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Algagen Group Order?

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Topic: Algagen Group Order?
Posted By: Suzy
Subject: Algagen Group Order?
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 9:32am
Hi, Guys! My favorite company for live cultures is going to do a group
order for us! I've been emailing back and forth with Eric Stein, the
incredibly nice CEO of this company. This company usually sells large
amounts of cultures to large companies, but he has done an order for us
once before.

They also sell very large culture systems to very large phyto consumers!

The cool thing that I like is Phycopure. For those non growers who buy
Kents Phytoplex or DT's or the other dead products available, this is
comparable except it is so much better. It's a mix of quite a few different
microalgaes, and we all know variety is what makes our reefs healthy.
Plus, unlike the other brands, it is live so it doesn't add to the nutrient
buildup that we hate! It actually consumes these nutrients before they can
be eaten by nuisance algaes! And, it just hangs around eating yucky stuff
'till some coral snicks it up!

I think it is the best you can buy.

Plus, Eric has cultures of zooplankton: Artacia Tonsa, a really cool
copepod that is papered! Eric has it's pedigree! Copepods are the perfect
food for corals and small invert eaters because it is able to make it's own
fatty acids from fish poo! Unlike BBS or Rotifers that are only as nutritious
as their last meal! Copepods are cooler than amphpods because they are
small enough to be consumed by our reef corals, and they multiply

I am hoping to get a few pure cultures for those of us that are growers. I
hope that those that want to try something will order here, so we can
make it happen!

Any takers?

Posted By: Will Spencer
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 11:54am
Suzy, I would like to try something simple.  I would be growing it in a 10 gallon tank kind of like Mark has done so the simpler the better.  What does a culture cost?  If I can set it up for less than $20 I'm in.

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 11:56am
Do you have a light set up laying around? I use a HD shop light with plain
ol' 5 buck bulbs!

Do you buy DTs or Phytoplex? Do you feed any filter stuff?

Posted By: Will Spencer
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 12:01pm
I do have several light around including the HD light.  I pretty much only use Tahitian Blend right now, but have considered using live culture.  Just not gotten around to it yet.  I also considered doing a culture of Rotifers along with it.

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 12:12pm
Will, Rotifers are sooo last millenium!

Do you have a little room to grow some live stuff?

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 2:30pm

What size are the $20 cultures? All you really need to start a culture is 20ml or so. We could split the cultures between a lot of people and save some money. Suzy, were you thinking about getting any of the zooplankton?

Posted By: rstruhs
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 5:45pm

I would like to try some cultures of macroalgae and zooplankton and copepods, depending on cost.  Right now I am kind of strapped.

Can you provide somewhat of a price list?

Rodney, Sandra, Jeffery, and Laura Struhs
South Jordan, Utah 98th South & 40th West.
(801) 282-2744

75 gallon reef
55 gallon reef
55 gallon FOWLR
20 gallon FOWLR

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 6:30pm
Count me in for whatever you are getting.

Posted By: Bob Kripfgans
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 10:21pm
Susy. Let me know when and how much.  I'm in we can split the booty.   Bob

WMAS is da place!
Save the Banggai's!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 5:33am
Guys, this guy doesn't really sell cultures, persay. I think he's just making
us a deal 'cause Adam is friends with his friend, Andy. He really is trying
to promote the Phycopure.

Does anyone out there use DTs, Phytoplex, Microvert? I really think you
should try it!

I feel kinda bad asking him for just the cultures if nobody wants the
actual product!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 9:22am
I've used phycopure before and it was great.  I even grew it for about 6 months from my original culture.

Posted By: deedo
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 9:34am
I'll take some phycopure!

"Science is like a blabbermouth who ruins the movie by telling you how it ends. Well, I say there are some things we don't want to know. Important things!" - Ned Flanders

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 4:48pm

Here is the website for phycopure -


Posted By: Will Spencer
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 8:57pm

How much is the Phycopure?

It seems to me that it would be very difficult to feed this to your tank every day as some people do with their own cultures due to the exobitant price.  I mean my family doesn't eat $25 worth of food a day.  I certainly can't afford to feed my tank at that price.

This is why I use Tahitian Blend.  It seems pricey initially, but it lasts forever.  Maybe I'm just not feeding enough of it.

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 5:59am
Tahitian blend is much more practical for a large tank. I would use
Phycopure if I had a smaller tank. Growing it is a hassle!

It is comparable to DTs, and Kents dead stuff! In price!

I'll see if Eric will quot us some prices Monday..

