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Chocolate tang with a cloudy eye

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Topic: Chocolate tang with a cloudy eye
Posted By: WaitForIt...
Subject: Chocolate tang with a cloudy eye
Date Posted: March 28 2016 at 1:36pm
Hey all,
Just came home to notice a cloudy eye on my only tang. It looks a little swollen, but not too terrible. He eats like crazy and grazes all day. What could this be and should I be worried?

It is possible that longing for something is actually better than having it. Satisfaction is the death of desire.

Posted By: Mark Peterson
Date Posted: March 28 2016 at 2:35pm

When chocolate gets a little gray in spots it means it's getting old and needs to be eaten. Wink Put 'im on the BBQ. It may sound crazy but I had BBQ Yellow Eye Tangs at a wedding reception in Hawaii a few years ago. Mmmm tastes like fish.

Seriously though, it shouldn't be a problem and should go away on it's own, but just to check, what is it's environment like? As usual, I have several questions:

Can you show us a pic of the tank, please?

Also, you say it's grazing all day, on algae, I assume?

What kind of algae is presently growing in the tank?

Is there a Refugium with Macroalgae?

What supplemental food is it being fed and does it periodically get" rel="nofollow - this additive in the food ? I'd add that every other day for the next week to help the fish fight off any issues, like infection, etc.

This could become Pop-Eye for which there is no absolute remedy except what seems to help is a healthy, stress free environment with plenty of good natural food.


Mark  Hug

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Posted By: WaitForIt...
Date Posted: March 28 2016 at 2:43pm
I'll upload some pics soon. Just checked the water parameters and everything looks good. I have a fuge with chaeto and caleurpa growing, but nothing in the main tank. I drop garlic on the food every day, but I don't use the garlic from the thread, just a garlic oil extract I found online

It is possible that longing for something is actually better than having it. Satisfaction is the death of desire.

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