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Help! Green bubble and hair algae problems!

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Help
Forum Name: General Help
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Topic: Help! Green bubble and hair algae problems!
Posted By: leatherneck1833
Subject: Help! Green bubble and hair algae problems!
Date Posted: August 21 2018 at 9:14pm
Hey all. I have happy and healthy fish. I have healthy corals. However, I have a bad green bubble algae and hair algae problems. I do water changes every week and can not get a handle on them. What can I do to get these under control????

Posted By: Krazie4Acans
Date Posted: August 22 2018 at 8:21am
The nutrients that promote both of those algaes to grow are Nitrates and Phosphates. Having both algaes growing in your tank means that there is an excess amount of those nutrients in your system.

Can you provide more information on your feeding habits, your filtration on your tank and how large (or small) your weekly water changes are? Those details can help us come up with some suggestions that might help you get this under control.

My ocean.
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