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 6:57am
Isochrysis and Pavlova will only live several weeks in the fridge according to Dennis Tagrin or DTs. I believe DTs actually had Isochrysis for a while but they took it out because it didn't survive long. I think the isochrysis in the tahitian blend is almost certainly dead. Just dont overdose it.


Posted By: Will Spencer
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 11:32am

Question for Adam (BananaTropics): 

 Does the fact that Tahitian Blend is frozen necessarily mean the algae is dead?  When I feed it 2-3 times a week I get a heavy growth of algae on my glass that the snails love to clean up.  When I don't feed it very often I get far less growth.  Do you think this could mean some of the algae is still alive and ready to grow given the right conditions?

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 3:56pm

Im basing a lot of what Im saying on the statements by Mr. Tagrin (im guessing he started DTs based on his initials). Here is what he wrote to Anthony Calfo to pass along to RC members...

"In contrast, centrifuging phytoplankton is a process used by some companies to make algae paste for commercial aquaculture. This process was not designed to harvest live cells and in fact, the cells are scraped out like clay. This method is fast and cheap, but it damages a large percentage of cells. Several companies are purchasing these algal pastes as frozen concentrated phytoplankton to use as ingredients in their marine aquariums"

But here is Mr. Randy Reed's (owner of Instant algae, the maker of Tahitian blend i think)....

I understand why Dennis has to make comments like that - otherwise he has no way to differentiate his products. But unfortunately his "facts" are not correct. Nanno is the only algae that we concentrate to the "clay" level and none of the cells are damaged at this concentration - Nanno is just too tough. Our other algae are concentrated at far lower G's to a thick liquid. They also come out whole and intact.

The algae that we concentrate for our "Live" product which is sold into the aquarium industry is concentrated using a different method that we have developed. I'm not going to reveal how we do this because it is a trade secret that we don't want to become publically known. I know everybody hates "secrets", but sometimes they are necessary - sorry!

Mr. Tagrin later writes...

EPA is Eicosapentaenoic acid one of the most essential omega 3 fatty acids.

DHA is Docosahexaenoic acid, another essential omega 3 fatty acid.

Although animals can synthesize one from the other it is not as efficient and the goal from our continued research is to find a species of microalgae that would be a good source of DHA that survives refrigerated storage.

Note: Isochrysis and Pavlova are dead within 2 weeks of refrigerated storage.

People are being mislead by claims that they survive in
refrigerated storage.

And Mr. Reeds follow-up...

EPA and ARA are found at the highest levels in green algae, but DHA is ONLY found in brown algae like Isochrysis and Pavlova. DHA is one of the building blocks of neural tissue and without it your animals can not be at their peak vibrancy.

By the way, Isochrysis and Pavlova can be kept alive in a refrigerator for far longer than 2 weeks. I�ve heard there is a study that somebody performed that claims only 2 weeks, but I�ve never been able to get my hands on it. If they killed the Iso/Pav after only 2 weeks they did something very wrong.


Its hard to believe either since they are trying to sell thier own product and discredit the competition. But I bet the truth is somwhere in between. Id say Isochrysis and Pavlova start to die off after a couple weeks but there are stragglers for a couple months. And that is probably more true for a product like Phycopure, not the super-concentrated Tahitian blend.

Im not too sure about the cryopreservation. They use MeOH, DMSO or maybe another chemical which I believe prevents the cells from freezing. So if you keep them in the freezer, the cells are not actually frozen, just very very cold. But once thawed, it can take somewhere around a month before the cells start reproducing again (but are alive).

Will, i would say that part of the algae you are adding is decaying in your water and producing a nutrient spike for other algaes. The algaes in Tahitian blend will not grow on the glass or substrate. Have you tried DTs or phycopure? The live cells will last much longer in your sysem and not as much will end up deteriorating water quality. After I stopped adding nannochloropsis and Tetraselmis to my tank, I could still find living cells in the water many weeks later, just by taking random samples near the substrate.  


Posted By: j's55
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 8:02pm
Originally posted by Amie Amie wrote:

I've used phycopure before and it was great.� I even grew
it for about 6 months from my original culture.

find a price suzy cause if you can culture it.. I would love some.

Josh Zorn
45G reef
lots of tropical plants
Cell it 910 3924

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 11:22pm

Im not sure if its priced the same but this is from last years order...

