

-------------" rel="nofollow - Ackbars 16 Gallon NUVO

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