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SPS BLEACHING, pics added

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Topic: SPS BLEACHING, pics added
Posted By: rwgoose
Subject: SPS BLEACHING, pics added
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 12:57pm
some of my sps are starting bleach!!! my birdsnest, ora birdsnest and my pocillopora!!!
i checked all my lvls
cal 450
alk 8.4
mag 1280
i need help, no idea what is happening! i just noticed yesterday!!

getting fishy??

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 2:05pm
how are your nitrates, nitrites and phosphates? Any coral near by that would be stinging it? Notice any bugs on it? Have any chems in the water from gfo, carbon, etc? How long has it been since you changed water? Any addatives recently?

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 2:07pm
have you changed lighting or flow?

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 2:30pm
lighting is the same, no new bulbs or anything yet.. all three are in their owns spots with at least three inches of room all around... i dont have a nitrate or trite test, no bugs i have noticed.. flow i havent changed in months, when i rearranged my rocks.. i run carbon, was dosing alk till i hit where i wanted to be.. nothing else i can think of..

getting fishy??

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 2:31pm
last water change was a week ago to the day.. i do changes twice a month..

getting fishy??

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 2:36pm
I'd get a nitrate/nirite/phosphate test kit asap. Any deaths in the tank recently? When did they start bleaching? The time frame may give you a clue as to if the water change is the problem. How often do u change carbon? Did u use different brands of carbon or salt? Or maybe a new batch? How much water did you change? The drastic change in alk over the past week may be the problem....

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 2:43pm
i brought up alk over two weeks from 6.8 to 8.4... i change 10 gallons every two weeks.. i use oceanic. no deaths ever... i change my carbon once a month.. i only noticed the bleaching last night... so not sure how long it has been going on.. i plan on getting a kit now!! never had problem before.. i plan on taking some water down to get tested on monday.. if i run phosgaurd without a reading, not running it now just curious, would this cause a problem or would it be safe till i know?? 

getting fishy??

Posted By: builderofdreams
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 2:57pm
Phosgaurd can be ran anytime.
Temp? Salinty?

It's Not a Hobby It's an Obsession
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Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 3:05pm
temp is 76-78 and salinity is .022

getting fishy??

Posted By: sabeypets
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 3:56pm
Are you vitamin C dosing?

American Fork
"Would you leave a dead cat in your kitchen till tommorow?" Builderofdreams

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 4:04pm
no vitamin c

getting fishy??

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 4:15pm

getting fishy??

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 4:38pm
Change your carbon asap.. it may be leeching some stuff back into your tank if its run too long or if you weren't running enough and it stopped pulling out organics. Phosguard could do the same thing so be sure to change it as specified by the manufacturer.
Not sure if others would agree but whenever i think to have a higher alk, i would add it to the replacement water before adding the water to the tank (if you were attempting to match your current tank alk to the replacement water alk). The shift in alk between your old water and new water may cause some problems.
I didnt see anything nearby that could be causing coral warfare in your tank. Its strange to me that it's going from the bottom up. Do they have enough flow over them? can you see the polyps swaying in the water?
Have you added any new inverts?

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 4:52pm
also be sure to take a pic everyday to make sure its not spreading or notice how it is spreading. It kind of looks like the bleaching follows the shape of the rocks.. they may not be getting enough flow to the lower portion of the corals...
If you get it taken care of soon, there is a good chance for a full recovery of the corals.. i had some issues a while back and most of mine have come back.

Posted By: Jimbo
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 5:17pm
Looks to me like its possibly RTN/STN ( Rapid or Sudden Tissue Necrosis)   If it is, even if you can figure out what the cause is it may be too late to do anything. Google it for plenty of info about it.
  If those colonies continue to rapidly lose tissue, it could wipe them all out within hours.......    Be prepared to try and frag some of the healthy parts of the coral in order to save them.
 Sorry for the bad news and I hope I am wrong.    Also, 1.022 salinity is kind of low for SPS, what are you using to measure salinity ?   Not saying that is the cause but double check your salinity with a Refractometer if possible, it could be more off than you think.
Good luck

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 10:47pm
so i am going to adjust my power heads to ensure i have great flow in those areas.. i have also added some phosguard and changed my carbon.. i am going to add some salt in my sock to try to increase my salinity as well... will keep posted

getting fishy??

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 13 2012 at 11:54pm
good luck!

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 14 2012 at 10:17am
well just woke up and it looks like each one is getting a little worse.. think i am going to frag the heck out of of them.... ;(

getting fishy??

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 15 2012 at 1:47am
be sure to frag well above the bleached section!

Posted By: Akira
Date Posted: October 15 2012 at 4:49am
Just out  of curiosity before this started did you move any of your power heads ? As reef'd mentioned all the loss seems to be on 1 side .  Are you adding chemicals to the display or sump and is your return pointed at these corals? Dosing all at 1 time or are dripping it in ?Also how long have you been at .022? Are you toppimg off with R/O ? And are you dosing to feed your corals and what is the date on what you dose if you are?

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 15 2012 at 3:59pm
kk. so i fragged out the bleached areas... i havent seen any loss since.. i am thinking it was a power head move.. i moved them like a month ago when i rearranged my rocks.. i have now moved my power heads back to their original position.. they all have good flow to them.. kurt, i was dosing into my sump, on a drip and returns are pointing up... been at .022 for about a three weeks.. i brought it back up to .024 over the weekend... and i top off with tap and using the prime water stuff.. think i am going to go back to r/o though... and not dosing to feed corals...
call me kurt when you get a chance.

getting fishy??