The 8 oz retails for $16 and the 16 oz retails for $29-30. When you guys order I will take 25% off so that would be $12 and $21 respectively



Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 11 2005 at 7:12am
I'll try to get in touch with him tomorrow, but it would be difficult to
culture a mix of algaes. The strong will quickly outcompete the weaker.

What if we all cultured a different species, then we traded?!

Posted By: Will Spencer
Date Posted: September 11 2005 at 12:21pm

I have used both DT's and Phycopure, but in very small quantities due to the price.  I have a 180 gallon tank and dosing much of either is very costly.  I understand that they are more concentrated that your average Green Water, but when I see things that say add a cup or two a day of Green Water, I can see no way of doing it other than growing it myself. 

In a heavily populated 180 gallon tank, (mostly softies and LPS,) how much DT's or Phycopure would you say needs to be added each day?  Also how much Green Water, (Nano or whatever most people grow at home,) should be added?

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 11 2005 at 4:56pm

Just a comparison. I can usually get nannochloropsis cultures to about 20 million cells/ml. The instant-algae that only has nannochloropsis has about 68 billion cells/ml. So one ml of the instant algae is equal to almost 3.4 liters of homegrown. Sounds wrong to me and I think a lot of the cells are dead in the instant algae.

Suzy, i like the idea of making our own super-mix. I'll be growing 3 species i think (tetraselmis, t-isochrysis and rhodomonas) maybe even nannochloropsis if i have the room.


Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 11 2005 at 5:36pm
I'll do the chaeto!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 12 2005 at 10:17am
I am soooo excited! Erik emailed back!!!!

So, it turns out he wants us to get the Phycopure from our LFS! That is
good, 'cause S&H won't be so heavy. I know Chad at The Pet Factory had
some last tine I was there. Has anyone seen it elsewhere?

The PURE microalgae cultures are $25 bucks each. They are in 250 ml
liquid form, so we can start them quick! I remember a few of the
species...but not all.

Nannoclorosis- easy to grow
Chaetocerous- A bit harder, diatom that needs silicates
Tetraselmis- moderately easy to grow and has a natural antibiotic
Rhodomonas- Very fickle, but the most nutritious of all
Isochrysis- I could not get this one to grow! Not supposed to be that
       hard, but....I did get this one from FAFUSA, so maybe it was a bad

There are a few more. I just emailed Erik to find out the others...

Here is the coolest thing! Eric is going to give us a discount on his
Papered pedigreed Copepods! I really really want some! Here's a cut N
paste from his email:

"""""The copepods are typically $50 per 1000 with a 3000 min
order($150). I can give them to YOU at a discount of $35...I do not give
this price out often. PLease understand that the Acartia and any other
pelagic species is very different from the benthic types that eat the
detritus (the species found in sea/ocean pods). Those detrital eaters are
called harpacticoids and are very common on live rock and in most reef
tanks. The Acartia and other calanoids, parvo-calanoids are not
common and these are the types are and have been used very
successfully in raising difficult to grow species, increasing overall survival
from 10% to 80%+. They require microalgae and some level of care to
raise successfully. I would recommend trying them and if you go ahead I
would work with you so that you can have a positive experience with
them. """"

So, zooplankton Lovers!!!! I am sooooo excited!!!! Last time I shared my
pods, this time we need 3 people to order them! These are way cooler
than our last pod order!

I think I am not going to share these very special cultures, 'cause I want
to get a bunch of people going in on this order.

I know we have a few breeders in our ranks. When you get fry, you are
going to want these! And, you weirdo coral lovers, what are you feeding
your lifeforms?

Anybody want 'em? If I can get more than 3 of us, we can split 'em!


Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 12 2005 at 10:29am
Originally posted by wsinbad1 wsinbad1 wrote:

I have used both DT's and Phycopure, but in very
small quantities due to the price.�]

Ok, I really think DTs is dead. I have tried to use it to start a culture a few
times with no success. Also, I have all the algae pastes from BSD, and
have tried numerous times to grow them with no success. Maybe it was
alive for a week or two when it was first harvested, but that 2 weeks must
have been when it was on the shelve at BSD!

Using phycopure is a great product for smaller systems, but I am like
you, a large tank with many other expenses. I've found for my situation,
growing phyto is the solution. My theory about quanity is to add as much
as I can grow! My tank has incedible growth of sponge, which is what I
think differentuates a strong, established, healthy sytem to.....?...... a less
healthy place!

And, growing it is the easiest thing I do for my tank! I spend a few
minutes every other day or so, maybe every 3 days or so, filling up a new
DP bottle and mixing a new batch of water.

