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please help ich DEAD

Printed From: Utah Reefs
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Topic: please help ich DEAD
Posted By: fishboy101
Subject: please help ich DEAD
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 1:11pm
my blue hippo tang now has ich i have a little ten gallon tank i call my hospital tank just in case some thing like this happens i need to know what temperture to keep it at the salinity and all that stuff i will be selling my tang after its healed it is becoming to much fore me 

Posted By: Seth
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 8:12pm
keep the water parameters  the same as your main tank. I usually would just dose the tank with garlic to get rid of the ick. It helps the fishes immune system so they can fight it off. Has always worked for me sometimes over night. 

75gal sps dominated reef.
Bigger and better coming soon

Posted By: BobC63
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 9:49pm
Sorry you didn't get a quicker response but everybody is here at the July Club Meeting watching the Elite Aquatics Acrylic Seminar & Demo!

You might want to try a FW dip first to kill all the Ich that is on your fish, then into the hospital tank, maybe some copper-based medication, and soak all the fishes food in garlic before feeding.

And make sure your ammonia reading is zero for at least 15 straight days before adding any more fish.

Now, back to an AWESOME meeting!

- posted from my Sprint BlackBerry Mobile in SUGARHOUSE/UT -

- My Current Tank: 65g Starfire (sitting empty for 2+ years) -

* Marine & Reef tanks since 1977 *

Posted By: Seth
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 9:52pm
medications can get very dangerous fast if you are not careful

75gal sps dominated reef.
Bigger and better coming soon

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