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 20 2012 at 10:24pm
well after a long talk with akira, and a trip to reef runners... my alk is at 14... did a 30 gallon change today and will do another tomorrow and so on till my levels are correct... thought my test kits were off... nope human error.. thought my alk said 7 about three weeks ago.. so i started dosing.. my bad.. lost one digi... all due to myself... i know test very VERY carefully!!! 

getting fishy??

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 6:48pm
well i am out of salt, changed 90 gallons in three days... dont get paid for two weeks and totally broke... and alk is still at 14.. any ideas how to get it down?? i need help!!!

getting fishy??

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:04pm
You can add muratic acid to lower your Alk. You'd have to google how much to add and be careful using it.

Posted By: Jeffatpm
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:04pm
My birdsnest did that when my salinity was off, calibrate your salt testing equipment and retest, could also be concentrated salt got onto those spots and burnt them.

210 Reef with loads of LEDS
Large Fishey Room
Located Near Jordan Landing in West Jordan.

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:06pm
I would definitely test with another kit as well before doing anything else. Found the calculations for adding muratic acid to lower alk;

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Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:16pm
i had it test saturday at reef runners.. then tested with my own kit.. 14.... :(

getting fishy??

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:17pm
and my salinity is .024... i just checked again... 

getting fishy??

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:18pm
Dang! Are you adding in supplements/buffers?

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:23pm
nothing... i am out of carbon though.. would that make a difference??

getting fishy??

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:26pm
Nope. What is your CA++ and PH at?

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:27pm
cal is around 500 and i dont have a ph test.... :(

getting fishy??

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:40pm
What type of salt are you using?

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:43pm

getting fishy??

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:50pm
Do you add anything to your makeup water? Are you using RO Water?

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 7:51pm
tap with prime...

getting fishy??

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 8:03pm
I don't think it does but doubt prime removes bicarbonates and don't know how your tap water is. If it were me, I'd be patient doing the following; Weekly water changes using RO water(pretty sure free or cheap from Aquatic Evolution or Reef Runners close to you) and things should stabilize over time. Doesn't mean your SPS won't continue to bleach out until things stabilize but better than doing drastic changes causing other possible issues.

I'm sure others can give you more informed opinions than me.

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 8:10pm
yeah.. need to buy more salt too.. i am broke for two weeks... its wierd though.. all my monti are fine... i think i will post to see if anyone can help out with salt for this weeks change... but my water is clear, all lps and softies are open, zoa's are too... just wierd..

getting fishy??

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 8:15pm
If your willing to drive up to Heber your welcome to RO water and some salt. I don't think I'll be going to Utah County this week.

I have a Bro-in-Law that lives in Springville and has a practice in Evanston. I think he comes through Heber on Thursday. If you want I can see if he is willing to swing by and pick some up.

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 8:22pm
i will let you know... i may have a friend that will loan 50 for salt... and i can get r/o at reef runners when i get off work... thanks for all your help!!!

getting fishy??

Posted By: hydro phoenix
Date Posted: October 23 2012 at 9:18am
Tell me about your lights, how old are they? I lost my pocillipora and almost lost my anemone and my lights were 10 months old.

recent absurdity..Unicorns have rabies

Posted By: Akira
Date Posted: October 24 2012 at 2:20am
Roy , just bought a new bucket uf salt if you need some . I makes like 200 gal . let me know but im on shift for 8 days but am available before noon .

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 24 2012 at 11:11am
were you mixing your salt with tap water? If so, that's more than likely theme reason for high alk.

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 24 2012 at 5:37pm
i use prime and tap when i mix my salt... my lights are only 3 months old...

getting fishy??

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 24 2012 at 6:00pm
tap water has dissolved minerals in it that will add to your alkalinity. You need to use RO water for your salt mix. That's why it was still at 14 even after you changed the water.

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 24 2012 at 7:32pm
thanks phys... trust me after losing my ora, half my pocillopora and a birds nest... i will only use r/o from now on!!!

getting fishy??

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 24 2012 at 7:37pm
sadness! If I had any to frag I'd  give you some... Mine are still too small. Hope the rest of your corals survive.

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 25 2012 at 3:59pm
everything is doing fine.. i was talking to builderofdreams.. and from what he was saying, it was the huge shock of the jump that killed them... they will adjust and use up the alk in time.. now its a waiting game.. i have been considering dosing some cal to eat up the alk as well.. any thoughts??

getting fishy??

Posted By: phys
Date Posted: October 25 2012 at 5:19pm
I wouldn't dose anything for a bit, let them do eat up what's there but watch it so the calcium, mag, and all don't get too low. Get it to where you want to keep it and stay there

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: October 25 2012 at 5:57pm
kk thanks again

getting fishy??

Posted By: rwgoose
Date Posted: November 01 2012 at 6:28pm
great news!!! just checked my levels...
cal 480
mag.. a little high but manageble.. 1560
and last, but best news!!!!
alk 10.1!!!!!!!!!!
much MUCH better than 14!!!!!!
thanks everyone for all the advice and help!!!

getting fishy??

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