But, growing zooplanton is even easier! All I do is take out the water and
replace with green!

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 12 2005 at 4:46pm

Ok im in Suzy. So is he going to ship the pure cultures to the LFS?

I'll take the Rhodomonas culture and the T-Iso culture.

Hmmm, those acartia sound tempting to try. Have you tried those before Suzy?


Posted By: Bob Kripfgans
Date Posted: September 12 2005 at 9:58pm
I'm in for the exotic pods. Adam, what type of phyto did I give you the other day? I would also like to split a different phyto culture when we order.  Bob  

WMAS is da place!
Save the Banggai's!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 7:43am
Yahoo! Ok, so I'll start the list here:

Phytos: Adam: Iso, Rhodo
Suzy: Chaeto!!
Bob: Nanno
Amie: tetraselmis

Super Pods:
OceanBlue Sky
Where are the seahorse breeders?

I have not tried these these pods before, but I have tried others and they
are easy. You can feed them paste or phyto or fish poo or flake stuff!
They are the only zooplanton I know that can make it's own DHA/EPA.
The others are just a package to carry the fatty acids of the phyto they
eat. I think they are much better than rotifers, easier and more nutritious.
I think Erik will ship cultures to us. I'm waiting for a return Email about
the other algaes I can't remember!

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 8:06am

Bob, I have no idea what it is. Its not tetraselmis. It sure doesn't look like nanno but its about the same size (under 10 microns id say) The color is absolutely stunning. I think our best bet in identifying it would be to track it back to who started the culture. Did you say you got it from Mark?

Suzy, if i can find some good info on the acartia, i'll get some too.



Posted By: Will Spencer
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 10:44am

Suzy, I'd like to try some Nano, but it appears now is not the time.  I just got stuck with a ton of work so I wouldn't be able to set it up for at least a month.  I'm also broke after setting up my 130 and now I have to work to pay the bills rather than the hobby.

When I'm finally ready to do this I'll see if anyone has a culture I can "frag".  Thanks!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 2:32pm
Originally posted by wsinbad1 wsinbad1 wrote:

When I'm finally ready to do this I'll see if anyone has a culture I can "frag".  Thanks!

 You know, in the past, I have shared my expensive cultures for free! But, this time, I'm giving everyone the chance to go in on them, so I'm not sure if I'm going to give them away any more. This could end up costing me a bunch, but if enough people share.....

 I do actually think quite a few are waiting 'till I pay for them!






Posted By: Will Spencer
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 4:37pm
Suzy, I usually pay for "Frags" anyway.  I'd be more than happy to buy my portion in the future, I just don't want to buy it now and have it die before I get to set it up.  I think it is pretty rude to wait for you to buy it and then ask for a start for free.  Problem is you've just always been too nice.

Posted By: Bob Kripfgans
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 5:34pm
Susy, put me down for the nano...

WMAS is da place!
Save the Banggai's!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 6:39pm
OK, Adam and Bob, it might just be you and me. Should we bag it and do
it another time? Maybe when winter comes there will be more interest...

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 7:51pm

maybe start a new thread in the buy/sell with the word phytoplankton in the topic. I bet most people dont know what algagen is. I still want to do the order if we can. I have a bunch of new culturing stuff on its way and i want to use it ASAP 


Posted By: Mark Peterson
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 11:09pm

Originally posted by BananaTropics BananaTropics wrote:

Im not too sure about the cryopreservation. They use MeOH, DMSO or maybe another chemical which I believe prevents the cells from freezing. So if you keep them in the freezer, the cells are not actually frozen, just very very cold...

...track it back to who started the culture. Did you say you got it from Mark?

Re: Freezing - Tim Troy, BSD owner, told me they use Glucose to keep the algae paste from going solid below 32 degrees F.

I got the culture from DNellans with the understanding that it was Tetraselmis.

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Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 13 2005 at 11:30pm

Ive looked at his, it was a flagellate like tetraselmis. These ones were much smaller and not flagellates. hmm  I think they are chlorella


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 1:25am

I'd like the Nannoclorosis.  I might want tetraselmis also, but I need to look under the microscrope at the phyto I currently have to see what it is.  I'll do that tomorrow.  How large are the individual phyto. cultures going to be?

If I knew more about copopods, I might be interested - but I would have a clue what to do with them.  Do you just dump them into your refugium or do you set up a hatchery area for them?  Is it like growing rotifers?  Are they smaller/bigger than rotifers?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 1:31am

Originally posted by Suzy Suzy wrote:


What if we all cultured a different species, then we traded?!

Suzy, this is a great idea.  We would all be paying the same amount, but getting a culture from all of them.  I am SO in on this order if you want to do it this way.  If it was timed right, we could trade the harvested cultures at the next meeting.

Maybe a price should be set on these cultures if sold outside of the group that originally paid for them.  The money could go into a piggy bank to be used if one of the cultures ever has to be replace down the road.

Posted By: OceanBlueSky
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 1:40am


I'm in for the Super Pods.  Can I house them in my refugium or do I need to setup a separate tank?  I'd also like to start an algae culture, but as a beginner this is all way over my head (your mad scientist lab boggled me), maybe I should start out with something simple and easy.

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 7:11am
Originally posted by Amie Amie wrote:

I'd like the Nannoclorosis.� I might want tetraselmis
also, but I need to look under the microscrope at the phyto I currently
have to see what it is.� I'll do that tomorrow.� How large are the
individual�phyto. cultures going to be?

If I knew more about copopods, I might be interested - but I would
have a clue what to do with them.� Do you just dump them into your
refugium or do you set up a hatchery area for them?� Is it like growing
rotifers?� Are they smaller/bigger than rotifers?

Each culture is 25 mls. But, if 2 people want the same one, it could be

Copepods are the kings o' zooplankton! Bigger than rots, smaller than
amphopods. The type that Eric is offering are the free swimming kind that
are easily snicked up by corals 'cause they stay in the water column. They
are incredibly more nutritious than any other food on this planet! Plus,
they grow easily on live phyto, paste or fish poo! And, they are a
renewable resource!!!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 7:14am
Originally posted by Amie Amie wrote:

Originally posted by Suzy Suzy wrote:

. What if we all cultured a different
species, then we traded?!

Suzy, this is a great idea.� We would all be paying the same amount,
but getting a culture from all of them.� I am SO in on this order if you
want to do it this way.� If it was timed right, we could trade the harvested
cultures at the next meeting.

Maybe a price should be set on these cultures if sold outside of the
group that originally paid for them.� The money could go into a piggy
bank to be used if one of the cultures ever has to be replace down the

Wow! Super idea!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 7:25am


I'm in for the Super Pods.� Can I house them in my refugium or do I
need to setup a separate tank?� I'd also like to start an algae culture, but
as a beginner this is all way over my head (your mad scientist lab boggled
me), maybe I should start out with something simple and easy.


Are you planning on a special upcoming event? You know it's going to

Phyto is really easy! My lab is just me kinda getting carried away! It just
needs a light source and someway to move the water!

But, the pods I have now can be raised on phyto paste. I think you could
use flake too. I also have a huge bag of spirulina powder that I can share
with you. Eric says these guys might have a little more to them, but he
will help us!

I think you will want to set up a seperate container, if you are using them
to raise fry babies. They would be too hard to harvest swimming all
through the tank! Plus, they would get snicked by everything! i have just a
2 gallon tank, and I put a airline in it, just 'cause the top of the water kept
getting scum. But, I also have a mason jar, just in case the tank
contaminates! But, it hasn't happened yet!

Also, you will want to learn how to hatch and enrich baby brine shrimp,
because 500 fry babies can eat a lot! BBS are much less nutritious than
pods, but can be "enriched" (gut-loaded) with a yummy meal of

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 10:18am

Suzy, ive been doing some reading and found a lot of info that suggests the acartia does best in brackish water (15ppt i think). Can you ask the guy for some basic requirements (temp, salinity etc)?


Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 2:51pm

Bob, here is the site i was talking about.

This site has some of the best information on culturing phyto and zooplankton ive seen and its free! -

Theres lots of good info just a search away. Here is a good one i found... -


Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 4:17pm
Sure, Adam! He said he will help us get them strong!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 4:59pm

Suzy, change my order to tetraselmis instead of nanno.

If I'm going to be raising clownfish, do you think the copepods would work instead of rotifers?  Or would they be too big?  Suzy, do you still raise rotifers for your seahorses or have you switched to copepods?

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 7:41pm
I bleached my rotifer staff when they contaminated my pods for the
second time!

I have a culture of very small pods. They are more nutritious, so they
would increase survival rates, I would think.

Posted By: Bob Kripfgans
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 8:48pm
So, where are we on a possible order? If there is 5 of us(oceanbluesky,Adam, Amie and myself. we can split if that is feasible. I will culture any of the species. And definately like to split the pods.

WMAS is da place!
Save the Banggai's!

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 9:10pm

Originally posted by Suzy Suzy wrote:

Each culture is 25 mls. But, if 2 people want the same one, it could be

250 ml?


Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 15 2005 at 6:50am
Oops! Forgot a zero....

Anybody else want in before it's too late?

Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: September 15 2005 at 8:12am

If I'm going to be raising clownfish, do you think the copepods would work instead of rotifers? 

Amie- I think copepods will work better.  I know that C-quest believes in using copepods almost exclusively.  They say copepods are "the key" to raising fish.


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 20 2005 at 11:04am
WOW! Motherload! Mr CEO just emailed the other phytos!!! I thought I'd
forgotten a couple!

"2 strains of Nanno, 2 of Thal weisflogii, thal pseudonanna, Chaetoceros
gracilis, C. muelleri, Skeletonmea costatum, Dunaliella tertiolecta,
Rhodomonas lens, R. salina, Amphorta spp, T.iso, C. iso,
Pavlova(Monochrysis lutherii), Tetraselmis suecica, T. chuii, Spirulina

BananaAdam! I'm over whelmed! I want one of each! I feel like an aquatic
equestrian in an OR store!

I know Rhodamonas is the king!
And, chaetocerous is killer!

Is Thal weisflogii a diatom?

And, spirulina? Too cool!

Pavlova? I know I need that!

Help me choose!

Posted By: Bob Kripfgans
Date Posted: September 20 2005 at 10:18pm
Good lord! So many choices, where do you begin Suzy?

WMAS is da place!
Save the Banggai's!

Posted By: rstruhs
Date Posted: September 21 2005 at 7:24am
Suzy, I am going to pass on an order this time.  I have had too many crashes of the "easy" stuff.  I need to re-evaluate my process.  Besides, I just bleached my algae system and need to get it cleaned out.

Rodney, Sandra, Jeffery, and Laura Struhs
South Jordan, Utah 98th South & 40th West.
(801) 282-2744

75 gallon reef
55 gallon reef
55 gallon FOWLR
20 gallon FOWLR

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 21 2005 at 11:08am
How hard is Pavlova to grow?

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 21 2005 at 1:51pm
I think it is one of the hardest, but I still think you should try it. If it
doesn't take off, you can have some of Adams stuff!

(Just kidding, we'll all get something cool in the end!)

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 22 2005 at 8:30am
Suzy, i'll take the T-isochrysis and the Rhodomonas.


Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 22 2005 at 11:19am
Phytos: Adam: T Iso, Rhodo
Suzy: Chaeto!! and another diatom
Bob: Nanno

Amie: tetraselmis

Super Pods:
OceanBlue Sky

OK, who am I missing? Anyboby waqnt to make changes? Mark, do you
want in or stick with that food colored water?

I know you seahorse and clownfish breeders are going to jealous of our
pods! Sure you don't want in?

Posted By: reydavid
Date Posted: September 22 2005 at 11:33am

I'd like to get in on any of these I can put into my refugium. Am I too late? If  it helps too, I'll take the responsibility to make sure Suzie doesn't get stuck paying for more than she should...share the burden so to speak...

Dave 435.602.0933...please call me if I can get into the order.

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 22 2005 at 11:36am
Thanks, dave. We'll chock you up for a pod order....

Too bad we don't have an number divisible by 3 for pods! Sure, would
make it easier to split!

You are talking pods, right?

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 25 2005 at 5:58am

Bob, Amie, Suzy, I am going to try and keep sub-cultures going on the species i get. They are basically very small cultures (ie in test tubes) in which isolation methods are used to keep the cultures pure (ie agar plating, dilution, and microscopic pipetting). If you three want to give me like 20mls of the 250ml starters when they get here, i'll keep some sub-cultures going on all 6 species and you can get fresh starter cultures on any one of them when you need it.


Posted By: Bob Kripfgans
Date Posted: September 25 2005 at 6:16pm
You got it Adam (The Mad Professor)  Sounds like a great idea.

WMAS is da place!
Save the Banggai's!

Posted By: bugzme
Date Posted: September 25 2005 at 6:25pm

Long thread! Suzy I'd like an order of pods! How much?

125 tank
50 gallon sump
T-5 lighting
Rum drinker, Carbon User
I KNOW ROCKS THAT ARE YOUNGER THEN ME!! I AM A Realist! I write what I think!!

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 25 2005 at 7:47pm
I think they are $35 (discounted price) for about 1000 of them.


Posted By: bugzme
Date Posted: September 25 2005 at 8:58pm
Anyone want to split an order?

125 tank
50 gallon sump
T-5 lighting
Rum drinker, Carbon User
I KNOW ROCKS THAT ARE YOUNGER THEN ME!! I AM A Realist! I write what I think!!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 26 2005 at 6:14am
I was hoping we could all split them! We have to buy 3, so I was also
hoping to multiples of threee buyers, so it would be easier to figure out!

Posted By: Bob Kripfgans
Date Posted: September 26 2005 at 7:38am
Split sounds good!

WMAS is da place!
Save the Banggai's!

Posted By: reydavid
Date Posted: September 26 2005 at 4:22pm

I got the meassge. I'm in for $35 or whatever my split ends up being. Let me know when it's ready 435.602.0933. I travel a lot so PLEASE let me know how to be responsive and not lose my place in line!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 26 2005 at 6:57pm

Suzy, you mentioned that 2 different nannos were available. 

Is one of them Nannochloropsis Oculata? (vs. Nannochloris)  Here's what Joyce Wilkerson says about Nannochloropsis oculata "it is high in both B12 and the unsaturated fatty acid EPA needed for larval and juvenile marine fishes.  This is a dark green alga with a thick, tough cell walls that protects it from possible damage by overstirring during the microculturing procedure.  This alga can be digested by rotifers, but its food value for most other animals is low because the cell wall prevents them from digesting it thoroughly. "

She says the following about tetraselmis, "it is nutritionally inferior to nannochloropsis oculata as far as fatty-acid content is concerned.  This large-celled alga may also prove useful as a direct food in culturing organisms that are too small to accept rotifers.


Posted By: bugzme
Date Posted: September 26 2005 at 7:17pm
Split sounds good to me also!

125 tank
50 gallon sump
T-5 lighting
Rum drinker, Carbon User
I KNOW ROCKS THAT ARE YOUNGER THEN ME!! I AM A Realist! I write what I think!!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 8:58am
Amie, what I've found in my research is that Nanno ( sorry, can't tell you
the exact species) is high in EPA, but very low in DHA. Fry need both to
survive, so by using nanno with another higher in DHA, we get them both!

I can't argue with the goddess of Clownfishes, though! I have seen so
many different charts with different nutrition levels that I don't know what
to think anymore!

Do you want to try the Nannochloropsis Oculata?

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 8:59am
So, here's is what I think we want?

Phytos: Adam: Iso, Rhodo
Suzy: Chaeto!!
Bob: Nanno
Amie: tetraselmis

Super Pods:
OceanBlue Sky

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 9:13am
We need one more pods person!

What if the algae growers just do a bit of sharing? What if i order the
coolest ones, we share the cost? Then, if one peters out, we can always
try another?

Here's what I'm thinking:

Nanno ( the one Wilkerson recommends)
Thal weisflogii or thal pseudonanna

Would I be being pushy if I suggested a Pavlova?

Pod people share the cost of pods?
Algae people split the cost of algae? Me & Banana pay double 'cause we
want 2?
What do you think?

Posted By: reydavid
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 10:38am


I feel like you're doing all of us a favor. Make it easy on yourself. I'll pay my fair share and help with using any of the cultures others want to share.


Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 1:29pm
Are you sure? I think you are going to want some of my fansy pansy
diatoms to feed your pods!

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 2:58pm

Make sure to get the T-iso (Isochrysis galbana. Tahitian strain). That strain is higher in DHA. Pavlova would be nice to try too :)

Phyto people, I have everything we need to keep pure subcultures going. So when your culture dies out, i can give you a fresh starter culture of any of the species we order. All I need is about 20mls from each of the cultures when they get here. How does that sound to everyone?



Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 3:42pm
T-ISO it is! Which Red?

Rhodomonas lens, R. salina

Posted By: Adam Haycock
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 4:05pm

R. salina i think. Maybe ask which is in the phycopure.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 6:31pm

Originally posted by Suzy Suzy wrote:

What if the algae growers just do a bit of sharing? What if i order the
coolest ones, we share the cost? Then, if one peters out, we can always
try another?

I think that's a great idea.  You and I had talked on the phone about me ordering pavlova instead of tetraselmis anyway. 

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 12:40pm
Suzy, just wondering where things stood with this order?

Posted By: bugzme
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 6:34pm
Me too!

125 tank
50 gallon sump
T-5 lighting
Rum drinker, Carbon User
I KNOW ROCKS THAT ARE YOUNGER THEN ME!! I AM A Realist! I write what I think!!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 8:10pm
I got hold of Mr Algagen, told him what we wanted! Now, I'm waiting for
our tracking number! I'll let you know!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 9:02am
Got our tracking #!!!!! Hope it makes it! - Follow the coolest pods on the planet travel across the country

Posted By: arhyne
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 3:16pm
Your getting a lot of them. Way more than you paid for ;)


Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 3:38pm
Yahoo!!!!! Algagen ROCKS the PLanet!!!!

Will you help us culture them? My baby seahorses can eat a lot!

Posted By: bugzme
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 4:10pm
Suzy, can I pick mine up tomorrow afternoon? I won't be able to go to the meeting. Will you call me when it gets there? 565-8939

125 tank
50 gallon sump
T-5 lighting
Rum drinker, Carbon User
I KNOW ROCKS THAT ARE YOUNGER THEN ME!! I AM A Realist! I write what I think!!

Posted By: reydavid
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 5:27pm

Let me know how to hook up on this. I'm still in line right?

Dave 435.602.0933

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 7:36pm
Crap! i don't know if they are going to be here tomorrow....

Posted By: arhyne
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 7:40pm
I would think you'll have them by 10:30 am or so


Posted By: Bob Kripfgans
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 7:51pm
Very cool!  Like watching Santa make his rounds on Christmas...tracking the presents. If all goes well can we split the load at the meeting? I will need to know how much $ to bring. There were so many people posting I'm a little confused who's splitting what.   Thanks Bob 

WMAS is da place!
Save the Banggai's!

Posted By: arhyne
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 8:14pm

what kinda of water are you planing to put the pods in?


Posted By: Adam Blundell
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 8:20pm

what kinda of water are you planing to put the pods in?

I'll guess salty.


Come to a meeting, they�re fun!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 9:22pm
Andy, I was thinking feeding them diatoms? Do they need different water
than my other pods? Salinity 35 ppt or so?

Tell me!

Posted By: arhyne
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 9:28pm
Well just make sure you are suing aged, clean water just like you would
grow your algae with. Don't use newly mixed up or unclean water.



Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 9:28pm
EEK! No stinkin' diatoms! Here's a note from Erik, King o' all things micro:

"It will be very important to get the copepods the algae they need. T.Iso
and rhodo work very well.   The following is important;
stock them at 100 per liter approximately. Aerate very gently a few
bubbles per second..just barely breaking the surface. 24 hrs light is ok
but should not have to be intense light -diffuse is probably preferred (For
instance 10 inches to 1 ft from a florescent cool white lamp)

Second- feed the T.iso or rhodo combo so the water is a light tea color.
Too much algae and they won't eat and not enough and they will
cannabilize each other. Periodically change the water and clean out your
container(remove all the biofilm from the walls). Do this by pouring the
culture into a 75um screen that is sitting in water so that they do not dry
out. Clean your container and then partially refill it with clean sea water
and then rinse the collected animals back into the jar. Pour in a light tea
of microalgae and you are in business.

If the culture reaches densities that are too high..the adults have been
known to cannibalize the babies. Working densities are approx 0.5-1.0
per mL. Adults can be removed by using a 250um screen and the nauplii
can be removed with 100-150um screen. These critters drop up to 80
eggs per day under ideal circumstances but you do not want to over

What I use is a 1 gallon clear jar I got from WalMart, popped a hole in the
lid and ran an air line into it from an aquarium pump. I have a fine
adjustment attached to the line so I can regulate air flow. I have made
screens from various objects to sort the adults from the nauplii but it is
hard to keep up with them. A raging culture will clear out the tea color
1-2x per day.....DO NOT OVER FEED and do not use diatoms (chagra,
Thal) or nanno. T.Iso and Rhodomonas or T. iso by itself.

Remember this is a different critter from artemia, rotifers or the
commercially available copepods. It is more sensitive to handling and
culture parameters. It can easily get contaminated with other copepods
after which you will see more activity on the walls rather than in the water
column itself."

************************************************************ *************

Ok, so I should clorox my other pods now before they contamiante my
pedigreed pods?!!!

This is too exciting!!!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 11:25pm
Wow, that looks like a lot of work, I'm glad I'm not getting pods.  Good luck to everyone!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: October 06 2005 at 9:15am
EEK! The tracking thing says they are not here! Should I cry now?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: October 06 2005 at 2:07pm
We'll just have to meet this weekend somewhere in Salt Lake to get everything.  No big deal.  I think we should meet at Adam's house.

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